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How does one get multiple wives or girlfriends without being Mormon? No I don't want cuckold open polyamory.
>I don’t want just 1 voice nagging at me
>I want several voices nagging at me

I think it requires insanity first of all.
Belong to a sex cult
Mormonism is not that bad if your goal is to game the system. Upper echelon characters of any religion can get away with a lot
Only about 15% of all women are monogamous; 85% of women have more than one male sexual partner. (Source: The GSS.)
If you have two women, the probability that both are monogamous is 0.0225.
If you have three women, the probability that all three are monogamous is .003375.
If you have four women, the probability that all four are monogamous is 0.00050625.
If you have five women, the probability that all five are monogamous is 0.0000759375.
If you have six women, the probability that all six are monogamous is 0.000011390625.
If you have seven women, the probability that all seven are monogamous is 0.00000170859375.
If you have eight women, the probability that all eight are monogamous is 0.0000002562890625.
If you have nine women, the probability that all nine are monogamous is 0.000000038443359375.
If you have ten women, the probability that all ten are monogamous is .0000000057665039062.
If you have eleven women, the probability that all eleven are monogamous is .0000000008649755859.
If you have twelve women, the probability that all twelve are monogamous is .0000000001297463379.
If you have thirteen women, the probability that all thirteen are monogamous is .0000000000194619507.
If you have fourteen women, the probability that all fourteen are monogamous is .0000000000029192926.
If you have fifteen women, the probability that all fifteen are monogamous is .0000000000004378939.
If you have sixteen women, the probability that all sixteen are monogamous is .0000000000000656841.
If you have seventeen women, the probability that all seventeen are monogamous is .0000000000000098526.
If you have eighteen women, the probability that all eighteen are monogamous is .0000000000000014779.
If you have nineteen women, the probability that all nineteen are monogamous is .0000000000000002217.
TLDR: YWABAC (You will always be a cuck).
The woman nag at each other, that's why you need more than one.
And you tech them to nag at God instead (also known as: praying).
but what about the percentage of women are susceptible to manipulation and tolerate neglect/abuse
Acquire a pimp cane, like the religious scholar in the picture.
two ways
>be high value chad Mcthundercock and have multiple women willingly share access to you
>be betacuck that shares access to high value women with chad and/or other betacucks

polyamory is trash behavior for trash people who are too poor to just be regular swingers
in polygamy you are supposed try to play women off each other so they compete for your attention
swinging is just cuckolding with extra steps. closed polyamory is based
do Mormons still practice polygamy?
>in polygamy you are supposed try to play women off each other so they compete for your attention

And then they all nag you to get you to admit that they are the favourite girl. And then they pout if you don’t give them that answer. Then they fight with each other, and they all nag at each other and the whole thing is a mess lol.

Nah, not for me. My peace is worth more than pussy.
yes but not openly
Mainstream Mormons no longer practice polygamy in earthly life; although the mainstream Mormons still have the doctrine that they will practice celestial polygamy after death with the wives they have been sealed with. Only a few fundamentalist offshoots of Mormonism practice polygamy here on planet Earth.
have you personally experienced this or are these assumptions?
>Mainstream Mormons no longer practice polygamy in earthly life; although the mainstream Mormons still have the doctrine that they will practice celestial polygamy after death with the wives they have been sealed with
that's really lame
yes, but unless you're a born chad or very rich you're not likely to build a harem of private sluts. women who will share a man with other women have no qualms about fucking other men unless you're a big enough prize. most men, you, op and myself included are not that

past that its trash because only shitty people partake in this garbage
>women who will share a man with other women have no qualms about fucking other men unless you're a big enough prize. most men, you, op and myself included are not that
How big enough of a prize do you have to be. How many millions do you need
enough to make her forget that you're not chad. however there isn't enough gold in king Solomon's mines to keep a woman from being a cheating slut
>have you personally experienced this or are these assumptions?
No, I have not experienced this. But these are not my assumptions, they’re predictions. I’m just connecting some dots is all. Those dots are all my exes - I’ve dated a handful of women in my time. And I know how women can be when they feel jealousy first hand. So in my mind, if you take one woman and put her with another woman and another and another etc, what happens is you get the same thing but in surround sound lol.
Women don’t stop being women just because they are in a group is my prediction. And I’d predict it just makes them even louder with the jealousy and the nagging.
>How does one get multiple wives or girlfriends without being Mormon? No I don't want cuckold open polyamory
This is impossible, sorry. If you want to be able to sleep with other women, you have to be okay with her sleeping with other men too. There are no other options.
That’s stupid, you don’t have to do anything. Many men have closed poly harems
Those women are all sub-5
what are your ratings for the spread, i'm curious

anyone free to answer btw
the 2nd from the left of the standing womyn and bottom left are def not sub 5
you are insane. all these women are 7/10+. They're skinny, not covered in tattoos and most of them are white. they look a lot better than most zoomer girls nowadays

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