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i would post on slash x but i don't like the vibe of that place
what have you got what do you know what works
carry a knife on your person for protection
A red kia forte
Yeah, you write a sentence detailing your goal and turn parts of its letters into a symbol. That is how to make a sigil.
Hold your chin up high. Shoulders back. Walk with confidence. Project your voice. Take your time. Be polite to others. Look after yourself.

'Symbols' are for schizos. Don't be a fucking retard.
Body language is the strongest 'symbol' you can display. We are monke. We are conditioned to be hyper-sensitive to the body language of others. Learn to use your body language to project the idea to others that you are not to be fucked with.

Sending bad vibes, btw. I hate your aura. I can tell you have thin wrists.
You are a monkey but your keepers believe in what you call retarded.
I could pound you into a mud hole.
I'll pound your mum's mud hole
Protection against what? Anyway best protection is faith and belief. Faith and belief in what or who, that’s up to you, basically higher power. Entity, Creed, Discipline or otherwise. Just something outside of yourself, something also outside of every man. Go look for that.

Then once you have it, deliberately walk into lion’s dens, walk among the people you wish to be protected against, with a big smile on your face. Then see what happens.

(Spoiler: stuff happens, but it won’t be the nightmare paranoid demonising thing you think).
Knock yourself out.
gun if you are man
pepper spray if you are faggot

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