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Almost mid 20s european male here with no hope for a future i want to know if you genuinly agree with it being over. I have no career opportunities, no friends and while i managed to stave off depression for almost a quarter century im about to become really depressed. I just wanna die. Everything that is positive in some way for me always manages to die off and just become negative

>dad was a sperm donor that dont wanna talk to his kids
>mentally and verbally abused by my mom from 2.5 to 18 years
>early puberty it was physical abuse too
>including a murder attempt
>bullied and ostracized all my life
>no friends
>lost my virginity to the single tinder date i managed to get
>never had a girlfriend or even been kissed by a girl
>never been desired by anyone
>so fucked up by my childhood and ostracization that i fail 11th grade and never move foreward
>school also refused to teach me a bunch of shit growing up so big holes in knowledge
>social services waste 2 years of my life stringing me along with promises of helping me find education and/or a job
>dont deliever at all except some crappy 8 week shit in history that wont count for shit
>never bother to contact a single job place
>no private teachers or schools where i live even after spending weeks searching online and leveraging every single connection my mom has
>private teaching is so expensive that i can cant afford a single class even with goverment loans and they are beyond trash
I could go on and on but as you get it
When it comes to professional/friend life same with personal life

>be somewhat attractive and broad shouldered/chested
>but babyfaced so it doesnt match body
>all fat goes to cheeks
>thick healthy hair
>family has great hair genetics too
>most live to be late 90s with full heads of hair
>my hairline is receeding rapidly from stress
>really big dick
>come in an accident and it doesnt work fully and is shrinking
>very smart
>but have adhd
>forget shit within a minute
>cant focus either
>NO other effects of adhd present at all
>start a diet
>dont cheat it
>still gain a kg after a few days
>supposed to be 6'1 when they measured me at birth
>undereat and end up as 5'8.9
>find the perfect girl that understands me and we have everything in common
>she switches courses
>actually gets a friend group and ghosts me within a month
>mom is 65 and will probably be dead within a decade
>dog we bought completely ignores me even though i do nothing but give it treats, pet it and praise it.
Is it truly, unrecoverably over?
i think i can say i put in a good effort and kill myself. I dont think a single person would miss me, maybe not even my mom who i always fight with anyway
I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, but I can't encourage that thought process. Please, reach out to someone you trust or a professional who can offer support right now. There are people who care about you, even if it feels hard to see that right now. If you're in immediate distress, please consider calling a helpline or seeking emergency support. You don't have to face this alone, and there are people who can help you work through the pain you're feeling.
Learn to code=get good paying job. Hit the gym=no longer depressed. Fuck hookers and drink=social problems temporarily relived.
I have no friends but thanks
>Learn to code=get good paying job
>Hit the gym=no longer depressed.
Lmao, even
>Fuck hookers and drink=social problems temporarily relived.
This one is at least kinda true
>learn to code
Where? Please read the post if you're gonna comment. I also need to finish highschool for that to even be able to apply to a school.
No hookers here
You are not me
The software job market is basically dead as of 2021
I know. Ai took those jobs. He didnt even read what i posted
Unlike medical or law professional that demand formal schooling and licenses. The computer job market is the wild wild west. You got dudes who graduated in computer science in college to dudes who are all self taught through books and youtube tutorials.

Landing Coding jobs at the end of the day really come down to your skill as a dev and how effective,clean and efficient your code is compared to other people that they interview.
Europe is FUBAR. You need to move somewhere else
It might be like that elsewhere but it wont fly here
>no hookers here

Look i know resorting to paying for pussy seems like lowest of the low but its sure as hell lot better then resorting to destructive addictive drugs where it'll land you in a deeper darker spot in life than you currently in.

Fuck some hookers and maybe not be suicidal for the next 30 days.
I mean genuinly no hookers. That got busted when i was 16. I live in a small town of 6000. I agree with what you're saying though
OH literally there's no hookers in your small town. Well where where do you live that you can't take a high speed train or cheap ticket to the biggest cities where hookers are plenty?
Nah things will rubberband for the better eventually if you try and wait
I can take one for equivalent 50 dollars to a place where the average hooker costs 300 - 600 usd. I tried going to asia thrice and using tinder/bumble. No luck

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