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post order chiroptera
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I didn't ask him to start doing that.
Please make him stop doing that.
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post boys with the biggest bugs
New bat species discovered on Corsica, Myptis nustrale.
cute foetus!
where are my mad batters?!? thread is dying T_T
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How pterosaurs vaulted
<3 adorbs, really
Ussurian tube-nosed bat. The only bats that hibernate in winter and make little snow dens like polar bears. ^_^
I love their beady little eyes
wow!! that is a very neat bat and so cute! thanks for sharing :)
Looks like a trenchcoat flasher.
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A few months ago I learned that bats are the second most numerous species of mammals after rodents, they make around 20% of mammals. This kinda blew my mind because I always thought that bats as flying mammals where the exception to the rule. It's easy to think that the air is only for the birds and not realize how many types of bats there are and that they're virtually everywhere too.
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Finally, a bat thread I'll contribute.
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bat faces look like fantasy goblins
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the one and only.
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I wont let the bat thread die!
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Thats all I had, enjoy bat fans.
our batty saviour!!!
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I want them.
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the strangest bats are the bestest
There was a Batman mech that did this I think. Pretty rad.
>not flappy
one fucking job
how did you get this photo of me
imagine if this lil fella was 8 ft tall
That would be badass
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Free fish!
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best birds
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best bat in your pat
I like to sit outside at night and listen to the squeak-squeaken-squeak of the bats flying around the yard, performing natural pest control for me.
I love him
Macrobats > microbats

and I stand by this
>no sonar
>no vampirism
>don't eat ze bugs
>only eat ze fruits
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warhammer fantasy varghulf
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Batboi incoming
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noselets, the lot of them
I only have two of these but I need more
where 2 cop?
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I need a name for this dude
El Snootisimo
His face looks like nightstalker from dota.
My man's got hops
Weevil or Borzoi
>Th-th-that's all folks!
cool so another bat myth i used to believe in seems to be debunked
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To be fair bats are nocturnal for a reason. The air belongs to the birds, bats have to tread carefully to avoid getting hawk'd.
I wish it weren't so, but that's the world we live in.
Macrobats >>>>> power gap >>>>> microbats
Yeah, I said it.
aren't you scared of rabies
I love these tiny little potatoes
I wish I had a job where I could observe bats and make a living out of it.
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The melon gremlins have appeared, summer draws near.
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So cute!
Such cute little critters
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sometimes i like to imagine how nice it would be to be a bat and to be hugged by another bat
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I hate bats because of rabies
I don't know why there aren't bat rabies public awareness campaigns in Australia
Also I don't know why people don't emphasise that once you get symptoms you are literally fucking doomed
What are some good bat control programs?
>Fruit-eating animal giving you rabies
If you're actively fucking with one in the daytime you deserve it
Yeah a little boy who touched a bat on the ground, didn't tell his parents about it because he never knew it was a problem and then died a horrifying death months later FUCKING DESERVED
Go to his deathbed and laugh in his parents face lmao
You don't get rabies by TOUCHING rabid animals, numbnuts.
>If you eat enough Moth, you become Moth
>Parents didn't teach their kid not to touch random animals
Unironically their fault at that point
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>Big sippy
They're kissing <3
I'd wager their numbers have dropped worldwide, alongside the flying bugs they eat
sad really, they're cute lil buggers
Technically one is regurgitating blood that it got from a hunt and feeding the other. They're also probably both girls and likely related or are friends.
these would not make good pets. I'd be too afraid of accidentally killing them.
>flying squirrel evolution gone wrong
That's pretty damn hot
don’t start
Thanks for covid you FUCKING faggot
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why are women so bad at making videos
Nosfaratu as heck
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this guy took it a bit far with the cocaine back in the 80s.
so why when I look into getting a pet bat they all say they are not hands on pets, and display only, but there are all these videos and pictures of people holding and interacting with their bats?
I recently learned that vampire bats don't actually drink blood. There is an enzyme in the saliva that makes blood flow easier and the lick what comes out of the bite. My life is a lie.
What do you think it is that comes out, anon?
Rescue organizations
Their metabolism is also unique among mammals
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>He didn't learn how vampire bats feed from the og
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Half of these are heckin cute and half are hideous
What is that type of bat that is pretty large and has huge sharp teeth?
I am playing a Vlad campaign as I type this, waiting for my turn. Hell yeah dude.
Damn. Undead always have the coolest units…
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>Told that vampire bats are the most horrifying bloodsucking beasts ever
>They're just weird little guys who lap it up
>normie: lol licking bat, not scary. he just a little a guy.
>psychopathic college freshmen who just took biology 101: hey did you know you should let cats lick your wounds
The cutest bat, what are they called?
yall are posting about beasts that have rabies
one of them bit my dog while out on a walk he died 3 days later
>didn't get his dog vaxxed for rabies
What did you just do with that hand
Didn't love his dog. Ouch.
Was guuud maineee
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shes like a powdered apple fritter
had to do it to em
How so?
>At evening, sitting on this terrace,
>When the sun from the west, beyond Pisa, beyond the mountains of Carrara
>Departs, and the world is taken by surprise ...

>When the tired flower of Florence is in gloom beneath the glowing
>Brown hills surrounding ...

>When under the arches of the Ponte Vecchio
>A green light enters against stream, flush from the west,
>Against the current of obscure Arno ...

>Look up, and you see things flying
>Between the day and the night;
>Swallows with spools of dark thread sewing the shadows together.

>A circle swoop, and a quick parabola under the bridge arches
>Where light pushes through;
>A sudden turning upon itself of a thing in the air.
>A dip to the water.

>And you think:
>"The swallows are flying so late!"


>Dark air-life looping
>Yet missing the pure loop ...
>A twitch, a twitter, an elastic shudder in flight
>And serrated wings against the sky,
>Like a glove, a black glove thrown up at the light,
>And falling back.

>Never swallows!
>The swallows are gone.

>At a wavering instant the swallows gave way to bats
>By the Ponte Vecchio ...
>Changing guard.

>Bats, and an uneasy creeping in one's scalp
>As the bats swoop overhead!
>Flying madly.

>Black piper on an infinitesimal pipe.
>Little lumps that fly in air and have voices indefinite, wildly vindictive;

>Wings like bits of umbrella.


>Creatures that hang themselves up like an old rag, to sleep;
>And disgustingly upside down.

>Hanging upside down like rows of disgusting old rags
>And grinning in their sleep.

>In China the bat is symbol for happiness.

>Not for me!

D.H. Lawrence
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>me getting out of my camping hammock to piss at 3 AM
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can/t believe this thread is still alive after I image dumped in here 4 months ago. We love bats!
Does it feel good?
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I love him
>The only records from the twentieth century are from caves on Taukihepa/Big South Cape Island and Rerewhakaupoko/Solomon Island. Here it survived in the absence of rats until the 1960s.
>The last refuge of this species was Taukihepa/Big South Cape Island until ship rats were accidentally introduced in 1963.
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"Walk this way."
they cute
bats are crazy
A Field Biologist?
He's got beady little eyes
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Sippy sippy
I want to believe that the bat is just a friend of the momma and isn't trying to drink their blood
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I'm all ears bro
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Mr. Flapstein
we had a lil bat pack in the attic. had to get them out because, you know, wild animals and all. but i miss them clunkin around up there. no idea WHY they were clunkin around instead of squeaking and sitting in their corner or flying but ok.
love this nigga
I took one from the register at my old job and was worried for like a month I was gonna get fired for stealing money.
Still have it!
It waits until they are off camera to get rapey.
I have a question, why are bats so gay?
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Someday you go through the rain
Someday you feed on a tree frog
… the trial to survive?
… frog eater?
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bats are kawaii
We made it to image limit batbros. Can we make it to bump limit?
bat bump
Thank you, I recorded it myself.
They eat frogs that have turned gay.
There’s a bat in front of my room. I’ve looked up the rabies stats in my country and the universities say to not worry about it unless it’s a bloodsucking bat. He’s eaten fruits (the bloodsucking bats don’t eat fruits) and sure as hell doesn’t look like one of them, so I will let him chill.
The problem is that bats, due to their high body temp as well as their mammalian physiology, are a breeding ground for deadly/novel diseases that can easily infect humans. They really should be culled whenever possible
>Culling something important to the local ecosystem
Chinese hands made this post
Bathouse building instructions

Nice going genius, you hit the bump limit. Now this thread's gonna 404 because of yoy.
Incredibly so
bat bump
They're just like me.
I would like to see a Manta-like bat descendant evolved to become a large Aquatic predator (ideally like a whaleshark or a baleen whale)
so why didn't this stop covid
Humans don't have bat-like body temperatures.
love these frosted donuts
bat bump
How common is it to see bats? I see people online saying stuff like they find bats in their attic, bats are scary pests, etc. but I've never seen a bat in my life.
>"Wake me...when I am needed once more...."
but with less rape
bat bump
How's he doing?
rat hate

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