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I (M) have been dating my boyfriend (M) for a year. We’re gay. Recently we went on vacation and he said something to me so casually that threw me off. When we were swimming together, he got drunk and started telling me a bunch of sweet things about how much he loves me and is glad that he met me. However, out of nowhere he makes a comment about how “he’s monogamous, for now”. He didn’t say it as a joke. He said in a normal tone, almost as if he slipped. We started arguing since I questioned him about it. He said he didn’t mean it and that he was drunk and said it out of stupidity. He started getting defensive and angry at me for believing that he would be serious about wanting an open relationship in the future. We’re 100% monogamous, and he’s the jealous type. That’s what we agreed upon when we met. He told me ha can’t see me with anyone else. So I don’t understand, if he’s 100% monogamous, why would he have that on his mind and say that he’s “monogamous, for now?”? I’m so confused and I’m scared that he’s gonna ask me for an open relationship in the future or try to cheat on me.
Make an effort to marry him.
Why the fuck are you asking us? We know nothing about you, your boyfriend or your relationship. We have no clue what is going on in the mind of a person we've never met and know nothing about.
Gays are the biggest cheaters
Because I want advice? There’s no need to be rude.
>Because I want advice?
Ask your boyfriend about what is on his mind, not ask a bunch of virgins on a scandinavian hackey sack forum to mind read a person they know nothing about.

>There’s no need to be rude.
We've never met your boyfriend. We know nothing about him. We have absolutely zero clue.
“We’re gay”

Any more surprises faggot?
lol that was my thought
You'll both get aids and die of rectal cancer eventually.
i'm not a fag so i don't know if this advice will apply to a man but if a woman even mentions the possibility of being with someone else ever i dump her ASAP and i learned that her being "jealous" dosen't mean shit she has the same if not even more chance of being unfaithful.
Was he "monogamous" before meeting you?to be honest i never known of any fags that are geniunenly so
Seek treatment for your homo fetish and get counseling to heal from your childhood sexual abuse. That is the only advice appropriate for this situation.
There’s nothing wrong with being gay.
Keep telling yourself that as you cry to sleep with rectal incontinence. The anus is not sex organ, and nature will punish you accordingly.
>However, out of nowhere (s)he makes a comment about how “(s)he's monogamous, for now”. (s)he didn’t say it as a joke. (s)he said in a normal tone, almost as if (s)he slipped.
I hope you're not planning to marry this woman
Shut the fuck up.
All this means is he thinks about exclusivity not that he intends to do anything about it.
Your mouth isn't meant for excreting waste either and yet there you go.
This >>32606648 would have been my first question. Maybe he meant something more along the lines of "I'm monogamous now" if he has a history of not being in committed relationships.
And this >>32608742 is how I would interpret it if my boyfriend said something like that.

If you trust him and your relationship is good otherwise, try to let it go and move on. Nothing in life is guaranteed, and you can never know the inner workings of someone else's mind. If you want a healthy relationship, you just have to communicate openly about what you want and trust that your boyfriend means what he says.
this anon gets it

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