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you could rape them.
tho, good luck not getting caught
Impossible in the modern era. Should've stopped procrastinating and been born in the 70s.
It's a job where you frequently come into contact with many people it forces of socialization on you. Eventually, women will be impressed with your ability to chat with anyone (also, some women are just sluts for certain job titles. Bouncers and bartender are 2 popular examples). Overall, it's not a bad strategy but you should still focus on improving your looks and social skills to maximize those chances
Thanks. That's basically my reasoning for wanting to be one - forces socialization and unautisming and puts you in a place where there's lots of women around.
Yes, but be careful not to shit where you eat. Practice socializing, but I'd probably use this as a great opportunity to see what guys are doing and note what does or doesn't work. If you want to game, don't do it where you work, go elsewhere.
it is but if you're a stuttering autistic mess then don't even bother unless you know someone at a restaurant that will vouch for you. no place is going to take an autist and put him working on weekend nights. you'd probably have to work at a place for years as a busser/barback before they'd ever let you work a shift and that's if you improve on your social game.
Do they really take your social skills into account? Don't you barely even talk except for taking orders? I would want to work at a bar/ nightclub.
No problem bro, sounds like a decent idea. People (especially incel types) underestimate how jobs involving customer interaction can improve those things.
This is true but I've seen people who got a bartending certificate and got hired immediately as a bartender (albeit, for off hour shifts. OP probably will need to work on his people skills if he wants to be able to work the weekend evening shifts that bring in the most money).
>No problem bro, sounds like a decent idea. People (especially incel types) underestimate how jobs involving customer interaction can improve those things.
I'm 3 months away from graduating my codecel degree and I know that if I just get some office job i'm going to doom myself into permanent inceldom and before I know it i'll be 40. I need to take action. I don't feel old enough to be working a gay 9 - 5 just yet.

>This is true but I've seen people who got a bartending certificate and got hired immediately as a bartender (albeit, for off hour shifts. OP probably will need to work on his people skills if he wants to be able to work the weekend evening shifts that bring in the most money).
Do you know how long it takes to get a bartending certificate?
From what I know there's a 2 week course I can do where they basically just teach you how to make drinks and shit.
>Do they really take your social skills into account?
yes. if you aren't a likeable person and have conversations with strangers, you're not getting the job. it's a requirement. places want congenial good looking people manning the bars. they don't want a sperg that mutters and stares at the ground when he talks. who wants to get a drink at a bar like that, let alone come back?
Where I live, it's $15 or less for a course and can be completed in 2 hours online. I live in a state with looser regulations though. Also keep in mind that it will teach you how to safely make drinks and how to deal with intoxicated people. You'll still probably have to learn most cocktail recipes on your own or through a separate course.
where I am it's 900 euro for a 2 week course and I think they teach you how to make cocktails and all that there.
My strategy is to call up cute female real estate agents and schedule a showing at their most expensive listing. I wear a suit and drive a nice car. Tell them I am new to the area and that I just moved for a big promotion. With enough conversation, and being alone in a big house with them, one thing will lead to another. Works about 30% of the time.
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>>From what I know there's a 2 week bar school I can do where they basically just teach you how to make drinks and shit.
Those are always a scam, they're gonna charge you 200-500 bucks to
>teach you the "classic cocktails"
aka "shit you could've googled or made for yourself". No one will give you a job based on it, you'll usually need to barback and work your way up.

Because if you're asking this you're probably kinda retarded, I made you a shopping list assuming you've got like $200ish to spend. Buy anything you lack.

Bar supplies
>Cocktail shaker, jiggers, strainer and bar spoon set ($30)
>a 12-pack of liquor bottle pour spouts ($15)
>Big square ice cube molds ($5)

Base Spirits
>Vodka ($15-20): e.g., Tito’s or Smirnoff.
>Gin ($20-25): e.g., Beefeater or Tanqueray.
>White Rum ($15-20): e.g., Bacardi Superior.
>Dark/Spiced Rum ($15-20): e.g., Captain Morgan or Sailor.
>Tequila ($25-30): e.g., Espolòn Blanco.
>Bourbon ($25-30): e.g., Evan Williams or Buffalo Trace
>Whiskey (Blended/Irish) ($25-30): e.g., Jameson.

Essential Side shit
>Triple Sec/Cointreau ($15-20): Some Orange liqueur.
>Sweet Vermouth ($10-15): For martinis and Negronis.
>Dry Vermouth ($10-15): For dry martinis.
>Angostura Bitters ($10)
>Orange Bitters ($10)
>Campari ($20)

Mixers & Extras
>Club Soda ($5): e.g., Schweppes.
>Grapefruit Soda ($5) e.g., Squirt
>Tonic Water ($5): e.g., Schweppes.
>Coke ($5)
>Cranberry Juice ($5)
>Ginger Beer ($5)
>Orange Juice ($5)
>Grenadine ($5):
>Simple Syrup ($5): Can also be homemade.
>Lime Juice ($5)
>Lemon Juice ($5).

Fresh Produce
>Lemons and Limes ($10)
>Oranges ($5)
>Mint ($5)

The above makes a Moscow Mule, Screwdriver, Cosmopolitan, Vodka Martini, Gin & Tonic, Negroni, Tom Collins, Martini, Mojito, Daiquiri, Dark & Stormy, Margarita, Tequila Sunrise, Paloma, Old Fashioned, Mint Julep, Whiskey Sour, Irish Coffee (if you have coffee), Manhattan, and a Whiskey Highball. Use youtube and learn'em by heart, the rest is just practice and applying.
>you'll usually need to barback and work your way up.
how long does this take?
Is the pay the same?
I still have a few weeks of college left so I haven't researched this much.

And thanks for all that btw, so you really think I should just learn it from youtube videos?
How long should it take to learn?
I really thought that I could become a bartender easily just by doing a course and then sending out CVs.
>how long does this take?
Like 3-12 months, more if the place is functional and good so people stick around, less if it's dysfunctional or they churn through bartenders.

Shifts as bartender are somewhat zero sum in the sense that there aren't many slots, so a man who tries to do a good job, and can be relied on to show up CONSISTENTLY and without bitching or moaning tends to get it. What typically happens that gets you the role bump is one of the bartenders doesn't show up or gets sick, you've been shadowing him and helping when there's surges of customers for weeks or months already, and the manager or head bartender says
>aight we're trying anon this shift, let's see how he does
and if you nail the shift, they'll start giving you slow or shitty shifts that get progressively better as they trust you more or people churn.
So when barbacking i'll just be watching what the head bartender does?
or do I serve some simple drinks myself?
What would my hours look like at this time? I kind of need a full time job for my plans.
>you really think I should just learn it from youtube videos?
Yeah, pretty much. Paying 200-500 bucks for someone to tell you about pour counts and how to work a soda fountain is a bad investment in a world where you can use that money to just buy the liquors and practice the cocktails yourself. It won't get you job placement, no one respects the 'credential', and they ain't gonna teach you speed or get you to remember everything in a few weeks.

Like, assume they even could, then that implies someone with experience COULD teach you in two weeks. This suggests that there isn't much to it, and if that's the case, just figure out what that 'not much' is and learn it yourself. You google "old fashioned" or "margarita" and watch 5 youtube videos, I guarantee you by the time you're done if you make 2-4 you're both gonna have a better tasting and garnished output than the bar school drink, and better practice.

You keep the bar stocked and clean, prep ingredients, wash dishes, empty trash, and track and manage inventory - all the shit work that has to get done to keep things moving. You're paying your dues.
>eah, pretty much. Paying 200-500 bucks for someone to tell you about pour counts and how to work a soda fountain is a bad investment in a world where you can use that money to just buy the liquors and practice the cocktails yourself.
where I am it's 900 euro for 2 weeks but it's in a city far away from me so idk exactly how it'd work. Wouldn't that be better on a cv than youtube though? If not, how exactly am I supposed to get the job? What will they look at? I'll be 24 and i'll have a codecel degree.
I'm not sure that'll make me more likely to get hired.

>You keep the bar stocked and clean, prep ingredients, wash dishes, empty trash, and track and manage inventory - all the shit work that has to get done to keep things moving. You're paying your dues.
ok, and this would be full time?
Probably stupid questions but I only ever worked in a place like home depot when I was a teenager and a 6 month office internship.
>900 eurobucks
actual scam-tier pricing even if they taught you anything, avoid.

>how exactly am I supposed to get the job?
you can try in person but your in is probably gonna be some chain restaurant go on job board sites and apply. you go on a site like indeed

>Wouldn't that be better on a cv than youtube though
nope. if you're a codecel you probably think of bootcamp grads the way bartenders think of bar schools,
>lower quality desperate candidates compared to actual colleges, with more money than sense, who got low educational value at a waste of money unreflective of on-the-job talent or needed skills
barbacking is basically no-experience required and no skills expected, which is why I'm telling you to learn all this shit on your own time. The shit that differentiates you is you've made it clear to the bartender and manager you wanna bartend and learn but you also already know a little, so if someone says something like
>hey I need to take a piss, cover for five minutes. I need a Tom Collins, a Negroni, and a Mule.
you hit back with the words that ultimately get you the job,
>got it boss
rather than some newbie bullshit like
>uh, how do I make those?

>ok, and this would be full time?
lol, lmao even.
no. you get part-time shifts. If your country does the US thing of differentiating between full-time and part-time for benefits, they'll 99.9% do what it takes to make sure you're below the full-time line
>no. you get part-time shifts. If your country does the US thing of differentiating between full-time and part-time for benefits, they'll 99.9% do what it takes to make sure you're below the full-time line
So in 3 months - a year I can become a full-time bartender if I do well?
Yeah for sure. Get the barback job first and do the above practice in the background while you're doing it - part of the retardation of bar school is you're paying to learn what's already a paid job and for learning you're paid to do as you go.

Because your original goal is social, you can even make the training social - go buy the above liquor and invite some friends over, tell them you've got cheap shit but it's a bottle potlack, you're practicing making drinks, and tell them they can order anything on
>list of the ones you actually know because you watched the video
and you'll make it. A man who's giving away free liquor will never lack for people willing to drink his shit, and if they're not bums, they'll bring you the liquor they plan to drink, at which point you're training for free or close and getting some social practice out of it.
This is the 2 week course btw. I think it sounds kind of good?

This 2-week introduction to bartending course is designed to give you all the skills you need to work successfully in a bar and integrate quickly and effectively into your bar’s team and flow. From tools to tills, pouring beer to changing kegs, cocktails to spirits. We have created the most relevant curriculum to help start your career in the hospitality industry.

The 2-Week Modules:

Tools and Equipment
Glassware & Glass Handling
Tills & Cash/Card handling
Tray Handling Skills
Customer Service Principles
Responsible Service of Alcohol
Shift Preparation
Stock Handling
Introduction to Beer
Draught Beer & Cellar Management
Introduction to Wine
Barista Training
Classic Cocktails
Light Spirits Overview
Aged Spirits Overview

Introduction to the Mixology Philosophy
Understanding flavour and flavour combinations
Product creation
Product design
How to elevate the classics
How to design a cocktail
Cocktail tasting
Cocktail creation

Special Events

Private Jameson Distillery Tour with Whiskey Tasting
Brewery tour & masterclass
Brand Ambassador masterclass

With over a decade of drinks education experience behind us, our Dublin Academy is a great place to learn the foundations of bartending.

Cost €950 – We take a €300 deposit to confirm your space. Final payment will need to be paid in full 1 week prior to the course start.

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“Guys do restaurants care if the bartenders are socially inept retards? just wondering!?”
I'm not talking about a pants-shitting retard, just a regular shy guy. I can talk to people, i'm just somewhat quiet.
you have to be able to do small talk with a variety of different types of people including hot women while also making drinks and remembering recipes. you can’t be a quiet or standoffish bartender. people get drunk and start a therapy session or talk about hitler and the portal to hyperborea thats buried underneath an abandoned house in louisville kentucky
I don't know how many different ways I gotta say
>the shit you NEED to learn on your own won't be taught in the class in sufficient depth to get you jobs, and
>the unimportant grunt work shit will be taught on the job, and they'll pay you while they teach it instead of you paying them
but it's your money end of the day my guy.

>brand ambassador masterclass
that's just a fancy way to say "hey there's gonna be a salesperson who brings a liquor catalogue over and wants to sell you shit, meet ours".

>Private Jameson Distillery Tour with Whiskey Tasting
>Brewery tour & masterclass
looked it up, that shit's €41, and most brewery tours and "classes", which won't teach you anything you need on the job, are 15-35 bucks. You'd have more fun doing both solo or with a woman you're wooing than you would with a 12-16 person group of other sweaty bartender wannabes, and you'll save the other €800 you could've spent on training booze, getting laid, or paying rent.

You don't need to be that good, they're liquored up and depending on how classy the joint is, you might be too. if you're golden corral-tier conversational and are a good listener (most people just want to talk at you, you just respond in amicable ways that don't start fights because you like tips and money) you're 99% of the way there
>you can’t be a quiet or standoffish bartender. people get drunk and start a therapy session or talk about hitler and the portal to hyperborea thats buried underneath an abandoned house in louisville kentucky
well that's a big reason why I want to become a bartender, I want to unautism myself. I can't unautism myself working a 9 - 5 in an office with STEMtrannies.

I want people to come up to me and talk to me about stupid shit, I want to talk to women. I want some excitement in my life that a gay office job won't give me.

ok well my main worry is not having anything related to bartending or any kind of service jobs in general on my cv. I was hoping have some qualification would help me be taken more seriously.
Are you a bartender?
>or talk about hitler and the portal to hyperborea thats buried underneath an abandoned house in louisville kentucky
tell me more about this bruh
>well that's a big reason why I want to become a bartender, I want to unautism myself.
you're going to have to do that before you have a chance to become a bartender. as you've already been told multiple times, you're not going to be put into a bartending role when you don't know how to talk to people.
plenty of destitute browns posting on their jeetdroids can fill you in on it over at >>>/pol/
>Are you a bartender?
was one when younger, changed fields. it does get you laid (you pretty quickly get a feel for "woman at bar is giving you eyes and is not acting like a normal 'just serve me drinks' or 'just wanna chat' patron) and it can pay okay, but it's a monotonous job. You get the hang of things pretty quick, after which there's not much excitement assuming you're competent and fast.

>>ok well my main worry is not having anything related to bartending or any kind of service jobs in general on my cv.
"barback, no experience required" means what it says. If you're not doing drugs, look clean cut and hungry, you successfully convince them that you actually wanna bartend and aren't just gonna bail for a tech job in 6 months given you went to college, you say yes to whatever fucked up weird hours that'll prevent you from living a normal life they'll give you like
>alright can you come in for happy hour on Tuesdays, do graveyard on Wednesdays, and open on Thursdays?
And then you consistently meet those expectations? You're in.

Assuming you're in dublin based on that tour location, you should just apply for the role they posted at Jameson, why visit to get a no-experience job when you can just get the no experienced job? Link related, go apply.

>you're going to have to do that before you have a chance to become a bartender.
disagree on this. it's a god-tier job to learn to socialize, you just need to convince your manager you're not gonna wig out the customers. Being normal, heads-down, with good work ethic gets you 99% of the way to convincing him you're not a sperg, just avoid sperging out about anything socially for that last 1% and be good at your job.
I've worked in bars for 10 years. The best answer I could give is, kinda? The upside is you're around a lot of women but the downside is they're all fucking drunk. On the off occasion you'll get a phone number and connect with them later but, again, they flirted with you and gave you their number when they'd been drinking. Half of the time they don't even remember giving their number the next day. Its like asking is dumpster diving a good strategy to find stuff you can resell. Like, maybe, but you're wading through a lot of garbage.
I'm not completely fucking autistic lol, some phenibut and I could probably fake being a normie. I doubt it's THAT important.

>t does get you laid (you pretty quickly get a feel for "woman at bar is giving you eyes and is not acting like a normal 'just serve me drinks' or 'just wanna chat' patron)
would you mind telling me more about this?
How does it actually work? Like realistically you're there working so when does it actually escalate? Does the woman slip you a piece of paper with her number like in the movies? lol.

>t can pay okay, but it's a monotonous job. You get the hang of things pretty quick, after which there's not much excitement assuming you're competent and fast.
That's what I want actually. Something monotonous but something that will also allow me to move around a lot, use my hands etc. Something an office job doesn't give me.

>Assuming you're in dublin based on that tour location, you should just apply for the role they posted at Jameson, why visit to get a no-experience job when you can just get the no experienced job? Link related, go apply.
I'm a good bit away from Dublin, it's just that Dublin is the only city that has such a course in Ireland, I think. But I get what you mean.
>How does it actually work
It's mostly just a hunch you develop, a hundred people come in and act one way, she's acting different.

Usually the point I'd start to notice is they won't stop doing a "sizing you up" continual side-eye stare thing (hard to describe but non-gay men and most women don't do it), they won't shut the fuck up, and because I like shitty puns, I notice they're laughing longer and harder than the pun deserves. Eventually either they slip you a number and you follow it up however you normally would, or they say some flirty shit, you flirt back, she seems into it, and you see if she wants to stay till your shift ends to take her home and smash.

>That's what I want actually. Something monotonous but something that will also allow me to move around a lot, use my hands etc. Something an office job doesn't give me.
you're in luck, they
Not him but so do you think it’s easy to be a bartender?
How many women have you fucked as a bartender? Was it all ons or any relationships?
The hours are the hardest thing, you never get enough and they wear you down as you get older, you can't really conveniently have or support a family on the job. It's a lot of fun when you're young and single. Most people are alright, but when an asshole rolls in, it sucks. It's usually kinda repetitive and boring When things get busy, it can be a bit hectic. It's not much of a career, but it's an alright job.

>How many women have you fucked as a bartender?
It's probably about 4-10 women a year over maybe six or so years, they kinda blend together after a while. Every few months someone would roll in who'd be down. >>32600634 nails the dynamic, don't take what they're saying too seriously and don't assume a drunken number means they're gonna stay for the shift end or are ever gonna return your call, but it happens sometimes

>Was it all ons or any relationships?
bit of both, fuckbuddy relationships were most common. They don't usually love the concept of dating a bartender, but you'd get some repeat "strictly for fun" repeat customers if she liked the pipe you lay.
NTA but its easy until its not. Most people I know in the industry do okay for their first year or so but it wears on you quick. The late nights, the assholes, the fact that you can't really have a normal day life with normal friends and relationship. Most of the bartenders I know either got out after a few years because they couldn't take it anymore or they're severe alcoholics who work all night, sleep all day and only hang out with other industry people because they run the same hours. Its easy in the sense that the mechanics of the job are easy - pouring drinks, counting money, stocking wells etc., The "spiritual" toll if you will is what gets to people - the fact that you spend every night witnessing the sort of worst sides of people, rarely interacting with anybody who is sober and/or in their right mind. It can wear at you.
What do you think about working in a coffee shop like starbucks in terms of getting with women? Probably not as easy?
If you're a good bartender.
Anything retail beats being an office-cel, but bars are bars and women will explicitly go to bars with the explicit purpose of getting laid. If the goal is to fuck, you're not going to do much better than bars.
Well I don’t want a wife or kids and I live with my parents so I should be good working as one for some years. I’ll be 24 when I graduate though.
> Anything retail beats being an office-cel,

Yeah that’s true, my 6 month internship put me off completely, I want nothing to do with this degree anymore. Even le woorking from hoome sounds gay.
No, it doesn't allow for any socialising whatsoever

bars are by nature anti-social places
its a job like every other

you're just forced to give people drinks they pay for and then they take them back to sit at table with their group

women do not even order, they come in with men who order for them

>but bars are bars and women will explicitly go to bars with the explicit purpose of getting laid
If you dont show up with a hole, you dont get into one
Women spend every second in the bar glued to the people they came in with.
If your goal is to fuck, then you have as much of a chance to do it in the bar as you do alone in your room because there's literelly no option to get close to the hole there.

If your goal is to fuck, quit your job and go to university again because that's the place where women are capable of interacting with new people they dont already know.
Early 20s is a great time for it. I definitely had a lot of good times working at bars but it has the same energy as most grueling customer service jobs - people can wear you down quick. Just keep that in mind but otherwise have fun. If you get in the right place with the right people sometimes it hardly even feels like work.
it literelly does not allow for any socialisng whatsoever
you're just standing alone and giving people shit they ordered
its the same as mcdonalds cashier
if you were mute for 50 years you'd have as much of social skills and chat ability as barman
there's a reason why no barman ever wrote about what he'd say to some random person on the street or what they'd say to random person anywhere, its because barmen literelly cannot ever chat with anyone they do not already know just like all other people, it's not possible and our language literelly has no words that would allow anyone to ever "chat with anyone" unless they are in school together. people are only able to chat with women in schools or through friends they already have because they are the only places which give you words and vocabulary to chat.
if any barman had ability to "chat with anyone" then they'd becme a trillionaire by now by writing out and explaining strings of words that allow it. no one has ever done it and no one will.

It's like thinking you can learn to turn water into gold by ramming your head against a wall enough times. What you say has 0 cause and causation. you're just repeating some bullshit reddit cope written by some autistic incel with no life experience without reasoning skills.
>If your goal is to fuck, then you have as much of a chance to do it in the bar as you do alone in your room because there's literelly no option to get close to the hole there.
>If you dont show up with a hole, you dont get into one
My brother. I spent every night in a bar, 6 days a week for 8 years. I've worked college bars, dive bars, nightclubs, concert venues etc., You have no clue what you're talking about.
Fuck off schoolnigger retard, why do you feel the need to shit up every thread?
Go fucking kill yourself literally and unironically
>its because barmen literelly cannot ever chat with anyone they do not already know just like all other people, it's not possible and our language literelly has no words that would allow anyone to ever "chat with anyone" unless they are in school together
Are you actually schooler retard or are you doing a parody of him?
It’s the school autist, no point arguing with it.
I didn't realize until his next post. I've only heard tale of schooler. I don't think I've ever actually been in a thread with him.
If you start saving money right now, you will be able to quit your job and go to university again in your late 30s
being a barman is just waste of time, you'll just be locked into inceldom until you're back in school anyway but instead of normal job you're just being a servant to happy couples and groups who come in who you have no options to speak to

the only reason why you should be a barman is if you are a massive cuckold who gets off on seeing people enjoy life you're not allowed to have. you're just gonna be a cuck having to stare at women coming in with their men they met in school or through friends with no option to talk to them and have to give them whatever they ordered you to make for them. you're just massive pathetic cuckold if you ever show up in a bar without a bitch.

if you ever want to have sex or be the one talking to girls in bars, you need to start saving up money to come back to school as soon as possible.
What ages did you work as a bartender?
I’m literally about to finish university, I don’t want to go back ever. Kill yourself.
Brother, you have never once been in a bar once in your life. you have no clue what you're talking about.
Unlike you, I've spend every night in the bar 7 days a week for a decade. I've been to every bar, club, concert you can imagine. I know everything about everything which is why I can easily prove you are wrong.
You have 0 idea what you're talking about and I have proven it already here >>32600938

kill yourself nigger, honestly slice your fucking throat you moron. I am giving a guy some hope and good advice. retarded niggers like you should be hang
Then you will die alone and forgotten virgin.
University is literelly the only hope for men like you. You will spend your whole fucking life wanting to come back to university or kill yourself before you get a chance to.
About 22 to 32. I started as a bouncer and a bar back, doing everything around the bar as needed in a pretty large and busy establishment. After a few years I got sort of recruited into the downtown scene and was a bartender and a bouncer there for like 7 years. Busy nights I would sort of do both and float wherever I was needed. I still do cover shifts every now and again for my friends still in the industry but I have a different full time job now.
>Brother, you have never once been in a bar once in your life. you have no clue what you're talking about.
I can't tell if you're actually schooler or if you're doing a bit trying to troll as him. You seem more unhinged today than you usually are.
I’m the OP and i’m telling you that I don’t need your retarded advice and i’d much rather watch a livestream of you jumping off a tall building. So unless you can provide me that, please get the fuck off my thread.
How did you get a job as a bouncer? You needed to know how to fight or just look like you do?
If you're the OP, you absolutely need my advice. You made this thread because you're a virgin who has no clue how to talk to women wheras I know. I dont need to make threads asking retarded shit about women because I know everything about it and you dont.
You are just pathetic cuck who is obsessed with suicide, go jump off a building or a bridge yourself you fucking loser, it will get you as close to pussy as everything else. slice your throat, hang yourself, shoot yourself in the head or work as a barman it all has the same effect for you, you're just gonna die a virgin with no option to speak any words to women. Dont make any fucking threads about interaction with a woman ever again and stop posting in this thread as well if you dont want actual good advice that I give.
You don’t know how to talk to anybody lmao, you made it through school without talking to a bitch once and now you are super totally planning to go back when you’re 70. I don’t need advice from those who are even more subhuman failures than me. Honestly i’m not joking, commit suicide already.
I know everything about talking, I know more about it than every other human being who has ever lived. You dont know jack shit which is why you're making these threads. If you knew anything about talking to women you'd also be planning to go back to school. You are a pathetic organism that will never procreate might as well end your pathetic existence now. Im dead serious, just fucking slice your throat right now long and hard
Honestly it was kind of a fluke. I'm pretty big but I used to hang around this place close to my house and I got to know the bar manager pretty well. He asked if I wanted a job and I said yeah. If the people know what they're doing they're not looking for someone who can fight - they're looking for someone level headed who can de-escalate and manage things with their words. I don't know how it was back in the day but with social media and insurance and lawsuits the last thing you want is a bunch of fights at your bar. Its a big mess. The best bouncers are the ones who know how to coerce people without ever laying a hand on them.
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ding ding ding ding ding year 4 of this shit, give it up for year 4.

He's a LARPer anyways at this point. It doesn't take more than 4 years to save up for school, especially if you're employed and want to go back. He's just a retard who's incredibly committed to the bit.
I always told him that if he really wanted to test out his theory, he could just go and sit in for a lecture and hang around campus talking to girls, but obviously he came up with excuses for that too kek
I was skeptical that schooler was indian at first but, he genuinely types and talks like he's a shitskin ESL indian who knows some blackpill bullshit.
>It doesn't take more than 4 years to save up for school, especially if you're employed and want to go back
You have to be able to not only buy food but also cover your rent/mortage and have money for all unexpected occurance
Not even mentioning that when you have active social life, your spending drastically increases since you cant just sit in your room alone on bread and water like when you're employed.
WHen you have girls to talk to, you want to take them on dates and to buy booze and food for parties and you have to spend more money on clothes.
It's 10-15 years at MINIMUM just to talk to women and likely in 20-25 range to come back and enjoy full party lifestyle with lots of dates.
I did try out my theory and it works.
The whole reason why I post about it is because it's a verifiable. I am the one who wrote out all the dialogues and I am the one who said them and heard them myself.
My theory is based on reality unlike everything ever written by anyone on this subject.
You cannot access lectures without being a student, you retarded nigger
You dont even get to see what time or room they take place in without being enrolled and having access to uni website. You show you've never even been in uni you retarded monkey.
My theory was proven just by taking strolls around campuses. But the conversations are back and forward, they require 2 people and women are not able to hold them without the man being a student himself in there.
you are the shitskin nigger indian and you always expose it
you just try to project your shitskinned race onto someone better than you for not indulging in your incel fantasies
>You have to be able to not only buy food but also cover your rent/mortage and have money for all unexpected occurance
Just scam old people in the US who don't know how to use a computer, bro
I heard that he’s a Polack
KYS pajeetard
you dont belong in this thread, this is advice for human beings not cowshiteaters
No you cant you retarded ape
I just explained to you why
>You cannot access lectures without being a student, you retarded nigger You dont even get to see what time or room they take place in without being enrolled and having access to uni website. You show you've never even been in uni you retarded monkey.
You cannot even learn where or when they are
They’re during the day you autistic monkey. Just go look around and see where the women are queueing up. You could even talk to people around and ask them about it. It you wanted it, you’d figure out but you lack any initiative for anything other than posting here about how you’ll totally go back one day kek. Don’t forget your walking stick.
>you are the shitskin nigger indian and you always expose it
Woah man, don't drop the curry with all that anger
You have no option of ever knowing if its a lecture or tutorials or seminars, if they check attendance or not, if they require people present to participate or not
I want it which is why I know EVERYTHING about it. The only missing part is actually being a student.
I figured out everything on this topic, you just dont understand the reality of universities and you havent done enough introspection in what would you actually say to them and how people would realistically react to someone talking to them in corridor. The first thing they'd ask if what year/major you're in. People do not just go to lectures of other majors.

you're just exposing yourself further pajeet
you're such a retard you completely already agreed with me on all my points by conceding and doing nothing but using your weird subhuman slang
is dropping curry your version of spilling spaghetti? kek
Yes. Hello sarr, I need your money for Google Play! Send bob, show vagus pls saarr
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>It's 10-15 years at MINIMUM just to talk to women and likely in 20-25 range to come back and enjoy full party lifestyle with lots of dates.
Assuming you're European, you can and should be able to afford a state school in one of the many European countries where a public education is essentially free.

For example, link related, in Germany, the annual price of an education as an international student is only about $11,500, and that's inclusive of housing, food, and all fees:
These prices are pretty typical throughout Europe.

Are you genuinely telling me that even with four years lead time, a driving passion to succeed, and by your own admission, no dating or social life, you are unable to save even $10k a year?
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Merely 'getting pussy' most likely isn't going to solve whatever list of problems you have, anon. You're going to need to work hard to fix the whole list of issues you have.

But sure. Being a bartender will massively increase your exposure to raw socialization, forcing your charisma to increase at least a little bit, force feeding you pick up lines as you observe your flock of alcoholics.

You'd be better off seeking a good education and getting a more respectable job, maximizing your physique, securing all the resources required to be a good parent.
Id like to learn to mix cocktails and doing bartending seems like it could be interesting, but as someone who a. Trys to eat healthy and never drinks alcohol and b. Tries to wake up early most days
I don't know if I would be a good fit for a bar.
>You'd be better off seeking a good education and getting a more respectable job, maximizing your physique, securing all the resources required to be a good parent.
I don't want to be a parent and I don't want a "good" job where I sit down and type from 9 - 5.
If you’re easy on the eyes/charismatic and women often go to the bar, yeah duh
No you cannot you retard.
As I have already said
>You have to be able to not only buy food but also cover your rent/mortage and have money for all unexpected occurance Not even mentioning that when you have active social life, your spending drastically increases since you cant just sit in your room alone on bread and water like when you're employed. WHen you have girls to talk to, you want to take them on dates and to buy booze and food for parties and you have to spend more money on clothes.

10K USD is a ton of money when you have to earn it through non-USD currency. It's an entire median wage.
Czech, Lithuania, Portugal, Estonia - that's literally entire year of income for an advanced professional in management who already has career history not mentioning people just starting out. And then even if you're saving up you still have to pay mortage, you still have to pay electricy and water and for food and transport. It's not feasible to save up more than you earn you fucking retard.

Especially if you want to live in major city where all of those prices are sky high in Europe since you have to pay the same amount of money as rich tourists who earn money in better currencies. If you want to have the active social lifestyle when you come back to university in places like that you need to save up for at least 20 years or else you wont have option to take the girl out anywhere.
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>That's literally entire year of income for an advanced professional in management who already has career history
First, you've had at least 4 years to progress in your career since you graduated, so as a college educated adult, you should be earning a significantly above average wage at this time and you should be capable of getting these jobs by now.

Second, you know you can have a job when you're going through school, retard. It's super common, it's called work-study, Americans do it all the time.

Third, this is the European equivalent of an American complaining
>WTF I make dogshit money in Montana than in big cities with lots of employers like San Francisco!
Because you listed basically all the shittiest paid EU countries. Pic related: you can work in any other EU country as an EU citizen, so it is a choice as a European to accept working in countries for salaries so low that you cannot build any savings. So move, retard, don't complain how you're so poor and womanless if in four years you haven't moved or taken serious action to be less poor and womanless.
>that's literally entire year of income for an advanced professional in management who already has career history not mentioning people just starting out
Only in the poorest countries, such as russia or china.
average salaries =/= median salaries
majority of people will not get to their average salary ever in their lifetime
>you should be earning a significantly above average wage at this time and you should be capable of getting these jobs by now.
Not at all. Nearly all these jobs that pay average salary are upper managment. People out of college start off with minimum wages and then progress to median after 4-5 years and then move onto average salaries by their 40s when they are in managment.
No one straight out of college, except IT or people whose parents are CEOs and will just put them as vice-president, can make anything in your image until 10-15 years after hitting the job market.
You are just completely delusional about the state of the job market in europe now.
An average german is 45
of romanian - 43
average italian - 46
People make average wages when they hit those average ages.

>Pic related: you can work in any other EU country as an EU citizen
No, you cannot. The thing you dont understand is that every country in EU has different language. Germans dont know polish, polish dont know spanish, spanish dont know italian. You will go elsewhere and just be unable to find any work since you cannot speak at job interview. Plus - if you move to more expensive country you will STILL have to start from min wage entry work AND now you also have to pay in the same currency for food, transport, rent.

The only serious action to get women is to save up and quit work to come back to university. Moving will just result in LOSING more money in short term and no long term gain since all of your costs of living go up AND you are losing all the money you could be making in your current work by being unemployed elsewhere for months or years since there's no jobs for someone who can't speak to anyone in their languages.
The serious action is putting in the work into saving up as much as possible.
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Creepshot anon (OP) vs Schooler.
Truly a race to the bottom in this thread.
and no

yes because you'll suddenly know hundreds of people
women will be attracted to you because of female brain wiring
you can easily give gifts in the form of free alcohol

because it's a shit job, that should be paid well enough to live decently as a rentfag but leads nowhere
might turn you into an alcoholic
youll be surrounded by alcoholics
you do the same job each and every day and at some point you can clean blindly
if you have any ambitions then this kitchen/bar reality of making the same drinks, the same food will wear you down massively

t. barkeeper for three years, worked in bars, divebars, clubs
club pays the best but you don't want to be there more than two days a week, best combined with an easy job at a bar/cafe under the week for a fri-sat, sun-mon or mon-tue rotation for an ez 800+ a week and an apartment costing no more than on week's wages.
>barkeeper school
we don't do that. you learn on the job.
as a barkeeper your network is UNIRONICALLY your networth. if you work in a bar for over six months and don't have a dozen potential other jobs lined up you're shit at your job.
the places you work at constitute what people can expect from you and the reality of what you can will be painfully obvious on your first day.

working in the service industry is the definition of hustle you fucking pseud
as a barkeeper I earned between 17 and 35€ an hour depending on how good tip was. if tip matched my wage then depending on how long I was working and whether the place paid minimum wage or more i'd make 30 an hour, which is fucking good in germany for a job you didn't for, and if tip was shit I'd make 17 or something and that was still okay just meant that I couldn't live my decadent lifestyle this week and instead would focus on saving money.
>we don't do that. you learn on the job.
you rolled a 1 on reading comprehension, that entire post is
>hey, retard, skip the class, spend the money you'd spend on the class buying yourself and your friends liquor
>you'd learn more anyways, and for even like $200 of your planned $900 spend, you could build a pretty decent liquor cabinet

>thing you dont understand is that every country in EU has different language. Germans dont know polish, polish dont know spanish, spanish dont know italian. You will go elsewhere and just be unable to find any work
You had 4 or more years, and you're not spending your evenings dating anyone, so how many languages did you learn, again?
You never thought of applying anywhere that'll take English speakers, the language we're both speaking right now?
You HAVE been building a resume at internationally recognizable companies so that, assuming you could speak the language, they'll recognize you're not entry level, right?

Part of the problem with the "go back to school" bit you do, year after year, is that, sure, it makes a little sense for a year or two if you're just some young ex-Soviet country kid like "just graduated, fucked up dating, wants to try again and has no money to go back" 22 year old, shit happens, but you're about a half decade now down the line with a degree, and it doesn't make much sense at this point - especially because you just said you think this is going to take 20 years for you to do.

If that's true, shit like
>get a job with your English somewhere to fund your adventure
>spend 2-4 years to learn German, Spanish, Polish, ANYTHING to get a better life
Should've by comparison been immediate, obvious and a desperately pressing need for you, because if it worked, it'd speed up your timetables by over 15 years - so why are you not doing it?
Learning languages as an adult is not a matter of just 4 years for adults. Most people will never get the ability to be fluent in foreign language past 25.
>You never thought of applying anywhere that'll take English speakers, the language we're both speaking right now?
All of those jobs are spammed by so many pajeets your resume will never be seen by anyone ever.
>You HAVE been building a resume at internationally recognizable companies so that, assuming you could speak the language, they'll recognize you're not entry level, right?
And then you'll just be back to square one, you make min. wage while having to pay much higher prices for rent, food, transport. You're not saving a single cent this way.

Moving away changes NOTHING. It keeps you in the same wealth long term while costing you everything you have in the short term and getting a job is nearly impossible

>Should've by comparison been immediate, obvious and a desperately pressing need for you, because if it worked
No because learning a foreign language after 25 will take much longer than just 20 years of saving and you spend all this time just to end up in minimum wage work after blowing all of your savings just to move elsewhere and be unemployed for months if not years over there.

It doesn't speed up anything. it just adds boring, grueling, unpleasant task that you will likely not succeed in, just so that you will move elsewhere where entirety of your income will go to costs of basic living leaving you with no savings just in a different country. It doesn't allow you to go to school at all.
There's no speeding up the timetable.
You are completely oblivious about the reality of job market in the EU and it shows in every single post you make. Getting even entry level work is nearly impossible for anyone, every job pays nothing and costs of living are sky high. Every country is the same shit. English-only speaking jobs are the worst because of shitskins who will work for nothing just to be allowed to be in Europe and get a chance to rape white kids.
Say you spend 5-10 years to learn German just to move to Germany. First of all all of your savings are GONE in the first few weeks because Euro is so much more expensive than every other currency.
THEN you have to likely get in debt just to cover basic costs of living while looking for work, putting you even further behind.
THEN you have to spend months searching for entry level work against native population who will be preferred.
THEN once you have that minimum wage work, you have to spend money on basic necessities, food, rent, electricy, internet, phone - which are all adjusted to your wage so you end up saving NOTHING for the first few years.
To get to average wage, or wage where you get to save up any money will be 5-10 years, since everyone would rather promote germans.
THEN you have to start saving up from scratch for 10-15 years.
The timetable is THE SAME as if you had stayed in your own country, but also doesn't require you to undertake the task of learning foreign language which is pratically impossible for anyone past 25.
So you're just massivly lowering your quality of life for years just to lower your quality of life for another 10 years just to end up with the same time frame of 20-25 years even if you just stayed in your own country and save up the whole time.
It only works if you are hot
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>Most people will never get the ability to be fluent in foreign language past 25.
In your worldview, they just lack the right incentive, they already dated in school and have nothing to gain by doing so. You very, VERY much do. Left side of pic related, the CIA found you can train a motivated non-speaker english speakers to high degrees of fluency in the target language in that many weeks, and they're just doing it for their job, so you're going to be way more motivated than them. If a motivated adult can do it, you can too, if you're motivated.

>If you move it'll be the same
You misunderstand Personal Purchasing Power. Right side of pic related.

You already agree
>An hour worked in the US just gets you more shit than an hour worked in most european countries, they simply pay you more
the only gap you need to bridge to get to my view is
>This can also true for countries WITHIN europe
And personal purchasing power measures these differences. Assuming you're on a 20 year timetable in a place like Estonia (~30k PPP), getting to a place like Germany (~60k PPP) essentially halves that time it'll take - in your model, that's a ten year time savings. That means you'd have 6 years over which you can start over, and you'd still finish at the same time.

If starting over would get you to your goal faster than lingering, you wouldn't wait if this was something you seriously cared about.

The thing I keep coming back to is
>You obviously don't give as many shits as you pretend to, because you would've already started on this process if you did, it's been 4 years.
>In your worldview
No, in my worldview there is major difference between a child/teenager whatever CIA is runnning their studies on and a person over 25.
Learning language past 25 is nearly impossible. Not even mentioning all the grammer, the amount of vocabulary to memorize is nearly impossible.
>You misunderstand Personal Purchasing Power
No, YOU DO, you do not understand that when you move elsewhere, the money you make is adjusted to money you will be spending. And these min. wage jobs are DESIGNED to leave you with nothing or even in debt at the end of the month. Everything you make will be eaten up by higher prices of everything.
>essentially halves that time it'll take - in your model, that's a ten year time savings
No it doesn't. You have to spend money while you're there plus you're wastin months if not years searching for work and getting in debt while doing so. The time is the same.
>If starting over would get you to your goal faster than lingering, you wouldn't wait if this was something you seriously cared about.
But if starting over means your goal stays just as far away or further, you will never consider wasting months torturing yourself doing nearly impossible activity just to be further away from your goal.

And it's fucking ridiculus that you try to convince me to migrate to western europe after trying me a pajeet itt >>32601114 >>32601085
I will NOT leave my country. I will NEVER leave my country.
It doesn't make any economical sense, it doesn't get me anywhere I want, it doesn't give me anything I want.
There's no point to migrate at all for anyone normal.
The ONLY people who want to migrate are shitskin rapists who want to rape white babies and people who say anything nice about migration (like you are doing rn) are cuckolds.
If you were a real european, you'd never try to encourage an anonymous person to migrate to europe. You are a pathetic creature and completely wrong and disingenuous on everything.
Dude, just fuck off.
You're the reason our community gets a bad rep. Despite all the good thing that have come out of 4chan. Normies will see that one comment and assume it's ok to rape a 4channer.
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>rape a 4channer

Good luck with that
>there is major difference between a child/teenager whatever CIA is runnning their studies on and a person over 25.
Average start age is about 35 years old, they're not hiring young people to be diplomats. My point is "it's clearly possible as an adult", the argument that you couldn't do it with 2 years as a VERY dedicated and desperate person who wants to go back to school, let alone 20, is ridiculous.

>the money you make is adjusted to money you will be spending
It is, but it's not adjusted EQUALLY between countries, that's what purchasing power means. PPP decently closely tracks, between countries
>If you worked an 8 hour day, how much shit would you be able to purchase in country A versus country B?
Higher PPP means "yeah, you're spending more, but the higher pay more than makes up for it", dipshit.

>min. wage jobs are DESIGNED to leave you with nothing
You are university educated, so why would you be taking "minimum wage jobs", retard? Didn't you learn a field at school?

>You have to spend money while you're there plus you're wastin months if not years searching for work and getting in debt while doing so
This is false because most hiring at any desirable post-university role happens online today. Companies don't want to pay to fly people out when you can just do zoom on webcam, and don't expect people to be in the area before they have a job. You don't have to spend anything to get these jobs, besides time.

>If you were a real european, you'd never try to encourage an anonymous person to migrate to europe
My assumption was you're already in Europe. If you're not, these purchasing power disparities are probably even bigger and it's even more in your favor to move. Migrants do it because they know
>I can make more money in places with high purchasing power than take it somewhere else
Why NOT you?
>Average start age is about 35 years old
And how many of these people have no history of being in language studies? How many of these people never had to wrap their head around more than 2 languages over the course of 18 years?
These statistics are inflated by savants that CIA seeks out. A normal person past 25 wont be able to learn foreign language ever, much less in several weeks, and even if they did, it'd be useless because of purchasing power parity

>Higher PPP means "yeah, you're spending more, but the higher pay more than makes up for it", dipshit.
You still do not understand PPP you retard
PPP doesnt even come to matter for rent, food, transport etc. all everyday necessities.
Say something costs 10 euro in Germany and the same thing costs 10 kron in sweden, if you make 100 euro and 100 kron, you spend the same amount of your wage there.
Moving around Europe doesn't change jack shit. You just spend entirety of your min. wage anyway, that's the point of min. wage, to be minimal to survie and that's what you're forced into.
>You are university educated, so why would you be taking "minimum wage jobs", retard?
You're just showing how oblivious you are to Europe job market here.
Everyone is forced to start at minimum wage everywhere. That's how this shitty continent works. Because uni is free, everyone has it so its base assumption. Degree is the REQUIRENMENT to make minimum wage in Europe. if you dont have it you just have to work for less in shitty jobs.

>This is false because most hiring at any desirable post-university role happens online today
This is false because COVID is over and now everything is back in office in person.
>Migrants do it because they know
No, migrants do it because they just want to rape white children. They still live the same desperete shitty lives as elsewhere but they want to rape children so much they would rather move and work for free.
>This is false because most hiring at any desirable post-university role happens online today
This is particularly retarded idea because if you had ever lived in Europe or anywhere civilised you'd know that ALL online English applications are flooded with so many fucking indians with scam degrees no one bipedal can ever get to the Zoom stage anymore.
And even if you did, the HR is just filled with pajeetards who want other pajeetards from their chimp tribe.
In modern Europe, you are just forced to stay at the first job you get until you die because no one will recruit you.
The only thing for men to do is to save up money until they can quit their job and come back to uni again, there is nothing else at all to do in life.
You cannot ever even spend time on these jobs, there's just nothing to do to get these jobs.
They only hire other niggers who will work for peanuts as long as they are near white children to rape.
>If you're not, these purchasing power disparities are probably even bigger and it's even more in your favor to move
As has been said tons of times before, purchasing power means that you have to SPEND MORE in higher purchasing power countries. If bread costs 1 PLN in poland, it costs 1 EURO in germany, italy, spain. You spend relativly the same. at min wage work ,which you wont even be allowed to get job interview for since all hiring is exclusivly to nigger pajeets, you will spend your entire income, just like you would in your country of origin.

Plus, if you already have an apartment you have to pay mortage for, you not ONLY have to pay rent in foreign country, you also have to deduct your mortage from your wage leaving you without even enough money to pay for food anymore. You would literelly DIE if you tried out your plan.
PPP accounts for difference in labor markets and wages, in that country, COMPARED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY.

For example. A software engineer might earn €50,000 annually in Italy and €70,000 in Germany. If Italy's cost of living is significantly lower, the engineer in Italy might have similar or even greater real purchasing power despite earning less nominally. PPP measures these expected differences.

You keep assuming
>Wages and costs will always move perfectly in sync, so there's never a benefit to move, you spend relatively the same
And this is not true, retard.

>PPP doesnt even come to matter for rent, food, transport etc. all everyday necessities.
That's literally how PPP is measured, anon, they study prices in all the countries and say basically, "if there was a basket with all the shit you buy - your house, your food, your car, etc.", and it was labeled for $1,000, how much shit would you get in that $1,000 basket?". Some places WILL have much better deals on that basket than others. Those places are mapped in >>32608715.

>How many of these people never had to wrap their head around more than 2 languages over the course of 18 years?
Given that we're talking in a foreign language right the fuck now, what they're doing isn't that special, you already did it once, retard, you can do it twice.

>In modern Europe, you are just forced to stay at the first job you get until you die because no one will recruit you.
At some point, if you give up on trying, it's on you when you fail. No one makes you stay content in dogshit minimum wage jobs or stay in places that pay like shit, especially when you have 4+ years to unfuck your shit.
>PPP accounts for difference in labor markets and wages, in that country, COMPARED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY.
No, you still do not understand how this works at all.
In Italy min. wage worker will spend entirety of his paycheck on rent and bread and water.
In germany, min. wage worker will spend all of his paycheck on rent and bread and water.
PPP means that you earn the same shit everywhere as long as you live there.

Wages and costa are absolutely in sync, that's how economy works.

The image you link literelly does not include anything you are talking about. It's just GDP (fake number propped up by baby raping niggers) and language learning (propped up by autistic child savants picked by CIA from crib)
Nothing you refer to in your posts allows for a normal incel in his 30s to get laid or find path to speaking to women, it just keeps them further isolated by unlike my advice about saving up to come back to school in their 40s, your adivce keeps them celibate forever in a different country where they cannot speak to anyone because no one there can speak their language anyway.
>Given that we're talking in a foreign language right the fuck now, what they're doing isn't that special, you already did it once, retard, you can do it twice.
No you cannot, because now we're past 25 so the part of your head responsible for language learning has shut down already.
Learning new language is a process that starts in kindergarden and is not present by your late 20s early 30s which is age most incels are at.

>No one makes you stay content in dogshit minimum wage jobs or stay in places that pay like shit, especially when you have 4+ years to unfuck your shit.
There absolutely are.
They are called "employers" who are all in coordination with one another to fuck over non-capital owners in every way possible and replace everyone ethnically with shitskins.
You do not have a single year in your life to ever unfuck your shit at all
>At some point, if you give up on trying, it's on you when you fail.
The thing is that "trying" means grinding out and saving and getting back to school
NOT moving away to fuck over people in other countries for min. wage positions that will leave you in the same miserable state you are at right now
as has been already explained to you, uni degree doesnt mean anything in europe because everyone has one, its the same as HS diploma in whatever hellhole you live in. every single person has one so everything pays shit. the only thing to do is take whatever shit you are given, save it up for the 20-25 years and come back to school to speak to women then.
There's no other thing to do to unfuck your shit. It's just matter of time.

>Given that we're talking in a foreign language
English is taught to everyone around the globe since childhood, it doesnt count at all when job searching since a billion of cockroaches who fuck cowshit know it and spam everything related to it everywhere in the world. Every job position on internet in english goes exclusivly to these niggers because all HR workers are their monkey race. This language doesn't matter because they know it. We're not speaking german or swedish or anything else because no one taught that to us so we can't find work in that region either. We are just forced to stay in our countries forever and save up there to come back to school eventually.
English doesnt count as foreign language to anyone anymore. What you did as a 4 year old cannot be repeated at 30 or 40 or anything like that, the abilty brain had at that point is gone forever, you're just stuck with your 2 languages both of which are useless since english just puts you against nigger hordes who want to work for free just to be near white children and other one which keeps you in shitty currency zone.

Either way the only path forward is to persevere and wait for money to be saved up to come back to university.
>missed the application deadline by an hour and a half
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i took a bar job a year ago and was too autistic to remember glass sizes, prices, check id, etc, to the point they had to put me on bar back after like half an hour. i hear its a good way of meeting people, though, especially if you score a popular venue like somewhere that does concerts.
Send an email to the hiring manager saying that although perhaps you missed the deadline, you just saw the listing and would like to be considered, are very interested, etc.

They probably tell you no, but you don't get what you don't ask for.

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