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If you were on cctv whats to stop you dying your hair to avoid being identified in court?
You high again mate? You can obviously dye your hair but no one is going to be fooled in court. That isn't a defence. This is retarded.
What do you mean?

If the footage is low quality or not perfect im just curious if theres anyone who has attempted it before it seems a painfuly obvious thing people would try but im unaware of it
Thay can use facial recognition software or just take a picture of you today and change the haircolor to show it was you

This is truly retarded. You must be high.
You should should put some acid on your face.
If you wear a wig, a face mask, make yourself walk funny by putting stones in your shoes and slouch more if you have good posture - you may get away with it.
Walks are very identifiable
The fact that having you on camera is not the be all end all of evidence.
You're naive to think that's all they can go off of..
Dude why deal with all that when you can just don the beaglepuss! They'll never suspect!

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