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My roommate is gay.

And while I have no problem with gay people, his effeminate nasally gay voice is starting to get really fucking annoying in ways I did not consider before moving in with him.

I didn't expect his voice to get on my nerves this much.

What should I do?
get a real problem in your life to focus on
Be nice anon.
Maybe he'll teach you a thing or two about sword fights
You two faggots disgust me.
Same, can’t even watch games done quick because of the gay accent.
get noise cancelling head phones mate
>effeminate nasally gay voice
gay men do that because they're socialized with women. if he talked more to other men his voice would sound normal
I thought it was to announce to other men that they're gay.
"Socialized" means facefucked right?
If it's only his voice that annoys you, maybe just talk with him less.
Tell him the truth
ah the silent treatment

about his gayness
I don't understand why so many gay men do this. I'm gay but I'm extremely straight acting and have a deep voice. I'd be annoyed as fuck too to be honest
Lisps and nasaly voices aren't usually a choice.
There is an effeminate act many gays put on, but theres no way to actually differentiate.
There are pleanty of strait guys who are assumed gay due to this.
>theres no way to actually differentiate.
Sure there is.... if they always talk like as if they wish they had your cock in your mouth, they're being gay. Also if they literally always talk about having cocks in their mouth.
>oh he's cute I bet he does onlyfans
>I bet he has a nice package....
Are you fucking kidding me? No way to differentiate?!
sneak up on him then shōryūken up the ass
Voices are 100% a choice for the many if not most fem people.
>Voices are 100% a choice for the many if not most fem people.
I don't think it's a choice, at least a conscious one. I'm gay and my voice doesn't have the inflection or nasally sound common in gay men. But, I socialized entirely with men growing up. I think it's just who you socialize with as you develop, and for gay men, they gravitate towards women.
But do you talk like as if you're a cat in heat, ready to pounce on every man that looks at you?

That and they usually have girlish mannerisms and body language.
>cat in heat
You know what I'm talking about? It's that voice a woman makes when she's begging you to put your dick in her.

Now imagine a man with a nasally voice talking like that. You basically feel like a tiny bit of your soul has been raped by him.

Don't get me wrong, I believe there are men who do have that voice, BUT they are not talking like a cat in heat.

The guy from the "Technology Connections" youtube channel is one that I can think of. I have no idea if he's gay or not. But he certainly does NOT make me feel like he wants to suck my dick. He's just always professional in his videos.

My former boss was like that. Nasally voice, but I never felt like he wanted to suck my dick. He just came across as a nerd.
OP is always gay
What a load of shit
Of course it's a choice you idiot
The aids must be eating your brain away
Fag voices are an affectation 100.5% of the time.
Yes. What this motherfucker said. With his big words and shit.
Is he a disgusting fat gay or a cute twink? This is important for the advice I'm about to give
A little bit chubby and had a grey beard at 37
Call him a faggot constantly
Umm. You moved in with a gay man? Look I try my best not to be homophobic but I think there is a limit on how accepting you can become before becoming gay yourself. Did you really think this through?
Kek ok i will

>Did you really think this through?
No no i did not
Idk. I’m gay and find that voice annoying. It’s a real turn off
It’s put on. I know a bunch of guys that came out and their voice went up a few octaves and became more nasally after
>I’m gay and find that voice annoying. It’s a real turn off
You just wanna punch em in the face doncha
You should pick his nose and eat his boogers. That will fix the nasal gay voice.
Yes, what this motherfucker said. Nose boogers and shit.
Are you fucking psychic? I was picking my nose right as you posted that.
im sorry im not gay i swear i hate lgbt and i sound almost like one its not a choice
So you have fantasies about the Technology Connections guy, and your former boss. Noted.
Don't drop the soap
Yep, that's pretty much what I said. You understood that perfectly. Your comprehension skills are unquestionable.
I've thought about it a lot and I've come to realize that the reason I develop certain vocal infections is to produce a certain result in other people. I'm a bit disturbed to realize this but I've discovered that trying different inflections and tones can either calm people down or command authority and respect.
Sometimes I put on a soft melodic voice just to make people happy and dispel bad energies . It's not ideal because I'm aware it carries connotations to many people but it's preferable to bad energies that arise when people are concerned about implicit hostility
>certain vocal infections
freudian slip?

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