What are some jobs that'll hire someone to work full time ASAP? I don't even care if the pay is shit but I need a job yesterday. Are there any "walk in, talk to the manager, and you have A job within the week" type jobs I should consider right now?
>>32608132fast food, that's basically your only realistic option these days with those requirements. have fun smelling like fryer oil and your mandatory cystic acne.
>>32608132You just want full time work? Considering you're a 4chan autist, fast food, janitor, security, warehouse, factory or other industrial crap packing boxes or stacking pallets. Look up temp agencies in your area or on indeed.
>>32608132Amazon or fedex
Staffing agencies/temp agencies or go to hiring events and they might hire you on the spot.
>>32608132Try a car wash, anon. Or a grocery store.
>>32608145nope, even that's not available.>>32608209last temp agency i visited said i needed 2 years admin experience to even be eligible to search forthere is nothing out there, we're in something worse than the great depression and it will be revealed just in time for trump and covid 2.0
>>32608593No you don't. Maybe with that particular agency you need 2 years admin experience but if you're talking minimum wage jobs then they're everywhere. If your standard is simply full time work and you're not above working for min wage, those jobs are found everywhere. Either the agency you went to sucks, the job market in your area sucks, or you suck.
>>32608132wait for trump to fix the economy, the job market is absolute garbage right now
>>32609298where are you that you're calling 'everywhere'? my everywhere is los angeles, where fast food became 20/hr minimum while all the rest of the harder jobs pay less. aside from raising the bar to 'impossible' for all other jobs, a major psychological blow to compare any entry level job you could get to fucking mcdonalds as the bar of success. and as far as I can tell from the internet it's pretty grim everywhere. So again, whats your 'everywhere', I'll try moving there. Do they still speak english in 'everywhere'?
>>32609298Not trying to detract from >>32609387 's point but he's not OP. I am. I live in the south.
>>32609405im>>32609387man, sounds like not even the south is safe then. how many illegals you got down there? they're horrible here, but i hear they're bad everywhere now since they were bussed all around and given the means to set up shop. have you been doing doordash (the new unemployment) yet? its a good way to make maybe $30 an 10hr day every since they took it over. still, it's something, so im sitting in my car waiting for orders right now, inbetween filling out job applications everywhere i see, for the past year and a half.>>32609342i legitimately think this is the only way, if any.
>>32609342lol Trump is gonna give your job to a pajeet
>>32609472>have you been doing doordash (the new unemployment) yet? Yea. Are you saying you only made $30 in a 10-hour day though? Last time I dashed I made $40 over 4 hours. Not great but not terrible either. >how many illegals you got down there? Couldn't tell you. They certainly live around the area here but the neighborhood I live in is mostly white upper middle-class people.
>>32608593>there is nothing out there, we're in something worse than the great depression and it will be revealed just in time for trump and covid 2.0This is true but in terms of jobs there are more jobs than ever, companies are just too large to efficiently hire the right candidates so they have these retarded processes in place to do it for them. There are fewer places where you can just walk in and get hired after talking to the owner.