I've been using a ds3 controller on my PC for a few years. Yesterday it stopped responding while having the #1 light on non stop, so I reset it with the button on the back. And after the reset it can't even turn on, nothing I do gets any response. PC doesn't see it, connecting/clicking on doesn't turn the lights on, neither charging more or resetting it again does not do anything. I even got my ps3 out and connected it there, hoping that it would help somehow, but still no response.Most of the online discussion points to battery issues, but like I said, it was on just fine before I reset it, so I doubt that's the issue.Anything else I can try? Any ideas on how to fix it?
>>32608252Get a new one or a different controller
>>32608252If a light comes on, it has power. You try like, hold down ps button and unplug?
>>32608732>If a light comes on, it has powerIt was on before I reset it, it doesn't now. Yeah I tried that.
Some chip on the controllers board is probably fucked somewhere. Replace it with a $30 PowerA controller (Xbox layout) or get it repaired
>>32608784Idk then.
>>32608252oh man this brings me back
>>32608252Did you try downloading DS3ForWindows or whatever it's called?Also, copypaste your question into ChatGPT and it'll tell you exactly what to do famalamaflamaman
>>32610249Or DW4Windows, idk honestly but works for me