I'll be 24 in less than 4 months and i'm still a virgin excluding prostitutes.Basically the best years for my would-be sex-having are almost over. People from my high school are all in serious LTRs, some already have kids. Meanwhile I never even had a hookup that most people have in their teens. Because of this, I basically just can't be fucking bothered anymore. I graduate with a codecel degree right around my 24th birthday and i'll be damned if I go to some shitty 9 - 5 working in an office, just to come back to my parents' basement and sleep alone.My plan is to work as a bartender for maybe 5 years or so, until i'm 30 and then i'll drop out of society and leech off the state until I die, whenever that may be. Thoughts on this plan?
Was your giant thread already up about this not enough? How many levels of mental illness are you operating on here?
>>32607221this thread is specifically about dropping out of society though. Now now, but in a few years.
>>32607145my thought is that you will deserve the misery youre going to inflict on yourself
>>32607702Because normies LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE to post hoc justify their unjustifiable hatred for lonely, male virgins. They will be sitting and watching you tread water for years, years, years, slowly losing hope and the MOMENT you finally give in, sink into despair due to crippling loneliness and drown they will IMMEDIATELY jump out and go "SEE! SEE! THIS IS WHY YOU DESERVE TO DIE ALONE AND UNLOVED! BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KEEP SMASHING YOUR HEAD AGAINST THE WALL INFINITELY! BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KEEP DANCING AND WRITHING FOR MY AMUSEMENT! DANCE, MONKEY, DANCE! I AM A GOOD PERSON!"You will always see normalfags grasp at straws to defend their ilk. To them a mass murderer cannibal who has sex is more of a person than a lonely male virgin who works 9 to 5 as a software dev. They HATE you. But they will never tell you this directly because above all else normalfags NEED to tell themselves they are good people (and in turn that all people unlike them, i. e. lonely men) are evil and bad.
>>32607145Get over yourself
>>32609687How does a man who has only ever been by himself, alone, supposed to get over himself, if himself is all he has ever known? "get over your entire existence up to this point", stellar stuff really
Having experienced teenage love, it was pretty awkward business. Just clueless kids, with everything that comes with that, trying to figure out how to have a relationship. Often failing, likely for retarded reasons, miss me with that.Also, don't let the past control your life, it's the future and what you make of it that should be on your mind.You're just 24, I don't even consider people under 25 as adults. You still can date retarded young girls and make an awkward mess out of relationships. You're a loser because you have chosen to be one, everything else is just cope. An extremely common thing to do amongst r9k users. Of course they don't want to face the truth and instead invest badly used energy into looking for excuses to why they shouldn't improve their life. Not an intelligent thing to do, that energy could be used better, obviously.Yet, they think themselves more intelligent than normies, just have a look at that other guy shitting on them. Obviously envious, desperately looking for reason why they themselves are better than normies. Normies being them people that invested energy into improving their life and reaping the benefits of having done that.If you have done that right, you have a job you like, or even love. It's not work if you love it. You have a wonderful partner, you may have kids, which change your life with a lot of responsibility, but also a ton of rewards. With a life like that, you have no reason to hate the people here, it's just a waste of energy for no profit, you have better things to do. This being, for some people, an ideal lifestyle for them, of course mileage may differ, but basically living on the internet, being angry at people, is ideal for very few. Likely having been dealt shitty cards in their life, being unable to function normally and being a social outcast, living a shitshow. I feel some pity for them.tldr: You're bad at living life. Be honest with yourself, stop the cope, invest in your future for a better life.
>>32609828Ive spent my entire life "working on myself", improving myself, because every adult around me always gave me the same advice you are giving right now. "don't ever give up, keep working and grinding, you will reap the benefits, don't listen to the bullies, they are just jealous" etc etc. Well now i'm in my mid 20s as a kissless virgin incel, no friends, no relationships, nothing. Yet by your post i should be reaping the rewards of my hard work, right? Lmao, shut the fuck up.
>>32609855girls & hooking up aside, why do you not have any friends? You went to college for 4 years, did you just hate everyone there?
>>32607471Why not now? Why put off your dream to be a leech on society?
>>32609989Well i know some guys from uni and we sometimes meet up and play tabletop games and stuff, but they are what i call "social dead ends". I studied mathematics so all the guys from my uni are spergy weeb autismo types. These guys don't have social circles either, they know no women and have no hobbies apart from nerd shit they do with other virgin autistic men. I'm the "cool guy", the "chad" of the group.People from my hobbies like martial arts and shit don't really want to hang out oitside of the hobby. Whenever i ask them to, they flake on me or refuse, saying they are too busy. Ergo no friends. I mean i guess you could call my autism tabletop group "friends" if you want.
>>32610055When I was 19 I met my girlfriend at the time (18) while I was going to EMT school. After we broke up I met other girls when I was going to nursing school. You could try volunteering/taking a class where a lot of people there are going to be women.
>>32609855>Lmao, shut the fuck up.Some people just aren't made for being alive.How have you been improving yourself exactly and how did it work out? What does your average day look like? What are the emotions you usually have?What do you expect to gain from dropping out of society?It just sounds like a sorry excuse for suicide, go move into the woods perhaps.You're not looking for advice, are you? You're looking for people telling you that you're right.Your personality probably is a disaster, how did you try to fix this?You seem to have an abrasive one, I guess being around you is having a shitty time, people trying to avoid you?Why the fuck are you obsessed with the past instead of learning from it and then move on? Why are you doing such stupid things?But then, yeah, maybe you're just retarded, this seems like a distinct possibility, I'll give you that. Life is not for everyone.Normally I would ask what you have planned for your next steps, but I have seen your other thread, bartending.I do wish you good luck with that, no sarcasm here. At least you seem to be trying to improve and not only do questionable things for weird reasons...right?If it doesn't work out, even some volunteer work could maybe help to improve your social skills. You know, those annoying WWF, whatever, people trying to talk you into donating some money. But then, this may be too much for you, it requires some charisma, some personality. As you probably know, people decide quickly if they want to talk to you or not.These are not necessarily question that I expect an answer to, but tings that you should ask yourself.The bartending thing may be complicated to get into. Part of your job is selling the place, motivate your costumers to stay, drink, obviously. and to come back again.This includes flirting with women, even gays. Nothing too serious, mostly. Source: I know a lot of them, several of them falling for me.
>>32610082I volunteered at a homeless shelter when i was in high school, there were no chicks. I studied applied mathematics at uni, where there was a 10:1 male to female ratio.
>>32610082same anon here, you can also just go to bars now that you are 21+, specifically college ones where the majority of them will be close to your age.
>>32610093Sorry, i'm not OP, i just think your advice about self improvement is bullshit because i'm living proof it doesn't work.I'm in my last year of grad school for cumputational and applied mathematics. I do BJJ 3 times a week (tue/thur/sat), i go to choir practice 3 times a week (mon/wed/fri), i go to the gym 4 times a week (mon/tue/thur/fri), i play tabletop/board games with a posse of autists i know from undergrad every week or two weeks, depends. When the weather is nice i go running twice a week. I practice guitar for half an hour daily. I don't have an abrasive personality and am very agreeable, but i'm becoming more and more of a misanthrope every day from social isolation. In time i will become a completely calloused and bitter person.
>>32610125do you not enjoy doing those things?
>>32607145Honestly bartender might be the best way for you to meet people, learn interpersonal skills, and hook up. Every bartender I know fucks, a lot. Go for it.
Why do you fucking people get so hung up on the idea of what could have been instead of simply trying your damndest to live as much as you can NOW?
>>32610242I think it's because the lack of experience feels so monumental to overcome. I've only been on a couple of dates and i'm almost 30 and a virgin. Being normal has passed me by. I'm going to be experiencing what teens and early 20s did in my early 30s. It's hard to not feel so inferior to other people.
>>32610242not any of the anons itt but i am trying as hard as i can, i have been since i was consciousit just really hurts after years and years of trying your best and nothing coming of itnaturally you ruminate on all thing things that you could have done better, it's a necessary part of trying again
>>32607145all good until the last comma I say be the best bartender ever
>>32607145Young love is overrated. I'm 31 and the only relationship I ever had was when I was 19, it sucked ass.
>>32607145You can still have an experience to get it out of your system . But you’ll end up realizing that it comes at the cost of a relationship. It’s better to be in control as a man
>>32607145>I'll be 24 in less than 4 months and i'm still a virgin excluding the fact that I'm not actually a virgin.
>>32607145Bro I'm 38 and I don't even remember the name of the girl I first kissed in middle school. I barely remember any of the dates I went on while in high school.