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Thinking about leaving everything behind, drop my savings into a yachtmaster fast track program, and just sail around.
How likely is this to end badly?
Boating/sailing/yachting is generally expensive and high maintenance. Too much hassle for me, I'd go with a car/van instead.
I could also do stuff like being a skipper or moving boats for people
It shouldn’t be a problem as long as you have enough money. There are people that have written books about such a lifestyle.

If you can’t afford a boat, look into nomadic living by car. My backup retirement plan is to live full time in my car and visit all of the natural wonders of western US.
It would more be a hopping off a plane headed crashing, with a really fancy parachute.
Always liked sailing, and now I see my life taking a really bad turn and even though I'm barely 20, I think it's already over.
>Thinking about leaving everything behind
This always ends badly
unless you have health problems or debt so massive you can never recover, nothing is over at 20
Everything just feels so hopeless though right now, so uncertain. (Ironic when I'm thinking of literally sailing into uncertainty)
You don't get it, 20 is old!
It's over...

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