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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
dios mio la creatura
why does it look so villainous and malevolent?
Because they are. Ever seen what they do to penguin chicks? It ain't pretty to say the least. But harsh conditions mean harsher creatures adept at toughing it out and finding a way to live.
Seeing these rip the innards out the ass of a still alive penguin was fucking brutal. Cool birds
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do giant petrels make good pets?
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Post the ones eating the eyes of the living seal
From the standpoint of behavior, those acclimated to humans can be quite docile and even friendly.
And even further!
But as with any animal equipped with powerful hardware and an inquisitive mind, they can be quite destructive. They also require specialized & costly care.
And like Albatrosses, the wild population is threatened, and they are under multiple legal protections.
So unless you are a zookeeper, rehabilitator or otherwise part of a permitted organization or team, keeping one at all, short of rescuing from immediate danger or watching a sick or injured one until a qualified rescuer arrives, would be out of the question.
The thumbnail from the catalog makes this image look like AoE2.
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Video, webm?
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Vent, cloaca?
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where is this
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I could probably find it. But are those even allowed on a blue board? I know animal cruelty is generally banned, but not sure about natural predation or things like that. And it's not like the mods ever fucking bother leaving IRC to interact with or answer this kind of shit for a community. So best I can say is google it.
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/an/ has a fucking massive zoophile schizo janny problem atm, you will get banned for anything remotely contentioud
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Predation footage is allowed, but the faggot jannies might delete it anyway if they're on their mood swings. HRT will do that to a man.
Have you never watched a penguin doc? Most of the ones I've seen have footage of Petrels preying on baby penguins, guess it happens a lot. It's definitely an easy find on YT.
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good thread
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Man gotta eat
Work on a whale watching vessel, I've got a love for seabirds like these guys. The true sailors
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is that gills on the top? wtf?
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just upload on catbox, these posts are 1 month old anyways
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All birds are like this. Empathy and real emotions are just inefficient. I doubt they’re even conscious, because unconsciously displaying consciousness like behaviors probably takes half as much processing while getting all the perks of knowing you exist.
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looks stupid, i hate it!
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that was when I was pecking at your churro, my son
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>does this look like the face of mercy?
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Wtf is that real
Giant petrel or great skua, who wins
>The southern giant petrel will feed on fish, krill, squid, offal, and waste from vessels in coastal and pelagic waters, where they often follow fishing boats and cruise ships. Unlike most other Procellariiformes, the southern giant petrel will eat carrion.[12][11] The southern giant petrel is an extremely aggressive predator and will kill other seabirds (usually penguin chicks, sick or injured adult penguins and the chicks of other seabirds).[13] It has been seen preying on the adult Australasian gannet by holding it underwater and drowning it. These birds have also been observed drowning yellow-nosed and black-browed albatrosses.[17] The males exclude females from the carcasses that they are feeding on.[12]
what's with the beak?
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Literally never heard of these
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>Birds in the order Procellariformes, which includes albatrosses, petrels, and shearwaters, have nostrils enclosed in double tubes which sit atop or along the sides of the upper mandible giving these birds the nickname “tubenoses.” These nostrils have multiple functions, one of which may be to allow the salty water to exit their bodies without falling back into their eyes as they fly.
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There's a motherfucker that looks just like that who likes to come to my garden and eat all my snails every week. It makes a huge mess and has severely reduced their population.
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I watched a documentary with them in recently and they made me laugh. I love how fucked up they look. They'd make great evil goons in some children's animated film where the bad guy is an albatross.
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what is that upper fucking hood part on their top beaks? what is that for? is that their nostrils?
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>the emperor’s beaks
how the fuck has this thread been up for so long
is it just one guy really dedicated to tubenoses?
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OP here, just as surprised as you.
But I am guessing from the various posts that there are a good number that are interested in them.
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interesting, I was wondering what was up with the nose
thanks for posting anon
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Wtf were dinosaurs thinking with this shit?
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I see the family resemblance
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ai generated ass beaks. otherwise cute. would nut in they faces
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this one looks like the average bri'ish man
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Birds have dinosaur brains and that's why I don't feel bad when cats eat them
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most birds are friendly and like to cuddle

try cuddling a bird. it's fun.
>when a critter catches a bird, they are catching a dinosaur
Damn that makes the whole scenario that much cooler
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>Pmph! - pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff blub blub blub blub
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Hated these fags on ARK survival evolved
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looks like the head of a Dodo
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