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Asking this because where I live no young people are going out. Sadly, it's just a sports ball touristy college city. Just drunk old men and women going out and tourists.

Can anyone confirm their success or lack of? That or maybe some other alternative.
Wouldn't rec bumble for that. A lot of the userbase is guys and being on a dating app makes "just friends" dangerously close to gays looking to cheat the blind dating system. Meetup is okay for networking, but expect a lot of cryptobros, boomer realtors, and senile spiritual women in the professional networking. Easy to avoid joining them, but there are a lot.
Dating apps exist only to make money from lonely and desperate men.
Well to those men, they have no excuse if where they live has some social scene. It is dead where I am.
hmm, yeah not a fan of the gays. I did think about weirdos in networking beforehand. There are events going on here I can check up on, but it's limited to old people workshops/indie bands or spiritual people.
Socializing in any way will ultimately lead to you meeting every person in the world over time by meeting people through people. Have patience. Don't burn bridges. Maintain honor and dignity but also be yourself as much as you can get away with. You are comprised of multiple interconnected selves that can be at odds with one another.
Thanks? Socializing lets me meet new people, but the friends I have made are working now like me. We live 1-2 hours apart, and seldom do we meet
I would say try doing stuff irl, board games, foreign language classes, bouldering. That kinda of stuff
>Board games
what does this even mean?
did that in UNI, discolated my knee doing it. + I am too big now, I'm more brawn than scrawn.

>foreign languages
why? I don't like immigrants and do not plan to visit where they come from.
>what does this even mean?
It means playing board games? Are you retarded?
>playing board games

what am I fucking 12? Do you want me to make friends with kids?

oh wait I am on 4chan, of course

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