new to the site and i dont know what to do also a bongo is it true if u shoot urself with a handgun or shotgun to the head at point blank you just die or can u survive that sounds painful if u can. there is no way u surviving a shotgun right. ?
idk why u ask such question strange man
Lurk more.
>>32626650well pointed a shotgun to the head is instantaneous and usually explodes your headgo for it but do it in a forest or something don't let your mess ruin someone elses's day.
This is /adv/ it is not reddit. This place is for ADVICE questions only. That is where there is a specific problem you are personally experiencing and which you describe it whilst asking for specific advice. You should not post here until you understand how this site works. Lurk until you do.
Most people survive gun shots as a generality
lol u cant get shotguns so easily in bongo land my guy, just a thought. might be goign to the usa in my lifetime so maybe ltr