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Why does my captcha look like this? Half the time I can't see it and it's impossible to use. Nobody else has been complaining about it so I don't know it its my browser specifically or not.
it changes sometimes
>Half the time I can't see it and it's impossible to use
>picrel is always, always instantly clear and readable to anyone that's not retarded
Begone, BOT
it was fine that time, but other times it's not. It's hard to see with the grey and black.
I've noticed the same thing recently and I just click the button again to get a new 1
>always instantly clear and readable to anyone that's not retarded
What the fuck is this reply? Is this a spam bot? Every board has these overly aggressive responses to requests for information that contradict reality.
today, I have been getting ones with heavy lines that make it fucking impossible

if you post often enough, it goes back to what it was before this recent change with the initial timer bullshit
works on my machine
what visual impairment do you have, I can read those no problem
You are being suppressed.
looks like you are on a phone. I only see those when posting from a phone.
do you know where you are? this is 4chan. snarky shitty remarks and responses have been the norm since the site was created.
>any reply I don't like must be a bot
To prove your humanity. You have been weighed and measured and you have been found wanting, bot-san.
it finally came back to normal for me. The OP one happened after I deleted cookies so it's probably a temporary captcha for new users then it goes back to normal after a while
File: b57.jpg (42 KB, 618x597)
42 KB
>still not a single pic of one of these "impossible" capchas

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