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perhaps due to movies?

if you hook up with multile women then you have that game going

if you are just in a long term relationship then perhaps you are a boring guy?

idk i guess these could be the stereotypes?

I get your point. The latter seems more moral
Because it's normal for women in long term relationships to deprive the guy of sex, make themselves ugly, weaponize sex or have sex with other men. One or more of those will happen in practically every relationship. And because you probably weren't their first it increases the chances of those things happening. Hook ups probably aren't worth the effort or risk involved but relationships are still even worse. And nothing will be done because women and simps can't accept women being wrong.
Have you ever been in one? It's like having another job and having to do extra chores and you also lose more money in the process. It's a net negative in almost every aspect, you're basically sacricing your life to her.
experience with one woman teaches you nothing, experience with many teaches you everything
it wasn't until we were no longer allowed to beat them for turning off the sex once they were married. you have two choices
>sex with relationship
>relationship without sex
and yes this isn't *every* woman but the sheer amount of sexless marriages is proof enough that even if a women loves you and even if you do everything you're supposed to as a husband its not enough to stop womens monkey brain from turning off the sex and not only that everyone will tell her she's in the right and its YOU who has the problem and it's YOUR fault that your wife wont fuck you.

the only reason to get married is to raise children and even then you and your children will probably be better off as a single father
It'll increase your risk of STIs
>Why is hooking up with multiple women seen as better than being in a long term relationship?
By whom, aside from degenerates?
Yeah that shit is not worth it. Something funny is people get mad at men for judging women on body count or preferring virgins but it really does only take one other guy to mess up these women mentally or physically for the next guy. By default women are more likely than men to catch stds but when you add the fact women also tend to prefer or sleep with guys that have many other female partners it's pretty much guaranteed they'll catch shit. One of the most common things to catch is HPV which causes painful cervical cancer in women.
Why do you let her stop having sex with you?
You don't usually have a choice, all you can do is try is try to convince her to do her part again which probably won't even work. I don't get in serious relationships with women because I know they pride themselves on not having sex with men who take them seriously.
>you don't own me misogynist rapist chud
>I'm a heckin person not a thing for you to take your nasty sexual frustration out on
>now give me your money and die protecting me so I can keep being a cunt to you in your final moments
It's just not worth it. Better to rub one out to porn and take added pleasure in the fact it ironically makes them seethe that they can't control your body and make you stop watching.
best bang for your buck
Just have sex with her. If she refuses then you walk away until she agrees. I don’t understand what the big issue is
if your wife(or her retarded lizard brain) decides no more sex the only legal recourse you have is divorce and that comes at the cost of half your shit and the kids and child support. you cant take your wife to court and have a judge force her to fuck you under penalty of incarceration but she can sure have the judge lock you up for "forcing" yourself on her
Kids are a totally different story. You have to make peace with them being costly. But still there’s prenups and other options
>just walk away until she fucks you
yeah, if you think a woman who refuses to fuck her husband would hesitate even a second to divorce him and take half his shit and an alimony check if he threatened to "walk away" you have the iq of a turnip

the problem is that her brain, hormones, other women, social media, her therapist the federal government and society as a whole is telling her that she's right and not only are you wrong but you're a massive shitbag for even being upset that the only woman you're "allowed" to fuck refuses to fuck you and if you don't like it her divorce attorney will be in touch
Okay well this isn’t new and she probably never respected or feared you if she’s pulling this. Just don’t marry and if you do keep your assets hidden there’s options
its worth it because without them no one would procreate
There's no point to procreation if the ones you're breeding with are such trash and never care to change.
i guess theres varying degrees of shittiness in women. dont breed with garbage
Even the typical shittiness really isn't worth it

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