i swear i've run into far more manipulative woman than the actualy statistics say (1% of women vs 4% of men). I've never had a man really screw me over, yet i've had countless women lie, cheat and manipulate me while pretending to love me
>>32619353There was a recent study that rescinded the 1% part and claimed it was as much as men. The problem was they were searching for the wrong things in women since how that manifests itself in behavior is going to be different in them.
Antipathy in, antipathy out. Hope that wasn't something ya had to confirm empirically
Men have no idea about the kind of shit women go through in their early teens. Of course they all come out of it as sociopaths.
>>32619471shut the fuck up roastie cunt
>>32619475I'm not a woman. I'm just very intelligent.
>>32619353FFS.Women can't be physical so they are verbal and social.That's not psychopathic or sociopathic
>>32619353Manipulative =/= sociopath Please stop using words you do not understand. Everyone can be manipulative. Yes, women use manipulation more frequently. This isn't pathology. Jesus. Grow up you spastic.
>>32619535theres no need to be so harsh you stupid cunt :3
>>32619353Firstly, judging the entirety of female behavior on the contact you've with them in the context of romantic relationships is a little weird. Secondly, the common denominator of all these relationships is you. You're the one who is attracted to manipulative women. Its like you've crashed every car you've owned but somehow you came to the conclusion that all the cars were faulty. Incorrect, sir. The fault lies with the driver. You are the driver. You keep enacting the same pattern over and over with the same kinds of people despite having plenty prerequisite knowledge as to what red flags to look for and what personality traits to avoid. You keep choosing. Stop examining women and start examining yourself.
>>32619553are you saying basically i need a boring women? i swear the only fun women are crazy ones
>>32619542That isn't harsh you fucking retard. Stop pretending to be a victim you weakling little bitch. Unwrap your mummy from around you and learn how to be a man.
>>32619595>are you saying basically i need a boring women?Only if your perception of a "boring" woman is one that doesn't stimulate your desire for dysfunction. Its fine if you want to go after dysfunctional women because they're exciting and unpredictable and sensual and impulsive but just don't complain about how women are manipulative when the consequences of your choices come to bear. You wanted immediate gratification over long term stability. You chose this. Again, for a vehicle metaphor, a lot of people would call a mini van "boring" in comparison to a 1300cc street bike but at the end of the day the van is dependable during "boring" times. You can build your life around it. You can rely on it to support you when you need it because many moments in life with a partner are going to be "boring" - work, school, paying bills, obligations, raising kids, stress etc., A "boring" girl may not suck your dick in the bathroom of a night club but she'll sit down and help you pay taxes and comfort you when work is hard and go with you to your parents house for Christmas. The BPD vagina demon you go after won't do these things for you. If you want to race the 1300cc street bike at 150mph because its exciting and gets your blood pumping that's fine and its your choice but you have no one but yourself to blame when you eventually crash and burn.
>>32619353Honestly I don't think most of them have the emotional stability or self-awareness necessary to be truly manipulative. They'll say something one day and mean every word in that very moment and then completely betray what they said immediately after. At no point in that process was she lying directly; she just changed her mind.
>>32619353if their faces look like that then absolutely yes
>>32619630>Honestly I don't think most of them have the emotional stabilityKind of oversimplified nonsense. Like 90% of all violent crime offenders are men. I always find it odd when people try to say women are more emotionally unstable because it implies things like jealousy, rage and pettiness aren't emotions. If the statistics are any indication, men have far greater issues with emotional stability than women. The most charitable interpretation is that perhaps men and women face different emotional challenges in their lives so comparing their stability is a little reductive.
>>32619595Fun women are fuck buddies. Boring women are wives.
>>32619353it's the opposite for meif a random dude approaches me on the street 50% probabilities he's trying to scam me, I've learned to ignore them most of the timeeven aquaintances and other males I've known for a while will try to fuck me over from time to time, forget about it if your gf is hot, her dms will be full of people you know and they call you bro or something and she'll show you but what can you do, make it bigger?on the other hand I've had just a very limited number of bad experiences with girlsof course one of those feels very intense since I was dating that girl but I don't let that skew the % of people who are scumbags and by a big margin it's been dudesto the point most of the close friends nowadays are females because the males I usually don't trust anymore, I can count in one hand the males I trust, not counting my dad
>>32619630>I am a KHHV incelFTFY
>>32619353Yes but I think it’s a misunderstanding. It’s not that women are more evil but that they lack a sense of fairness that men have. Like men will do things that make women uncomfortable that we perceive as totally reasonable like expecting sex from their wife but it’s felt as unreasonable to women because they aren’t feeling it. In their same way women can convince themselves to be beyond cruel and manipulate if their feelings justify it. Women are just more unstable and subjective, like men are generally more aware of when they’re being sociopathic then women are so as a consequence women behave that way more often
>>32619681The thing with men is that they’re more transparent and easy to buy. You basically know when a guy is a scumbag he’s not hiding in for months or years. And he’s usually consistent. With women sociopathic behavior is just more innate and comes out based on circumstance and feeling. You can’t really pay them to not. Like if you offer men a good deal most will drop whatever behavior they have to play along but women will take the money but then still feel entitled to act sociopathic
>>32619353Yes. t. former model who found out that women will do absolutely anything to trap you if they think you're the best they can get
>>32619353I saw another recent study, about 6 months ago, that said around 30-40% of American women keep a certain guy around as a back up in case it doesn't work out with who they really want to go after. I wouldn't say that means they're sociopathic, but yes more women are manipulative than just 1%.
>>32621287Speak of the devil, one of the women I had to go NC with is trying to emotionally manipulate me again. Keep in mind, this is someone who threatened suicide multiple times, self-harmed, has substance abuse problems, etc etc. She has no respect for my autonomy, to her I am like a plaything that satisfies her desires.
>>32621349Oh, on top of this I found out that she does have a "backup" like >>32621295 says. I ran into him a while ago and learned she had an episode where she threatened to kill us both kek.
>>32621349Just respond with the>k do a flipEasy fix really anon. No need to put up with people like that
>>32619635>HUUR MEN MORE VIOLENTNo shit retard. No shit the weaker sex who is on average about as strong as a preteen is not as represented on physical violence. Women are less relevant in any activity or event that requires phisicality. That doesnt mean they dont abuse children though, you just dont hear about it as often because its kept in the house, and no judge is going to take custody away from abusive moms, even if a father is on the picture. women arent as pshisically violent as men because they lack the capacity, not the will.
>>32621951Nah, I can't reply at all. Anything you can possibly say just gives them more ammunition, that's why I gotta go NC.
>>32622019Cant you just act really pathetic and unmanly and creepy? Cant you ask her for money? Cant you pretend that youre broke?
>>32622024If I do that she will see through it and possibly even call the police to do a "wellness check" or something. She has done it before.
>>32619353Women, by default, are psychopaths. Items from the Revised Hare Psychopathy Checklist:1 Glibness/superficial charm2 Egocentricity/grandiose sense of self-worth3 Proneness to boredom/lowfrustration tolerance4 Pathological lying and deception5 Conning/lack of sincerity6 Lack of remorse or guilt7 Lack of affect and emotional depth8 Callous/lack of empathy9 Parasitic lifestyle10 Short-tempered/poor behavioralcontrols11 History of promiscuous sexualrelations12 History of early behavior problems13 Lack of realistic, long-term plans14 Impulsivity15 Irresponsible behavior16 Frequent marital relationships17 History of juvenile delinquency18 Revocation of conditional release19 Failure to accept responsibility forown actions20 Many types of offenseWhy does this sound like every woman you have ever met?
>>32621287Trap you in a cage?
>>32622062Yes. That's the essence of control. You become their source of narcissistic supply, you exist only to serve and amuse them.
>>32622052>1 Glibness/superficial charmYes>EgocentricityNo>Proneness to boredom/low frustration toleranceYes>Pathological lying and deceptionYes>Conning/lack of sincerityNo>Lack of remorse or guiltNo>Lack of affect and emotional depthYes>Callous/lack of empathyYes>Parasitic lifestyleNo>Short-tempered/poor behavioural controlsNo>History of promiscuous relationsNo>History of early behaviour problemsYes>Lack of realistic, long-term plansYes>ImpulsivityYes>Irresponsible Yes>Frequent marital relationshipsNo>History of Juvenile DelinquencyYes>Revocation of conditional release No>Failure to accept responsibility of actionsYes>Many types of offenseDefine ‘offense’. Otherwise no.Male. Am I shadow the hegehog?
>>32622019works as well
This thread really brought the manipulative femcels/roasties outAnd they say there's no women on the chans