>be 31 year old sleep deprived factory wagie>live with parents to cheat code>save 65k>make 25 per hour>start looking at houses >only option is a trailer home with a fucking 458 dollar a month HoA fee>read lot rent agreement (because that's what the "HOA" basically is)>see word "eviction">turn 540 degrees and walk awayMy girlfriend is getting more and more impatient we don't live together. After 2 years relationship I can't even blame her. I'm so close to giving up and going NEET. It's not even worth going to work anymore.Is it going to get better? Is there some way out?
>>32600079Buy an RV and move the fuck out of your parents house. They will subconciously stunt your growth.
>>32600079if you have the opportunity to neet, take it.
>>32600079I was also slaving away at part-time jobs with my bf when we were in our early 20s, while our parents hurried us to "work" something properly, pay rent to them if we want to live in their houses, so we tried our luck and moved abroad (with better cost-wage ratio). We worked in even shittier circumstances because we were treated as unwanted immigrants, but at least we could put aside money. (We didn't even think about seriously to buy a house, because we didn't know where we wanted to live just yet.)So we put aside money for a few additional years (I am not going to say that it was easy, we both thought about just dying and giving up.), we moved countries 2 additional times before we found our place, bought a house (no mortgage) at the countryside for very cheap and while part-timeing we started to fix it up. The trade off is that we are not living in our motherland, and we have to properly learn the language to fit in but I am more happier than ever was before and I am no longer suicidal.
>>32600116The problem is I will lose my gf. And then I'll have loads of free time to mull over losing her. I guess I could get a part-time job in food service and fuck my coworkers and not give a fuck if I lose the job cause I don't need the money. But I'd still be thinking how I threw away a woman who wanted to marry me.
>>32600079Your perfectionism is gonna kill your opportunities. So what you can’t buy a home right off the bat. You can save + work + date + rent at the same time. It will make the climb to property ownership slower, yes. But at least you’ll have a life, a job, a potential wife and kids on your hands and a roof over your head.
>>32600079I also recommend the RV lot thing. https://youtube.com/shorts/K87xyg3VijsThere are pros and cons to everything and there's a lot to go over but these places are usually maintained very quiet, very orderly, and very simply. A tornado might kill you but you're paying only $600 a month. There's no HoA that can "evict" you instead the lot managers reserve the right to basically kick anyone out basically overnight but you just hook up and go somewhere else and that's how the people managing the place can keep them very quiet, clean, and orderly. There's no walls to share with a noisy neighbor and if you ever find yourself thinking "this place fucking sucks, the entire fire department is trannies and the local government is run by a half-dozen lesbians all with the same end I should live somewhere else before everything is an uncontrolled toxic fire" you find a new sleep deprived factory wagie job in another state and find a new lot and you relocate.
>>32600305Because I'm 31 and I fucked up my life. I'm basically like those single mothers with 3 kids who NEED a man who makes 200k a year because they need their lucky break. Rent around here starts at 1400 a month for a studio. I want to be able to get a cushy remote job one day and that will probably pay less. >>32600318I'll look into it. Watching videos about manufactured homes and their lot rents destroyed my desire for one. They also depreciate which I could handle if I actually owned the land that wouldn't depreciate. I'm really tired bros. My gf found one that's only 250 a month but it's like an hour from my job and I can't get another job in that area so I guess I'll be waking up at 4:30 a.m. now instead of 5 and getting home even later too (I work a 9 hours shift plus unpaid lunch). I just don't see how moving out improves my quality of life anymore.
>>3260025799% of relationships end anyways. If you love her that much, do what this anon said >>32600114If you are in a warm part of world, get a trailer and move to an rv park. Rent should be cheap, full hook ups and comfy living. You could always look at condominiums and apartments, they are a pain in the ass, but should be more affordable. Ask your gf to pitch in for the place too, you can go halfers.
>>32600079what do you do?
>>32600079join the army ,marry her and use bah for housing the first 4 years
>>32600079Since you have some money start your own business or something.
>>32600079Is it so important that you buy? Why not just share an apartment with your gf and split the rent?
you still here?
>>32601130No. I killed myself and now I haunt this board. OOOooOoOoOOOooo!
>>32601156answer the people replying to you dude. this doesnt work one way
>>32601202Well, I hate to be the bringer of bad news Anon, but....I'm not OP.
>>32600441>I want to be able to get a comfy remote job one dayWork towards a finance/accounting degree part time then, your factory probably does tuition reimbursement. You have plenty of income to save up if you’re bumming with your parents. Just save everything but 1200 a month to have fun with
>>32600441Get a real estate agent. They have access to MLS listing services. You're not seeing all the property available
>>32600079do trailer home and move away when you get evicted for never paying
>>32601130Yeah was busy at my gfs house. She lives with her parents. >>32601024I'm a factory wagie. >>32601036I don't know what to do. >>32601112Because every month spent on rent is money down the drain. Every month I save money at home is one less month I'm paying interest AND one less month I'm paying principle. >>32601272They don't offer it for stuff like that sadly and there's a noncompete involved iirc. >>32601295We have one. It hasn't helped. Only introduced more pressure to buy which I'm resisting.
>>32601539consider the army or the airforce1.you can marry your girl and get offbase housing free with bah2.va home loan3. you can purposely pick a job with good civillian prospects so you can get out of the factory and make more $$$$4.gi bill which counts toward point 3
>>32601539>I'm a factory wagie.is that really what you want to do for the rest of your life?
>>32600079She should move in with you. They do that in Europe you know.
>>32600079>>save 65kwhere do you live that 65k isn't good enough for a down payment? if you and her combined can't scrounge up $1400/mo. you'll never be able to own in a place like that
>>32600079Get better skills then apply to a job that pays more or start your own company.
>>32600079Start looking at different places to live
>>32601539do you actually like what you do or are you just doing it ,because you have to? what would you like to do for a living if you had the choice?
>>32601539How old is your girlfriend that she still lives with her parents? How did you two meet? I live with my parents and make more money than you but am KHHV. I'd be interested in using your experience to get laid.
>>32601817you're not normal enough to pull of what he did. move to a city and act reckless if you're that desperate to get laid
>>32600079what state?
>>32601702It's not the down payment it's the monthly payment. We only got approved for 250k so we can't even buy a home. >>32601817I was KV until my 30s. I got lucky on dating apps after months of indian scams. >>32601777I fucking hate it. Id rather be an author, editor, 3D designer, anything. I have many side projects and hobbies but too dead inside to do much that requires true creative spark anymore. >>32601909Suburban northeast near city of 150k
>>32600079A lot of Americans move to my country to settle down. America is a nightmare, a black whole for money. If you have 65k USD in my country you can essentially retire. Of course there arent alot of opportunities here but if youre just trying to settle down and raise some kids its amazing.
>>32601990What country
>>32601980what do you think about the millitary as an option?
>>32601980this niggas from rhode island lmao
>>32600079>65kMove to a semi-rural trailerhood(neighborhood, but mostly just single and double wide trailers) if you can buy a little acre of land for around 10k.Put a double wide on it if your gf is snooty about that kind of thing, otherwise just go single wide(it's all a man really needs).Bam, your living situation is set and you just pay land tax each year.
>>32603180I think it's a great way to get killed since we're gonna deal with a Taiwan invasion by 2027 most likely. I also want my freedom. At least right now I can go homeless and not get shot for it.
>>32603603not a problem if you dont go combat arms which i wouldnt recommend given your current situation anyway. Its an easy way to buy a house and get trained in a new career field with the credentials and a security clearance to boot.
>>32603603if we go to war with china you're getting drafted either way
>>32601980>but too dead inside to do muchget ut of the factory and you'll find the spark again. those jobs are meant to drain your soul
>>32600079>31i just realized you are fucking 30. dude you need to get out of the factory asap. 25 an hour is fucking garbage for you're stage in life. you ever consider doing cyber or it shit for a career?
>>32603603we arent at war. in regards to freedom i think investIng 4 years to better your situation is worth it if you're in your 30s and not happened about your current life
Become independent. What will you do when your parents are dead? It will eventually happen.
>>32603621I'm considering it. It's a big sacrifice. I'm 31 so idk how many more years they'll take me. >>32603662lol nothey can try >>32603710What else do I do? If I don't make 25 an hour my girl will dump me. Then I'll jsut go NEET. I like math. I'm not retarded with computers I could probably get CompTIA without much work but I've heard that that's Jeet tier work. >>32604085I can do that at any time. That will also be true if I go NEET for ten years with my money in stocks. That won't happen I'll get kicked out long before then in which case I guess I'll eat a dick and become a rentoid.
>>32604122>idk how many more years they'll take me.42 is the cutoff, but you're better off doing it soon rather than later especially given your situation. 4 years are gonna pass no matter what
>>32600079> 458 dollar a month HoA feeHow the fuck does one get on the receiving end of this kind of lucrative criminal enterprise? These people should be shot
>>32604122look into army 17c. you gets your certs and 60 college credits just from training at ait. you'll have a security clearance when you get out and if you'll have enough time to get a full bachelors whilst your in the army. easy 6 figures job offers when you get out
>>32600079Would you fuckers learn math before you try LARPing?Please?For $65k you could outright own a very nice modular home (meaning zero mortgage), a $458 lot fee is well BELOW average, and would be less than 10% of your BASE gross income, well UNDER the average for rent.FURTHER if you are interested in living in a trailer home/modular home you could get a 1/4 acre lot with utilities and a slab and the modular home installed for and if you did it right you could do that for under $80k, EASY, meaning with a 15 year loan your monthly mortgage to own it for real would be an all-in $250/month.tl;dr: go be retarded somewhere else
how long have you been doing factory work?
whats your plan?
>>32600079do yourself a favor and call an army recruiter today
>>32604170>easy 6 figures job offers when you get outDoing what? More govt contractor work like now?>>32604188>For $65k you could outright own a very nice modular home (meaning zero mortgage), a $458 lot fee is well BELOW average, and would be less than 10% of your BASE gross income, well UNDER the average for rent.No I couldn't. The lowest I find is 88k and that's before well and sewer hookups and buying land. And they don't sell land in one eighth acre lots like I need. >>326042105 years in fluorescent purgatory surrounded by mutts and retards. I don't know if there's any fixing my brain or soul. I'm sleep deprived and probably have lead poisoning despite my best efforts.
>>32605485>Doing what? More govt contractor work like now?Yeah probably working directly for the government or through a contractor however you would be working a cushy office job rather than a factory and making a lot more money. you could also get your degree in an unrelated field, but it would be harder to find work.there is also other mos's that have good civllian career fields you can pick, i just know about the 17c pipeline and how good it is for this purpose.you can also do flight warrant and fly helicopters but the cutoff to start is 32 so you would have to get your paperwork started today.
>>32605485yeah i hated that shit after less than a year, cant imagine 5 . you gotta get out of there or your gonna end up with a gun in your mouth hating your life
>>32605485>The lowest I find is 88k and that's before well and sewer hookups and buying land. And they don't sell land in one eighth acre lots like I need.The lying is worse than the stupidity.Give me your zip code, LARPtard, and I'll prove it. FFS, just your state
Just rent a place for now, buy something when you find something you can afford. Don't be a neet.
>>32607543He claims to have $65k in savings and to make over $50k/year. That means he can easily get a home of about $125k with a monthly payment of $1,000.So his complaint>A-BLOO-BLOO-BLOO! I can't afford slab rent under $500/month, A-BLOOOOOOOOO!is pure retardation
>>32607624They can increase that rent at any time and force you off the property. You're still a rentoid. If I wanted to rent for 500 bucks I'd have moved in with 3 trannies when i had the chance and paid 400 bucks a month rent.
>>32608343so what are you gonna do