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If a girl talks to you about "girl stuff" like full epilation or something, is it safe to assume she's not interested in you?

I'm getting mixed signals from her and don't know what to make of them, we spend entire days laughing and shooting the shit, we have the same values especially concerning relationships, but at the same time I don't feel like she's interested
Honestly, she would let you know.
Depends on how she’s doing it? But if you’re asking, then the answer is probably no, she’s not interested.

Lucky for you, having a girl best friend is a cheatcode as long as she has a group of girl friends you could have a pick from if you can make it to her birthday without creeping her out.
To give more context, she told me for no particular reason that she was gonna get a full hair removal and then went "no idea why I'm telling you this"
Another instance was talking about her period but women do that nowadays so it's not that odd.
But yeah, I guess she's not into me. We talked about marriage and kids but there was no flirty aspect to it. She did send me a pic later though of her doing house chores with the caption "ready to marry" which I guess it funny but doesn't mean anything

>as long as she has a group of girl friends
Not really, she's fairly solitary. And also she's an 11/10, I'm not even exaggerating, whenever I go out with her she turns heads and everyone stares, so I guess I'm just not in her league.
You verify interest by flirting and asking her out.
We went out several times, hiking, for drinks, whatever. Then we stopped seeing each other for a while and now we work in the same building so I see her every day, we'll go to the gym together next week
As for flirting, it doesn't go farther than dirty jokes about her or me. I'm not good at that stuff and neither is she, she's naive as hell
It sounds like she is just very comfortable talking to you based on this.
> she's fairly solitary
That blows lmfao, well do you know why she’s alone? If she’s a 11/10 it might be by design and you dont want to scare her away with aggressive flirting.
>is it safe to assume she's not interested in you?
>I'm getting mixed signals from her and don't know what to make of them, we spend entire days laughing and shooting the shit, we have the same values especially concerning relationships, but at the same time I don't feel like she's interested
You could resolve all of this by simply asking her out.
Yeah she is. She has very serious issues in her life that she's still dealing with and I guess since I'm chill and make her laugh, it acts as a kind of anchor and gives her some relief from the pressure.
>do you know why she's alone
She doesn't have many friends because she got fucked over a lot. And no boyfriend because she's looking to marry and have kids, she's not interested in a fling or having fun
>it might be by design
What do you mean? That I have a shot if I just keep beeing myself?

I did and we've gone out several times, but that doesn't mean anything
>we've gone out several times
As friends? Have you tried to kiss her?
Yeah as friends. No I haven't tried because shouldn't I at least wait for some indication that she's interested? I don't want to ruin everything. Especially right now as she's burned out it would only make things worse if she reacted negatively.
>No I haven't tried because shouldn't I at least wait for some indication that she's interested?
No, just go for it.
Not to find an excuse to pussy out but isn't it a bad time right now since everything in her life is going wrong and she's probably just looking for some relief from the stress?
A boyfriend is relief.
>What do you mean? That I have a shot if I just keep beeing myself?
No clue. She might be cutting off people who are into her romantically. If she is really an 11/10 she is probably fighting off guys constantly every day so it’s surprising she is alone. Maybe she loves you that much, or she needs to be single right now

> we went on dates as friends.
According to her? Or according to you?

> shouldn't I at least wait for some indication that she's interested?
What indicator are you waiting for? You seem to be writing off every indicator. But you might be right to do so. Need more details
You don't have to be gay if you don't want to. Homophobia exists in your head, because of your fear of isolation. Of your fear of isolation, you feel powerless. If it makes you feel better, there are really strong men who feel powerless like you. You don't have to like men, like women don't have to.
>she needs to be single right now
This isn't really a thing.
>You don't have to be gay if you don't want to.
This is wrong, and it's also off-topic.
>Homophobia exists in your head, because of your fear of isolation. Of your fear of isolation, you feel powerless. If it makes you feel better, there are really strong men who feel powerless like you.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>This isn't really a thing
Yeah it is, actually. Sometimes horrible things happen to people and they have 0 interest in dating for a while
No, it's not. A girl told you this once to get you to stop asking her out without directly rejecting you, and you bought into it like a retard. Full stop.
I guess.
She's not in today and I sent her a snap saying "all alone" and she answered "sorry baby"
The ambiguity is killing me

She's cutting off people who come on to her too strongly yes, I'm not kidding when I say she really is model tier. I know she likes me a lot, and she told me she did. But if she does need to be single right now I don't want to ruin it.
>According to her?
No, to me, but I think she saw it as just hanging out. Although we did go to the beach just the two of us which is probably not something you do with a friend
>Need more details
What do you need? I want to figure this out but I feel like she's being ambiguous
Alright, you're not looking for help that risks even the smallest bump to your ego. Have fun with that. Just wait until she gets a boyfriend and you have to watch and pretend to be supportive. At least she can count on you to be her shoulder to cry on, champ!
You guys are so clueless sometimes...
She might not have a straight up crush on you but she is definetely interested in being with you. Which is more than half of what you need.
Incels on 4chan like to talk about "the good old days" -- which they know almost nothing about -- and one lesson I think we can take from men back then is,
- Don't beat around the bush. If you wanna have a fling you make that noticeable, or at least you don't hide intentions. You don't wanna have a fling OP, from what I could gather, you want a relationship, so you also make that clear in the way of "I wanna be with you" or, if youre not so confident "If the opportunity arises I would be ready to be with you". Never say "Im ready if you are" cause thats a very typical male reflex and the lack of commitment can scare women ( cause they think "Oh he is not 100% sure on me" or "Oh he doesnt want to commit to me or risk himself for me" or just "He not confident" ( Tho being a friend of hers I think she will forgive you for not being confident ).
So for now you just mentalize "I wanna have a relationship with her" and while this doesn't necessarily mean you treat her different in all ways ( for example I wouldnt recomend you kiss her out of the blue like other anon was saying cause if the friendship part is important to her she could read the situation has "He doesnt care about the friendship". Tho it can work ) it means that if your intentions are put to test, if the opportunity arises, you gotta be clear ( notice I said clear, but not un-subtle ) that you want a relationship. This is highly context dependant and it ultimately comes down to "are you socially comfortable or not" and "can you transmit an attitude socially", because if you arent or cant, which is okay I guess, and you need a more specific tip or talking point, (1/2)
> Not a date to me
Then you should ask her on a real date to a nice dinner or something. If you know she likes you then ask her to a dinner and you could ask the question there.

> What do you need?
Well if you’re confident she likes you, then nothing. But if you aren’t then:
How long have you known her? How long were you “not dating”? How long was the break? How long ago did you start talking again? How often do you talk/text?

Go pick up the crying girls walking out if planned parenthood then
>Go pick up the crying girls walking out if planned parenthood then
I'm gay. Also, you're saying that like it wouldn't work. How about you and OP do an experiment and daygame those whores?
>I'm gay
Then dont speak about women like you know what you’re talking about, retard.
(2/2) Id say, when the conversation steers to the topic of relationships or friendships between sexes, say something among the lines of "I dont try anything with girls I have friendships unless I want a relationship with them because I value those friendships and trying something can often devalue or ruin them... And Im not gonna ruin a friendship to just fuck or have fun... Tho if I really like or value a girl I think the risk is meant to be taken." -- It opens the field, and if the woman is not socially inept she will immediately understand why you telling this to her, so it clears intentions without being unsubtle. And this is generally what I mean when I say "adopt a certain posture socially".
Tho knowing folks on 4chan, I expect some measure of social ineptness ( Nothing wrong with that ), and if your inept and dont know what to say after the tip I gave ( which is context dependant ), and she is inept as well and doesnt get the telegram, Id say just go the simpler way and slowly get more flirty/touchy/invite to private situations. She will get it eventually and most importantly she will get exactly what you want. Wether you continue or not depends solely if she continues playing/accepting or not. You cant expect women to tell you yes or no right away, you dont propose, you play.
If she tells she is getting full hair treatment she tells it to you to show that she is a "high quality woman who takes care of herself and ain't feminist and won't get sloppy and hairy". It's an advert. She is literally flirting. Goddamn you are so fucking clueless lol.
I've clearly been with a lot more women than you have. I'm not just making this shit up.
I don't know how you go that from my post, but whatever
Is she? Maybe I'm unconsciously writing off her signals because she's such a knockout.
I get your point. So far I've been trying to nudge her towards the idea that I like being around her, really enjoy her company, and so on. But I need to be clearer than that.
I'm comfortable socially and especially with her, but if you have any specific ideas for talking points I'm definitely open to suggestions. Last week I said it would be nice to do something together and she couldn't because of a family dinner but next week I'll try to spend a saturday with her and then take her out to dinner or something.
Yeah I'll do that.
>if you're confident she likes you
I'm confident she likes me a lot but I'm unsure about what she wants, friendship or relationship.
>How long have you known her
Around a year and a half
>How long were you "not dating"
The entirety of last summer, more or less. We went out drinking, hiking a few times, to the beach and stuff.
>How long was the break
From this summer until now.
>How long ago did you start talking again
A month ago I went to help her with some stuff and we ended up driving around for a whole day shooting the shit, and then I started working at her place of work.
>How often do you talk/text
About every day. Sometimes she initiates, sometimes I do, it's about 50/50, maybe I text a bit more than her
Like I mean imagine she was more vulgar and instead told you she just waxed her pussy. And then be like oh dunno why I said that heehee. And you make out of it that she isn't interested. Lmao.
Yeah you have plenty indication that she at least was interested. Hopefully she hasn’t lost interest by now, good luck
Best reply on this thread. If you do choose to pursue her make it clear you’re doing it to foster a long term relationship. It’s okay to take it a bit slow and to act with some caution, you care for her and it’s understandable that you don’t want to impact friendship. What you have to come to terms with is the fact that the movement you began to develop feelings for her, the dynamic between you two changed. The important thing is to make that first step, however small that may be. Don’t get too hung up on the you beings friends part, after all it’s not unheard of for friends to date.
Yeah this is good, thank you. I'll have to steer the conversation right so that it's not contextually inappropriate but it should be easy.
>if she continues playing/accepting or not
So far whenever I bring up sexual stuff she plays along, but it's never been obvious, mostly just jokes. Like she once told me her manager's boss took a creepshot of her, and now whenever the guy comes up in conversation I tell her to pose so that I can take pics of her ass and it always makes her crack up. It's just retarded quips like that, nothing too personal. I'm not a suave guy lmao
When you put it like that it makes it seem obvious
>Hopefully she hasn’t lost interest by now
At one point I told her "the next relationship I'm in will be with the woman I'll marry" and she went "yeah it's exactly the same for me, next guy will be the one who'll give me children and whom I'll spend the rest of my life with". Someone who's looking for their future wife or husband/love of their life probably isn't in too much of a hurry, right?
I'm just getting out of a really hard situation where ambiguity and subtle stringing things like using pet names caused me to get hurt bad. Don't let the ambiguity carry on. It's better to be honest in a way that allows you two to have an adult conversation so you can work out boundaries and what each of you is feeling. Maybe she'll feel the same way, maybe she'll explain why she wants to be single that has nothing to do with you, maybe she'll outright reject you and you can know for sure. In any case, that ambiguity will end up eventually being worse than those possibilities. Your relationship will be strained either way, because women are perceptive to interest and she'll figure it out at some point, but if she's a good friend then she should at a minimum respect your honesty, whereas it's very hard to respect dishonesty or hidden feelings/intentions. Talk with her about it.
> At one point I told her "the next relationship I'm in will be with the woman I'll marry" and she went "yeah it's exactly the same for me, next guy will be the one who'll give me children and whom I'll spend the rest of my life with
I hope this is recent because the interactions reads like this:
>i want a wife
and she said
>me! me!!! me!!!!!!
And then you didnt choose her between then and whenever you decide to ask her out…
Yes. I'm not worried about us being friends, only emotionally immature people create a false dichotomy between friendship and love
I understand that completely, if the ambiguity carries on I know it'll mess with me too. Though I'm not sure if having a conversation about it is a great idea, at least being blunt about it rather than nudging her towards the idea that I'm interested but not outright saying it.
kek yeah it was this week, and I don't think she perceived my response negatively since an hour later she sent me that pic of her doing stuff around the house with "wife material" as a caption
No it isn't you have no control over my body and what I do with it.
Ok I was worried she was droppin hints a year ago, stopped and you are trying to capitalize a year later, which would blow up the friendship in all likelyhood

Yeah just ask her out
I will. Thanks for the advice anons. I hope I won't mess this up.
>I understand that completely, if the ambiguity carries on I know it'll mess with me too. Though I'm not sure if having a conversation about it is a great idea, at least being blunt about it rather than nudging her towards the idea that I'm interested but not outright saying it.

Nudging is just going to prolong things, and it comes across as insecure or manipulative rather than confident, forthright and open. Your feelings aren't something to be ashamed of, you're being careful of how you express them so as not to be reactive, and you're taking into consideration the impact they have on her. You're both adults, these things are normal especially between friends of the opposite sex, and it's best to handle it as soon as possible rather than the alternatives that leave you waiting and wanting, or the regret you'd feel if she does start seeing someone and you never even tried. I wouldn't word it as a proposition to take her out or anything, don't confess your undying love that you've been agonizing over, just sit her down, tell her that you value her friendship, and that you've started to develop feelings for her, what should you two do about it. Maybe nothing, maybe not now, maybe she'll also want to explore it with you. A million maybes lift right off your shoulders when you finally ask the question. If you can both handle it in a direct and mature manner, then even if nothing comes of it you should still be able to stay friends after, but that will only be hurt by not being honest and direct about things like this.
You're completely right. I'll just find a time when we're hanging out to tell her something along those lines, that we seem to have the same goals and expectations for a relationship, that we obviously like each other, and so that I want to know if she'd like to take this further or not. Not sure how I'll word it exactly but that seems good.
Mixed signals is a no.
Just move on. Don't get oneitis dude.
The posts ITT have led me to think that I should at least try and see. At worst she'll say no and I'll do some damage control to try and make sure it won't strain our relationship too much.
>try and see
Absolutely, no harm there, just don't get hung up.
>damage control to relationship
Most people eventually learn you just cannot/should not have a friendship where there are feelings going one way.
You're not gonna listen, I know. But you'll arrive at this conclusion yourself eventually.
I really like her even beyond the romantic aspect. It would suck to just stop seeing and interacting with her past a formal level just because of unreciprocated feelings. I mean feelings die out eventually too
But she's told me that right now she's completely burned out both personally and professionally and if I hadn't come she would've quit her job. So now that I think about it, it's either she doesn't want a relationship at all and will shut it down immediately, or she's been waiting for me to make a move
I was in a similar situation in the past. A girl in university approached me and started asking me out. I was a virgin incel so I thought that we were only going out as friends. I'm pretty sure that she wanted me to make a move, but I didn't and after a few months she probably realized that I wasn't the kind of guy that she expected me to be and we stopped seeing eachother even as friends. Now I'm starting to realize that young girls want sex much more than I do.
>feelings die out
If you are always engaging with her without adequate reciprocation, no they don't.
You're young.
Nothing you said here I haven't said myself or heard 2,000 times. It jusr doesn't work. She will live without you, You will live without her, dangling her in front of yourself like that is undue, unnecessary mental anguish.
>If you are always engaging with her without adequate reciprocation, no they don't.
That's not true, from experience
You eventually tire of the person and start seeing her as just another girl
If you don't go for it you'll regret it forever
Do you like her? Do you want to be something more with her? If yes, then tell her that you have these feelings and ask her what she what she'd prefer you do with them?
Just ask. If you don't, you wont score anyways.
she wants you
Assume it is already happening.
That what is happening?
Right, subjecting yourself to months of pain until you're desensitized seems like a great idea
+1 for Marry woman White you... Later say us the answer of you woman... Answer: yes
thanks grug
She's not into you if she's talking about that stuff. You may be compatible, but you're not chad, and thus spark nothing in her but pity and a few "awww"s when you start trying.
>>Mixed signals is a no.
Yep, this.
Update: she knows my aunt and they were together talking recently (I wasn't there, it was the two of them), it went like this according to my aunt
>aunt says she and I get along very well
>she answers "yeah he's funny and I like him a lot"
>aunt goes "maybe you'll be my niece soon then"
>she gets kinda bashful and laughs
I was also told her behavior changes when I'm around. Next week I'll try something.
God lied in that story, the serpent told the truth btw.
Go read it, it's Genesis chapter 3. Verse 22 or 23 at least.
God didn't lie, Adam and Eve did die as the consequence of the Fall was bringing death into the world, also gnosticism is a heresy and dumb
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>She did send me a pic later though of her doing house chores with the caption "ready to marry"
Bro, she wants you for sure.
Wrong. God lied just like you are lying right now. Adam and eve died only because they were mortal beings who were denied the tree of immortality by the god the liar.
I grew out of this schizo nonsense a while ago, so whatever floats your boat
>schizo nonsense
Except this is exactly what happens in Genesis 3. You Christians are just shameless liars.

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