I'm white and I've had white girls show interest in me before but lately only non white girls like an indian girl and a middle eastern girl have shown interest. I'm not racist or anything I just think as a white person they are not good enough for me and that i would be doing myself a disservice to date a non white
>i'm not racist but (racist diatribe)
How many times are you gonna make this thread?
>>32610284This is the first time
>>32610278How am I racist? They showed interest in me meaning they think they can get with me. I'll use cars as an analogy. I'm a Ferrari while they are AMC Gremlins
>>32610278Well done Reddit, you correctly pointed out what he was doing for a laugh.
>>32610301Are you fully European yourself because I’ve seen a lot of mutts with this outlook
>32610306>op seething he got called out>everything I don’t like is redditkwab
>>32610308I'm fully european
>>32610301>How am I racist?Saying other people are less valuable than you because of the color of their skin is kind of racist, OP. Not sure if you know where you are but there's no need to pretend to not be racist. You can just own it.
>fumbling a middle eastern girldamn u fucked up fr
>>32610313>t. winter tourist (minor)
>responding 5 mins after the fact>anything I don’t like is reddit (do I fit in yet!? Summerfags, uh reddit!)kwab
>>32610301Forget that faggot. Racism is just a bad word for self preservation. Racism is the immune system of a healthy society.
>>32610278>implying thats a bad thing
>racism is a good thing! Anyone who disagrees is reddit and newfag, uh hitler and I’m totally based uh huh>100% pure Prussian Nordic ancestry type. I’m literally Nordic, descended from Vikings bro, as anyone posting on 4cucks on a Friday night would be kwab
>>32610591So when blacks call whites colonizers for what their ancestors did is "self preservation"? Or when whites deny access to blacks for basic things it's also called "self preservation"?You are retarded.
>>32610684I don't give a shit what they call us. I only care about what my people do and think, and I would never deny them a one way ticket back to africa.
>>32610684Imagine being a decracinated cuck like this in 2025 the year of our lord.
>>32610740I'm simply saying, it's not like I *don't* agree with racism but to call it self preservation is stupid. I'm a racist, I believe different races have different roles and they have intrinsic values due to their race.>>32610745>immediate comeback is about cuckoldry pornYou are sick in the head anon. Maybe if your porn-ridden mind wasn't seeking outward affirmation of it's addiction by mentioning cuckoldry and the most random of places than maybe we could have a civil discussion.
>>32610623Yes, but unironically.
>>32610768Nobody mentioned porn, coombrain. Neck yourself.
>>32610779Being a cuck is literally only in porn, coombrain. Neck yourself.
>>32610359Anon she is middle eastern, her family wouldn't allow her to be with him anyway.
>>32610253Same. There’s not a single attractive feature about other races and that’s why they always want our women. I just can’t get hard or horny for a non white woman. I’ve been trying since I was 13 to get a young pale white gf and I’m almost 31 and women my age are covered in vomit skin, wrinkles, tattoos and piercings. Most have fucked other races too and they just aren’t attractive. Young adult women are what the other races are targeting and women are brainwashed to hate white men.