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So to set the stage: I work for my dad. He owns a medium-sized company. I don't hold any upper-management position in the company but I do supervise a small sector, meaning I have 2 people reporting to me, but I also report to other people. That being said, everyone knows who I am and I can see that they treat me differently.

Now, i've had a thing for this girl who also works at the company. We don't talk much since she works in a different sector. I've been meaning to ask her out but I'm afraid she'll feel pressured to say yes because my dad owns the company, probably fearing some reprisal if she rejects me. Should I ask her out anyway, as in better regret having done it, than regretting having not done it? And if yes, how would I even go about it in a manner that doesn't make her feel pressured to say either yes or no?

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