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File: crossroad.jpg (27 KB, 612x408)
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Does anyone have any ways to deal with option paralysis- I find myself struggling when presented with an abundance of options.
When you're faced with too many options, try narrowing them down to a few key choices that align with your values or goals. Trust your intuition and make the decision that feels right in the moment, without overthinking it. Sometimes, setting a time limit to make a decision can help reduce the pressure. Also, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes—decisions aren't always permanent.
Make your decision instantly and if something changes your mind, let it.
A very important thing to remember is that if you are struggling to choose between certain options, the most likely reason why you're struggling is that all of bthe options are pretty much equally good. If one option were significantly better than the others then you would have already noticed that and chosen it. So if you can't make your mind up, it probably doesn't matter very much which one you choose. Just pick one (at random if necessary) and go for it, and remember that you wouldn't have been significantly better off if you'd gone the other way.
you don't actually know what you want because you lack experience, you have to take what's available and run with it to discover whether it's worthwhile. if not, move to something else.

fuck off niggergpt. useless reply.

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