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I really want to flex on people. Right now people look at me and say this guy is handsome but he probably doesn't have a lot of money. I want to change that. Now I know what you're thinking, just buy an expensive car, wear a rolex, or some other status symbol. Here's the thing, I want to be lowkey about it. I don't want to be overtly flashy. Instead I want to just give off rich vibes and flex on them that way. I have the money, just need the way. How do I do that?
Sprinkle some wise sayings into conversation. When someone speaks about problems you should act like the solution is self evident but don't be specific about what it actually is
Oh this is a good one dude. I like that one.
You aren't rich. Do you know how I know you aren't rich? Because the kinds of things you would do with yourself, and the casual attitude towards doing those things would already give off those vibes.

What you are isn't rich.
Oh no. The never richers are here. Bunch of crabs in a bucket.
The words lowkey and flex are contradictory. You either want to show off or you don't. People can absolutely tell from afar when is someone wearing quality "homeless" fashion and who isn't.
Given this and taking the middle way, then wear quality clothes that can make anyone look twice to you just to see what 'brand" you're wearing (preferably don't wear branded shit); buy a cologne like Creed that smells good; wear an expensive watch on one arm and the other should have GENUINE precious metal jewelry (silver is fine IMHO if you pair it with dark colors), and last but not least is your hairstyle that, when done right, it will give you a massive social status gain since a bad hairstyle/haircut can ruin ALL of the effort you put on getting the rest of the stuff I'm telling you to wear.
Of course, by common sense, you don't wear chink shit from DeMoo, knock-off Uniqlo, and Shitstein.
Also, I'm politely bumping your thread since it is one of the few not related to "muh gf/bf".
>this pasta is so much better than bf gf threads and heckin real!

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