I (19M) took a lot of personality tests and all of them gave me results with worryingly high levels of neuroticism.As we all know, it is very common for women to be highly neurotic, but not for men. Did any other guy here go through a similar situation? How to deal with it?
>>32622828Yeah it means your dad didnt teach you much shit. Only 19% of men have strong connection to their dads. So its an epidemic for men right now. >How to deal with it?Go embody strong masculine role models. Not shit ones, avoid any guy who talks about pussies and how to win pussies, its simp shit masking as man shit. Go for real robust men who speak of adventure, physical fitness, and intellectual enterprise. Get your hands dirty, go through hard shit, push your comfort zones, break limits, feel pain and do it over again, and again, and again.
>>32622828>> took a lot of personality testsWhere did you take these tests? Who administered them to you? Why did they administer more than one? How much did you spend on this? Why didn't you have this conversation with the person (who should be a mental health professional for it to be a valid result) administering the test? >> I did them online Gtfo
>>32623700Hahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahaha no. When you are a man, you'll understand how unimportant pussy is.
>>32623700>Isn't it all about getting pussy though? Why wouldn't you?If that’s all life was about I’d press a gun against my temple and pull the trigger. Brother are you serious? All this life and world has to offer, all the highs and lows and in betweens, all the feats and stories and experiences you could be having, all the mountains to climb, all the wilderness to brave across, the cool shit to build and explore all of it.And you think a slimy pocket of pink between a womans legs is the only thing to live for? The fuck lol
>>32623702Some were online, but some were not. And even tho some things changed, high neuroticism remained a common theme.
>>32623687Makes sense, My dad was emotionally absent and spent all his free time watching TV, my mother was extremely neurotic, overprotective and overcaring, and I only had an older sister that was basically a less neurotic version of my mom.Didn't have any older male figures during childhood nor adolescence, was basically raised only by my mom, my sister and some female cousins. Almost all authority figures in my life were female.So yeah, I was basically raised as a woman and just now I am noticing how much damage that did to me. Being an autistic retard didn't help either.
>>32623718>I'm out here figuring everything out on myselfYea so dont figure it out by yourself. Lean on brotherhood. Find good lads and form a pack with other guys. We’re hunter gatherers son, thats what we do. Just make sure its good guys, not porn addled pussy worshipping dogs.Women are great dont get me wrong, but they can never teach boys to become men. Only men can make men out of each other. So go seek some good role models
>>3262282896/100 here It's hell, constantly overthinking. Read epictetus and K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid). Come up with a good plan once and stick to it
>>32622828I'm highly highly neurotic. I've still managed to get through life more or less though. Had a few girlfriends.
>>32623716>> some where notYou did not answer any of my questions then. Answer those questions you anxious jewbot
>>32623748Does that neuroticism also makes you constantly feel insecure about your own masculinity?Also, did you get raised mostly by women too?
>>32622828>it is very common for women to be highly neurotic, but not for men.Against strong competition, that wins the award as stupidest comment on 4chan today.
>>32625205It's only an exaggeration of something pretty well established in scientific literature. Not nearly the worst post on /adv/ alone today.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11519935Women self-report as more neurotic than men, but magnitude varies across culture.
>>32625238>Women self-report as more neurotic than menThat's just because the men are too insecure in their macho self-image to admit it.
>>32623687this sounds like some faggot low test shit.just find a woman and fuck her and pop children in her.
I'm highly neurotic. I have no control over my emotions, anxious all the time, have suicidal depression, isolated, paranoid. I also have intense anger and think about killing people constantly. I have no friends and never had sex and I'm in my 30s.