Are non-autists a bunch of manipulators? I was reading for an exam on one of those new gay subjects Europeans like to create and it was talking about how to improve your social skills, a common topic on here but it told me to "adecuate" my gestures and mimick the other person so they can feel I'm "understanding" them, so basically, lie or play a role for them to be able to read what you want to infer, even if it's fake.Feels odd even if right
no, normal people do this automatically because it is a symptom of connection and empathy autists have to do it on purpose to act like they feel a connection and empathy, making them the autists
That’s natural. If people like you you will notice they mimic your posture.Try resting your chin on your hand if you’re sitting down.Often you will notice them do it, too, if they’re engaged.
>>32625616*making them the manipulators
>>32625616Those are like manuals to improve your social skills meant for normies, thoughsoever. Right or wrong I have never faked my emotions or gestures as far as I can tell
>>32625612Look, a basic element of autism is that you have to learn to do what normies do instinctively. One way to learn is to watch others. One way to make it more instinctive is to start by imitating. There's nothing dishonest there
>>32625612>Are non-autists a bunch of manipulators?No. Not always anyway. Depends on the ‘non-autist’. If it’s a normie then no. If it’s another divergent type, like ADHD, then no. If it’s a psychopathy spectrum type of person then yeah it’ll be manipulation probably. Anyway it is very important for you to understand non-autist gestures and subtle double-speak and all that shit so you can avoid being manipulated as an autist. And as an autist you might be asking yourself:>Why bother with all this weird indirect gesturing and indirect intentions buried under verbal idioms and sarcasm and double-speak? >Why can’t the world just speak bluntly, plainly, directly, and always speak what they mean & mean what they speak?I don’t know, autist. You’re gonna have to forgive us non-autists for that one. We’re kinda stupid. We enjoy pretending to mean offense as a way of social ‘play’. We delight in twisting face-value meanings around to reverse what we actually intend because idk, it’s fun and it’s how we express our personality types. We’re fucking weird I know. Anyway thank you for learning this shit based autist. I know it mustn’t be easy.