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I need a fairly painless way to die with little risk of staying alive and suffering severe brain and nerve damage. Preferably quick, but it doesn't need to be as long as no one (my coworkers and roomate) notice. Got my license revoked so I can only use what I have at home or work. Even better if I can make it look like I was just being stupid and accidentally died. No I don't have access to a gun... already tried refeeding syndrome, and caffeine
Surprised fentanyl is never mentioned in these threads
this will do the job

sodium nitrite is a good one too
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It's not supposed to be painless. The pain is your body's way of telling you to "hey fucking stop because this is damaging you". That's the whole point of pain receptors.

Also, don't kill yourself. God loves you.
>I need a fairly painless way to die with little risk of staying alive and suffering severe brain and nerve damage.
There aren't any. Sorry.
You need a good half ounce to ensure you do the job and it is wildly unpleasant
sodium nitrate you mean? it's very effective. a lot of people catch the bus that way
say you're getting into parkour to friends coworkers and stuff and just get to the roof of a building and jump from it
it'll look like an accident if you coordinate it correctly
I hope you're a dude, we need less dudes in the world, if you're a girl, I can save you.
simp ass mothafucka
don't you have a battlefield somewhere to die on
incel calculus. reducing the amount of men won't increase your chances bruh
I've had gfs in the past tho
It would be easier to convince girls to share me with other girls if less dudes are around, I'm just being greedy
It's fun seeing the replies, thank you. Yeah I could probably get my hands on some sodium nitrate. Also I'm not religious, still thanks tho. I thought there'd be more morbid replies here but kinda glad there's not - it's interesting!
I still think you should jump from a building those make for some interesting content on gore threads, fentanyl overdoses don't
I mean I gotta be realistic. Trump would have to become president before I would ever jump off a building.
Do it with drugs if you can get your hands on it, like >>32622958 said. Fent + coke will do the job, and it'll feel good while it's happening (until it doesn't, but you probably won't feel much). It's pretty easy to find depending on where you live, and it will look like an accident if you don't take TOO much. Good luck!
Don't be a coward and keep living. Please
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If you are worried about pain you are not ready to go.
You do know that nobody who advises you has actually done it themselves, don't you?
Why do you want to die ?
My method was stabbing myself in the heart, then sending a delayed message to EMS to take care of my body
3 seconds until unconsciousness, supposedly. Make sure to pull the knife out and not just leave it in or there's a chance of survival, supposedly
Typically there's some "don't do it!" faggots with an inspirational quote and more saying you're looking for attention
I've killed myself 12 times
I'm trying to kill myself 26 by 2026 to make it one suicide per year after that and it looks nice and easy to count

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