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I plan to be moving to Japan soon and am wondering if I can bring some hentai dojinshi with me into the country. However on their customs website it says "Books, drawings, carvings, and any other article which may harm public safety or morals (obscene or immoral materials, e.g., pornography);" but since these are Japanese products would it be okay? Should I mail them to my apartment along with other stuff I can't carry? I don't wanna lose my doujin collection
>plan to be moving
So are you moving or just thinking about it?
I am going to be moving in the future and I'm taking steps to achieve this dream. My autistic ass is worried about my doujin collection right now though once I learned about this and need an answer as soon as possible. I don't wanna loose my collection of hentai
Have you researched this at all? Do you know what is required for you to get a residence permit and how to set up a life there? Do you have a job lined up?
I have an N4 level of understand right now and I'm in college to be able to start my career here and then in the future get some experience before setting out to Japan. Right now though do you think when I move there in the future my doujins would be a problem? I don't wanna loose my collection but im afraid customs might have issues
Just buy some over there bruh
Mine are quite rare and some are of my waifu who rarely gets material. Since this is published in Japan originally it should be fine right?
Why don't you look this up again when you are ready to move. Laws and rules can change every few years.
True but it doesn't seem like any Japanese politicians want to challenge the porn laws especially for customs. I'm mainly worried because I don't see the point in continuing to spend money on them if they'll be taken away from me
Smuggling time!
Buy a briefcase and a bunch of big boring books from your local goodwill store. Put the hentai in the big boring books. Pack the suitcase and leave a few empty books on top.
I would be scared to do this to a country I plan to move too. But if I'm desperate enough this is good to know I guess. I just would hope since they are books published in Japan they would let it slide or overlook it
Mail it to your address once you have one. At the moment you're just worrying about the plumbing in your castle in the sky.
Would that be allowed? Customs would still need to check it right? Also you're probably right but I fear of losing porn of my waifu
Buy some crappy hentai you don't care about and send it as a test.
True! I plan on visiting and could bring one with me as a test and declare it. Worst thing that happens is they throw it away. I assume >>32605557 would be okay since I have a store I use located in Japan that mails hentai to me. Would it be worth asking the store their opinions on my situation? I want to avoid asking customs directly unless I'm planning a visit soon
In theory it would be fine, but I don't know why you'd want to be caught dead with porn cartoons when traveling to a country for work. Personally I'd just try to ship it fed extra the morning I let the country
I guess that would be the safest bet
>It should be fine right anon?
You're not looking for advices, you're just looking for someone to tell you it's fine dude...
Just ask yourself if you'd rather buy hentai over there or potentially lose access to your dream country
Depends if it is censored. In japan if there are pixel blurs, you are good.
Not a good idea. Mailing it from overseas ahead of you is even more suspect. Customs would just be worried about you having porn with the plan of distributing it. "Private" porn won't ring any alarms.
Why did you decide to post on a subject you know absolutely nothing about?
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why did you decide to be a faggot

>thread asking about customs and bringing doujin hentai into Japan
>"Japanese porn is pixelated"

Slam dunk, Einstein
yeah? Books are protected and encouraged in Japan retard, and from what I have seen, have censor bars around them, pixelated or not Retard. As long as genitals are not depicted its fine (censored) fag
Not the same question as if it's okay to bring in pornography into japan, even if censored
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Trust me, you don't want to move to Japan. There's a monumental difference between that and just vacationing there. Absolute heaven for tourists, absolute hell for locals (partly due to the tourists). Don't be foolish, OP.
It is, as long as it's not copyrighted video material. it is like bringing sand to a beach. In Japan there are porn mags everywhere. The difference between there and here is that it's somewhat censored there.

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