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kakapo is my favourite
NZ parrots are generally cool. Kea are like, crow-level smart, plus being the only alpine parrots in the world.
Same. I also like keas, lovebirds and goffins birds with a lot mischief in general.
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I never see these weirdos mentioned anywhere. Female on the left.
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Not particularly interested in them myself, but the Kakapo is a cool looking bird. The plumage reminds me of CADPAT camo.
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I was looking at my bird gallery and found this, is it a parrot?
hot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqBB87hudJA
Based trips. I love these goofy niggas like you wouldn’t believe
Shagged by a rare parrot

He was asking for it, dressed the way he was, in his green shirt.
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Where the fuck did he go? This looks edited
This board is for humans, sorry anon.
This make u mad, whiteboi?
looks like a lorikeet (a type of parrot) but i don't know the species
You just know
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What about this?
Holy shit it's a Chocobo
>ywn see a Carolina parakeet
why live
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Never forget, they died for women's hats.
Hey, cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
I love parrots and it breaks my heart seeing so many households or hoarders mistreat them, bad housing, cheap slop (fucking leftover fruit), and they rarely ever leave their cage.
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when the FUCK are they going to clone these guys back from extinction? I want parrots in my backyard dammit!
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I have these in my backyard. Can hear them chat from my room.
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Love parrots, and I was even eyeing a few Blue-and-yellow macaws/African grey parrots a while back, but looked
Into all that’s needed to maintain them and realized it just wasn’t possible, you have to sink *a lot* of money into them, even as far as ‘exotic’ pets go
I wish my parakeets would eat fucking fruit. Those fuckers, whom I love with all my heart, are too scared of it no matter how many I have eaten in front of them.
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Try removing all good food and just leave the fruit.
It might seem cruel,but it might force them to try and maybe they owuld eat it.
nigga looks like a bottle gourd
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Parrots have such an aesthetic shape and palette
the money isn't even the problem. a parrot is not a pet, it's a lifestyle.
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So cute
Yeah, there’s a lot you have to sacrifice I found out
>birds ARE dinosaurs
Is that kakapo missing an eye?
Dat some Hyacinth? Where is my Hyacinth harem.
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Possibly, possibly blinking. They do have strange heads reminiscent of herbivorous dinosaur depictions.
Most campervan rentals explicitly mention that insurance may not cover damages done to vehicles in their hood, there are even signs at the entrances to tourist spots as Kea are pretty indiscriminate and one day they will find the fabled 'tasty black rubber thing'.
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These fuckers tell you to 'go weehh !!!'
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I love all of the parrots.
30 thousandth dollars...
i love these little niggers like you wouldn't believe, i hope to get a picture of one some day or at least see one in person
Based loerie poster. Got a bunch of these that sit in my tree and make death rattle noises between their usual kweeeee
I like kakapo too, but they’re endangered like kiwi i think, which is sad
My favorite is probably salad conures
They live so long. A young parrot would easily outlive me at this point. Do parrot owners adopt old parrots or something?
nope, they're just abusive and toss parrots from home to home and tiny cage to tiny cage like they're furniture.
while this may look cute those are actually parasite that latch on to its head and suck it dry from blood
vampire parrots??? we need to rub some garlic on it…
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im looking to huff a parrot, i need it man!
keeping them as pets should be outlawed. its literal torture
nobody keeps them as pets you retard they're practically extinct so most of them live either in captive breeding programs or on ecosanctuaries that have had all pests eradicated
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Holy based
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Parrots are in my opinion definitely the most beautiful creatures in the world.
I can only dream of experiencing such joy.
Babe no! Please stop smelling the bird!
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Evening sir. You were doing some swerving back there. Have you been huffing cat piss or sniffing birbs tonight?
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>The brown lory (Chalcopsitta duivenbodei), also called Duyvenbode's lory, is a species of parrot in the family Psittaculidae native to northern New Guinea.
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>Also known as the grey go-away-bird
Fucking lmao
Also, they sound super cute. Like a toy made to sound like an old wooden rocking chair.
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I wish I was free, rich, and stable enough to own a parrot.
They're too smart, unfortunately. Probably couldn't keep one entertained that's why I sate myself by owning lower INT animals like Chickens and Ducks
Night parrots are so interesting, their reputation as ‘a birders holy grail’ and the veil of mystery they hold makes them fascinating to read about! Plus there’s been a few new developments in collecting info about night parrots, so hopefully better targeted conservation efforts might see them appear where people can observe and appreciate them :D (from a distance so they don’t get spooked tho)
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My uncle owns a parrot and he stinks.
It is, and a couple of parrots that decided to not drink the kool-aid.
they died because they were too noisy
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I will never forget that kakapo surprised sex a guy who was filming a nature documentary with Stephen Fry, Just Because Of The Way He Was Dressed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY%7Cthis
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does anyone else not keep a parrot around because it would sit on the computer monitor and scratch the screen? and i don't have the heart to keep it in the cage 24/7, nor the space to let it out without any open windows
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Who is this gentleman?
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ill get a parrot when i can build a big aviary for them
mine just wants to be on me, on top of the cage, or jumps to the floor and tries to explore (which is annoying)
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The cockatiels we got when I was a kid are 20 years old now. Never had to be taken to the vet.
We've just fed them a high quality seed mix supplemented with millet stalks and small bits of select human food like a dollop of oatmeal porridge, bit of bread, some rice, or even a slice of ham from time to time. The female in particular absolutely loves ham.

Mostly we chalk up their health and longevity to them having flown freely for the whole day all their lives. They're locked in at night and let out in the morning, mostly so letting them out could occasionally be delayed if like the plumber was coming over or whatever.
Just mount a perch over your monitor. Screw two vertical plywood strips or whatever into the VESA mounting holes on the back, then fasten a crosswise perch across the top of these strips. Maybe let some fabric hang down on the back from this to protect your cables from poop.
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I was hoping somebody posted this, want a gem of a video. He even went for a post-coomer cuddle, truly a distinguished gentleman. >>4707346
This looks like heaven, actual heaven. Wonderful. <3
I've always loved birds and would love to keep a bird in my house, but we already have a kot and a dog, and that's not a good mix. And I'm afraid it could fly away or get chased by one of the neighbourhood's cats, since there's a ton of them here. Budgies and parakeets are so pretty, I love when birbs go "WEEEEH"
These birbs in pic rel literally look like plushies that have come to life. I wonder why they have two red dots on their head/cheeks, though
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Also spreading the love for a wonderful engineer birb, my country's national birb, the Rufous Hornero. I can hear their chants almost every day, together with the benteveos or bichofeos as we call them here.
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I just heard some of them singing just a minute ago, beautiful.
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w a l k
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a toast, to parrots!
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I was at parrot enclosure at the zoo and one of the keas looked at me and starting jumping sideways. Long story short I eventually realised he's doing that for me specifically. So I also started jumping sideways. And he started mirroring me. I do three jumps left, he does three jumps left. I do four jumps right, he does four jumps right. We played like that for a while. Some other people joined even. Probably looked super stupid.
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Why are budgies so neotenous when compared to other parrots?
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Enjoy them while they are around.
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my parents keep buying animals and neglecting them when they stop being novel. sucks.

mine fucking hates vegetables for some reason.
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Kakapo is a case of a bird that would be better off turned into a solely domestic creature.
Sadly since animal habitats are considered Geopolitical, this could never happen now, only thing that could even slightly push us in that direction would be a scandal about the NZ government neglecting or abusing the birds
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i'm watching this video while this very euphoric techno song is climaxing and it is eliciting very complex and unique feelings
here's the song if any anons would like to replicate my experience
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Idk man this stuff takes time

Just buy a sun conure if you want the parakeet experience
I forgot that parrots live for a fuck ton of time , 90 year old parrot , Yesh
Howdy birb
Based , love sun conures
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A girl I feel deeply in love with liked these guys.They still make me smile despite of how it ended.
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Parrots are so based, whenever I feel hopeless that the world is a shit place I remember that these silly little (some not so little) goobers exist and feel better
There’s a colony of Quaker parrots at a nearby lake. When I feel down I walk over and watch/listen to them. Cheers me up every time.
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how much do they tear up furniture/get poop everywhere
I really love the IDEA of a pet bird but I realize the reality includes a lot of shit I wouldn't like
Not him but you pretty much have to have bird proof your house or live in like a south western style house with like tile floors and no molding on windows, cabinetry has to be up the ceiling. Ceiling fans should ideally be removed and replace with solid light fixtures they can't climb on or get their toes stuck in. They shouldn't have free access to the kitchen areas. Lamps and stuff shouldn't have edges they can't climb and chew on. Have to be mindful of what kinds of potted plans you have what kind of pans you cook with. Drop cloths or sheets for furniture. It's an ordeal for sure but you can start with bird proofing a room then expanding on that. They don't poop too much and they usually go as soon as you let them out so if you know it's coming you can catch with a paper towel or if they're on your finger just hold them over a trashcan for a second. Then it's mainly after they eat or drink you'll get like a 6th sense for when it's coming. If they have free roam they'll usually drop it around their common perches. Idk why but it's real seldom captive birds shit while flying. So if you know where it's gonna be you know where you gotta put stuff.

Cockatiels aren't particularly prolific chewers but lovebirds sure as shit are.
Someone has pics of birbs eating cheese?
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Ran behind the door.
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whats going on with those animals? are rats eating all of them? rats that obviously came on ships?
Thats young guy problems. Youll look back and realize she was like all the others.
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Or you can just train em not to ruin your house. Give them their spots in each room of the house and they'll usually want to hang out there while you're in the room with them. This drawer is entirely for him.
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Have you guys heard about the Monk parakeet populations in New York or Chicago?

They've been living up north for decades. They survive the winters because they're the only parrot species that makes nests, and not just any nests, these big communal apartment like nests. They like making these on power transformers because they generate heat and the nests keep the heat in.
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based kakabro sitting next to his poo in his neet dungeon
>clean it up jannie
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