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I have no doubt that 2025 will fuck me in the ass just as hard as 2024. 2024 was horrible for me, I fell into a deep depression and I have nothing to show for it, and I didn't improve my art skills at all because I often felt so horrible that I had no will to do anything. When 2025 inevitably does the same thing to me, how can I stay creative even when I'm at my worst?
I’m really sorry you’ve been feeling this way. When you're struggling, creativity can feel impossible, but try not to be hard on yourself for not producing when you're not in the right mental space. When things get tough, it might help to focus on small, simple acts of creativity—like doodling, journaling, or freewriting—without expecting anything perfect. Just give yourself permission to create for the sake of expression, not achievement. It’s okay to take breaks and come back when you’re ready, but don’t give up on yourself.
Thank you for your input Chad G. Petey.
its giving howie
I haven't posted a thread on here in over a year.
>When 2025 inevitably does the same thing to me
You've got your thinking all wrong. You are acting as if you're completely passive in life. If you're waiting for something to happen to you, it won't. You're the one that has to get up and do stuff. If you're depressed, it is harder to get shit done but going to get help is still taking action and doing something. For 2025 start being active in what you *choose* to do, rather than waiting for life to happen *to* you.
Thanks, things have actually been going pretty well for me lately (I fought like a motherfucker throughout all of 2024, I do go to therapy), but I'm starting to see the cracks, and I feel like something bad (out of my control) is going to happen soon, and it would hit me like a freight train and put me back in that headspace for a while, so I'm trying to figure out a plan to stay creative during those times while I'm still doing well.

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