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it feels like my earwax is impacted, what should I do?
put some olive oil in there, let it soak for a while to dissolve the earwax, then lie with your ear down and let it seep out.
Use this shit but DO NOT follow the directions that say to only keep it in your ear for like 5 minutes or whatever. They changed the formula and now you have to keep it in there for at least 30 minutes and you'll have to do it multiple times. I kept it in there 1 hour each time and it took 3 times to finally clear my ear. The alternative is you can go to an ENT doctor and have them remove it manually but that shit's expensive and I hear it's rather unpleasant so I'd try Debrox first.

i went to the store and got debrox and also olive oil i did both and let it sit there for an hour its not workinh my eear hurts still
buy an ear squirter thing and blast it out.
earwax scope + stop before you get close to the eardrum so you didn't cripple yourself
i'm too retarded and i will make myself go deaf. i guess i'll try to find a doctor tomorrow
This. Warm tap water, flush it out. No pain, no wait, no fuss. Just hold you ear up to a bowl to catch the water and push the plunger.
make a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water and put that in your ear. the peroxide will melt whatever is inside it
Get some ear drops that contain urea peroxide. Use as directed.
hi, I went to the doctor and they said I have I have a fungal infection in my ear. no wonder none of the remedies were working. I think I got it from being in cancun a couple weeks ago and swimming a lot
Thanks for update, all of our advice was wrong haha

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