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New thread to replace the old one that maxed-out and was archived
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Are shoebills dangerous?
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Beak glow
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anyone have the webm of where he shakes his head and refuses fish?
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Why do they look so mean?
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What a retarded looking animal
He looks dignified and fierce.
Kino animal
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Don't forget to pet the Shoebill.
pet crissum too?
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how can something be so inelegant and elegant at the same time
You just made me realize why they’re my favourite bird as the borzoi is my favourite breed of dog. At one angle they can be elegant and even threatening and in other angles they just look retarded
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Is this real?
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why are they always so angry
They are not.
theyre actually horny
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There's already a shitbull thread.
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gif is superior
Possibly, but the file's also 6 times as large.
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To humans? Not really
Shoebills have an affinity for humans for some reason.
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So majestic.
I one time watched a show that called this the ugliest animal on earth.
A lot of birds do, I think it has something to do with our bipedalism, to them, we look like weird birds.
Ostriches like it freaky.
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>we look like weird birds
Why do they keep trying to court us?
Do they just want to fuck human men?
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My bird fucks me in my sleep
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Many such cases.
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He's right, I help
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it looks funny and threatening at the same time
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strangely one of the friendliest birds on the planet. they love humans and form bonds with them easily. trusted humans have sometimes been led to their young just to show them off as a proud parent seemingly. Would love to have a wildlife sanctuary with a bunch of these running around.
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moar shoebill pl0x
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do they really eat monkeys? I was trying to find out and found some images that suggested so, but they could be photoshopped. if they do please post images of them eating monkeys or any other animals
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