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I am really scared. I have no social skills and everytime I try to do better it turns out as a complete mess, I am afraid I can't escape it, the rest of the world keeps going on while I am stuck with myself. I need real advice!!!(Ω Д Ω)
You have to find common things to relate to.
Put yourself in social situations, listen more than you speak, but do both meaningfully. Dont freakout if/when you are awkward. If you need to, pretend you are being awkward and autistic on purpose
You can start by actually replying to posts in every thread you make
Can't force it. Just stop being anxious
To me, it seems like the only thing I can relate to with others is the fact that I am human. (;へ:)
I've tried, and I always make it so awkward, and people will always notice if you fake awkwardness or not, or at least that's what I think..
I don't get it.. Sarcasm? (´⌒`;)
I don't think that's how it works, but I'll try anyway. (∩´﹏`∩)
Are you in education, employment or training? Are you a boy or a girl?
Still in education and a girl, I know that it's supposedly easier to socialize as a girl, but I find it impossible.
How do your socialization attempts turn into messes? Maybe you're not alone in that regard.
Well, everytime I get to have any kind of interaction with someone, either I say something that sounds weird to them or end up just answering them with a few words, it's as if I am not able to speak at all sometimes. I guess I am pretty bad at, just basic convos? (눈‸눈)
People are crazy these days which is why I stopped learning to socialize and focus on my hobbies.

If you really can't learn then I suggest you do the same.
Alright fine I'll date you geez
Do you think you are a good listener? You might be a good fit for someone who likes to ramble for hours on end, if you don't like talking and like listening. I have this special kind of friend to drink tea with when I'm too tired to talk, he can get shit off his chest and be happy.
Also what do you think about dudes who will want to date you the first millisecond they see the world "girl" pop up (>>32605190), are you not looking for a relationship?
here's the thing. if you work up a facade to approach people it isn't really you they get to know. if you stay in your shell because you're afraid of getting hurt, nothing will change. like other anons have said, generally the best option is to let it grow gradually. go places people with your same tastes meet, do the things they tend to do while trying to have fun, and above all remember you're the only one who knows how nervous you are at any one moment, and a million mistakes can fly under people's radars. you can always try again, even if you do screw up.
Seconding this, also be forgiving and try to see tge best in people, but don't be too gullible.
Do you want to be friends with anons from this thread? ^_^
I think you worry way too much about what other people are thinking. Everyone knows what it’s like to be awkward, even if they pretend not to
Just keep trying and if it doesnt go away, it can be a part of your charm so no worries either way!

What issues do you run into when socializing? And who do you do it with?
I've thought of it a few times, but you still need to communicate to "progress" in life, so I just think that way when I am feeling really depressed. |ω;`)
Funny! (*ゝωб*)b
I think I am a good listener, but most of the time people are looking for someone who will give good answers too, I guess. About the dating thing.. Complicated! I don't think I'll be dating anyone soon. (・'v`・)
That's really positive so I appreciate it ('ω'). I'll make sure to start with smaller things, maybe I could try tomorrow, thanks to you and all!
That would be nice, wouldn't it? ^-^
Good point, anyway, I've tried talking to my classmates and if I get too excited about the topic, I can get a bit hyper. Or just completely anxious without giving up enthusiastic responses.. :;((•﹏•๑)));:
That's really hard for me to do, honestly, I always see others in a bad light, when I catch myself doing so I feel kind of guilty at times. (〃゚3゚〃)
take it easy and have fun, it really can be that easy.

>if I get too excited about the topic, I can get a bit hyper
different people have different tolerances to enthusiasm, you can just ask them about it or even just tell them to let you know if they're feeling overwhelmed.
>Or just completely anxious without giving up enthusiastic responses...
you're the one with the foot in the gas pedal, you can take a breather or change topic if you feel yourself getting too worked up about the matter. you might have more control than you realize.

>I always see others in a bad light
i don't know what you've lived through but that's a common response to having been hurt. the bad news is, even good people acting in good faith can hurt you. good news is, you'll live through it and be better for it. you can probably work through it by giving people a chance, letting them "prove" themselves while remaining cautious. you can remain on good speaking terms with the people you live around and not have to let them in your friend circle, and you might even meet more people (and possibly friends) through them. again, possibilities are plenty and you've got more agency than you might believe.
Are you a female? Why do you keep using those stupid emojis, how old are you anyway?
Those are really good tips so I appreciate it a lot.. I put in practice some of the advice I have already gotten today, I sucked but, there's always another day, thank you! You are right too, there's many ways even nice people can hurt others, but I guess I should take things a tad more lightly. ^_^ And speaking of the flow in convos, I'll start to pretend I am a car... So I can speed and slow down.
I'm 30, but when I was 13 or 14 around 2010 or 2009 (if you think it is 2009 you're old) , emojis confused the Hell out of me when someone I thought was joking or be silly turned out to be serious. It scared the shit out of me when I realized that.
you already sound like you've put our advice and your experience to good use. it won't be easy, but i hope you get where you want to be.
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well i think u should first talk to me on discord so we could discuss about that

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