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o-oh my....
what a slut
How many words per minute does it type?
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why do they have so thick eyelashes?
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pretty bird
Upside down Satan
About 70. It's more clear than the stenographer bird, but much slower.
Her talons
My penis
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would you sit on those eggs to ensure they hatch?
we would take turns
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Post yfw you realise male secretary birds exist
Cloaca is cloaca.
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They're probably superb faggots
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germany bird lol
Twice irrelevant due to low sexual dimorphism and the irrelevance of genitalia that are not mine.
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Really? I thought they would be pretty slow considering they Hunt and Peck
>when she see human men
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>flamingo pic
>sec in the kitchen
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you have two threads you whore bird
That's just a bald eagle
No she's just the husband's secretary
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>ywn force your secretary birb to stomp on your snake for a promotion
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i wish that dog was me
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Why are her eyelashes so long?
Full-on seduction!
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to stop sand from getting into her eyes when shes smashing up snakes
I kek every time I see this
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the fact they kill by stomping on prey is so fitting
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That's the ugliest bird that I have ever seen in my entire life. Looks like an old crossdresser.
>leatherbag again prevents from making nest
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Im guessing that's a male because of the bright colors, but im not an ornithologist so I can't be sure
even if, cloaca is cloaca
Sorry bro, don't wanna have poopsex with birds or humans
your loss
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They still have two seperate holes, the cloaca just acts as a dust cover for both
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secretarybirds are not sexually dimorphic
they look the same male or female
the females are very slightly bigger, thats it
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what is the purpose of crest feather thingies
to attract white human men
This is what does it for me.
Is this the new turtle thread?
I miss him
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Carnivore lives have spiritual value. Herbivore lives have monetary value. Carnivores have souls. Herbivores do not.

Humans are carnivores.
Pigs are also carnivores and should not be eaten.
Nuff said.

>inb4 prove it
Prove any moral. You can't, not without God. I spoke to God on an LSD trip and here you have it. Carnivores have souls. Herbivores are basically chatGPT. Without God even empathy for your fellow man is just personal preference.

I'm pretty certain I got the right God because this is pretty close to leviticus.

Without God the only thing that has any relevance is firepower, unless you're suicidal, and without God you can be :^)
I think it is all about neuron count and floating point performance.
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>yass pwease
>I you get your dicks kicked off bye one and then go an hero.
Its circumcision.
I have seen it. This is it. Peak degeneracy. Peak disgust. You people are fucking worst than /trash/. To actually want to fuck this bird is BEYOND filth. At least give it some form of humanoid proportions. Jesus christ.
shut up furfag
Personally I blame zoomers and their apparently pathological need to only see beauty as a function of sex as opposed to pure platonic aesthetic appreciation
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>At least give it some form of humanoid proportions.
That's more degen. This is just a mere form of mental gymnastics to somehow make yourself different yet normal, instead of just accepting the reality. Like a trasngender, you know. They can't accept the fact they want to be gay, and then they just suicide...
Slippery slope
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There's no good reason to be this upset. Cases for degeneracy require societal harm. In a world where breeding has become not nearly as valuable, everyone who thinks seccys are attractive could have one as a wife, completely disregarding human women, and humanity would do fine. Actually we might be better off if every zoophile autist who wants to fuck animals could freely do so instead of being pushed towards spreading their genes.
Sounds like a weird challenge. Push degen...
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no you didnt, you generated something not for us
For you, though. :(
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It's over
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>70 wpm
>still faster than the average normie
Shit, why do companies even bother hiring humans these days?
I've a suggestion. Deprive ni~ Africa of their bird and import it somewhere idk, doesn't matter, further away from ni~ better.
Realistically, where would be a good place for them?
my bed
Australia. Snakes and fruit for them to look at.
Literally anywhere else. I think they would be a perfect solution against stray cats too
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would you sleep in bed with sec?
Yes, but with safety measures in place, so that I don't accidentally roll over them in my sleep.
Probably on my back, with them resting on top of me, which should prevent sudden rollovers.
With the tail over my face to keep it warm.
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>With the tail over my face to keep it warm.
free sunscreen in the morning
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On face
>Egyptians thought All birds where female
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Their legs look so breakable. I wish I could just those legs in a million places.
Your skull looks so breakable, I'd whack you with cast iron pan until your skull is in million pieces.
Imagine the smell
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Very little, actually.
Most Bird excretions need to accumulate, be kept moistened and decay to produce appreciable odor.
Or dried and become airborne dust.
Very little, actually.
Most Bird excretions need to accumulate, be kept moistened and decay to produce appreciable odor.
Or dried and become airborne dust.
Are you sure about this?
In most cases, yes, though the output of the Pelecanids will turn quickly.
I have been around Secretary Birds and their excretions, and their was little to no odor.
all birds are sexy tho
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what about hawks and eagles in general?
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Same with them.
It's not the Birds, it's their surroundings. Uneaten food or remains will be a much bigger issue with Raptors than their excretions.
Keep material from accumulating, stagnating or dusting, and you should have little odor, and what odor you do have will likely be rather inoffensive.
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cant stop thinking about this bird...
Why yes i suppose i would a Washimi-san
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>this thread
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Kill yourself
Hmmm nah, how about you kill yourself?
I can't unsee it.
dont compare filthy human hole with a glorious bird.
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Do you think she has a boss? Could he be an ugly bastard?
I love that surprised face. That bird would look funnier with glasses. Too bad I can't use tegaki because the filesize exceeds the limit.
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That's her boss
He’s a big guy…
>Says no poop sex
>Vaginas are besides the pooper and frequently get infections due that reason.

There is no big difference, human vaginas are ugly as hell anyway.
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>SB's are 2 smol for human dongs
>I spoke to God on an LSD trip
Most LSD is now made in Israel - after the DEA arrested the one single guy who was responsible for 90% of its global production in 2000 (while living inside of a decomissioned nuclear missile silo at that), stop consuming Jew-made narcotics you pseudointellectual fucktard!
[spoiler]Should I know?[/spoiler]
Small dick for the win !
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seclets are cute
People who say this don't understand the horror of the human vagina, which is uniquely cursed among mammalian vaginas. Most women have a constantly simmering vaginal infection (due to a variety of complex reasons having to do with how humans evolved), which is the source of the very common fishy and cheesy odors. Even "clean" women will have a hint of such smells because cleaning just reduces the number of microbes. You can get a mouth/throat/uterine infection pretty easily from a woman who doesn't wash their cooch out regularly. The relationship women have with their vaginal flora is parasitic, in contrast with the relationship we have with our intestinal flora (mutualistic). Vaginal yeast will readily try to colonize in your urethra while microbes in other bodily fluids generally won't. To be entirely clear, almost all women carry a lifelong STI which they develop by nature of their biology.
The bacteria present in healthy birds isn't dangerous or populous enough to cause you any problems even though birds never explicitly clean their cloaca. They're just naturally less infectious. Sick birds are another story obviously.
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Is this supposed to be insightful? It's instead retarded, as expected of a tripfag.
>People who say this don't understand the horror of the human vagina
my insight is that this is probably the most disturbingly gay paragraph ive read in a very long time
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Well you're wrong, I'm not gay. I'm a zoophile. Never have to wash inside a dog or horse pussy, or bird cloaca for that matter. They're always nice smelling and tasting because they don't have the endemic yeast and such carried by women. Not that I fully avoid human vaginas, I'm just a little picky about them. Won't go down on a girl with any amount of fishy or cheesy odors because it's physically revolting. Worse than shit smell by a long shot, and much more likely to give you oral thrush than eating ass is. So it's just ridiculous to say cloaca is disgusting if you're okay with human vaginas.
It's okay to just be gay.
quintessential bird lover post
I love seccos so much
>I will never get to pet one
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What pokemon is this and how can I acquire one?
my best friend and i had a conversation recently and she asked me what animal would she be. told her secretary bird not even a moment soon. they're so graceful and beautiful, but deadly like she is bros. they're based birds. second favorite with penguins at number 1
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So glad this shit thread's gonna 404 soon
We need to breed big ones. Now.
The real end goal of humanity's dominion over the world. Genetically engineering species to be sexuality compatible with us. We will create the biblical eden.

Captcha: GAYM44
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All furries must kill themselves, now.
im a zoophile, not a furry
I agree. Furries are disgusting. Good thing there are none in this thread.
get the worms out of your brain with a screwdriver faggot
Kill yourself
i don’t think that’s helping your case…
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My case doesn't need help, thanks.
you need all the help you can get where you’re going man…
are you gonna help me pay for plane ticket to africa?
Why Africa
Aren’t those super cheap anyway
>Why Africa
where the fuck else am i gonna get a sec?
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I love watching birds roost and get comfortable
>instinctively think the bright and colorful one is the male
>find out the females look near identical to the males
So the girls are reverse traps? tomboys?
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settle down there, Tesla. we're all friends here
>long, thick lashes
>shapely, stocking-colored legs
>bedroom eyes with 100% natural eyeliner
>tight, pink clooc
>doesn't want to take secbirb to poundtown
have you considered that you may in fact be a faggot
>Thread is nearing one (1) year old
Actually pretty incredible.
y'know I kinda wonder if we've got a huge missed opportunity with secs.
we have a lot of folks interested in falconry out and about for either recreation, conservation, or hunting mammals and birds, but I wonder if secretarybirds might actually be good to train for cooperative snake-hunting.

I mean their whole body structure and instinctive drive is pretty much built for offing snakes as food, and you could probably work together efficiently by having the sec distract and stun the snake so you can more reliably pin the dangernoodle and cut the head off.
I figure there's never been much interest due to snake-hunting and snake meat being unpopular, but I feel like there's an unexplored niche here for a specialized take on falconry.

I guess the big limitation would just be the restriction to hotter, drier climes akin to its native habitat. also wouldn't be able to take on bigger game like Florida pythons for the bounties, but I feel like you could do well for yourself hunting rattlers and others about that size

then again that might just be asking for people to release secs into the wild intentionally or accidentally and creating a new invasive species
don’t call them that
Male, female, doesn't matter to me. I'll pet them all.
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Ahahah that bird looks like a fucking faggot
You already got told to fuck off.
No step on snek!
The regulations around falconry are absolutely retarded considering it's a civilization that trades in significantly more intelligent exotic parrots that suffer more deeply over less wrongdoing, and does so entirely for the lulz

Fix that, and you don't really need these glorified chickens. Just make falcons more accessible.
I am very curious as to the source of this claim, as it sounds quite peculiar. Perhaps you could link to a relevant paper or two?
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>mfw it's true
And just like that, I don't like secretary birds anymore
You already got told to cope and seethe, tourist.
no it don't
Fuck regulations.
Everything I like is either expensive, illegal or both.
You're not supposed to let a shitpost change your opinion, you stupid old crusty crab!
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But it does look like some old fag. You can't deny it.
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>denies it instantly and for free
Sucks to suck, eh?
cute fluff
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>Pretty sure I spoke to the right God because this is pretty close to Leviticus
>But he doesn't believe in the One Holy Trinity
Become Orthodox and follow Christ in his Church
Why are birdfags always subhuman degenerates?
>Why are birdfags always subhuman degenerates?
As far as I can tell that's just /an/ !
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This thread has been up for 10 months.
That's how you can tell it could be worse, a lot worse.
Perfect height

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