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Every time I look up there's one or more of these things gliding around up shit floating in a toilet bowl every riverside treeline is infested with their scraggly nests and probably one or two hanging around like overgrown crows weighing down a branch (I'd pray for it to snap but I know they'd just flap away uninjured) sitting there probably screeching like a retard can't go five minutes outdoors without seeing them breeding like fucking rats up there until we're smart enough to bring the bug sprays back and get rid of them for good
>t. rodent
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POV (stands for point of view) you are a silly little sloth retard getting what you deserve (and perhaps desire)
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what is with those legs…
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This is just the thread where the next poster is supposed to post an animal that starts with the last letter of the previously posted one.
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Philippine Eagle
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Hail Peter Rex
so basically birds have hands-legs and cape-wings. Perfect build
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>It's a twitter eceleb
This makes me wonder which board has the largest overlap with twitter (besides the now separate basedjak-party(formerly quay))
Lol baldy
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thats a seagull
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flat head
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sounds like you are a pinko faggot who kicks puppies. I hope an eagle slices your face
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Sometimes I just want to be an eagle.
Eagle :)
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>I hope an eagle slices your face
fuggin based
would get one if I could reliably shoot it without breaking my wrist
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Eaglin's a good job mate
Challengin work, out of doors, I guarantee you'll not go hungry
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How does it feel getting bullied by crows all day long?
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You realize eagles kill crows and that's why crows will harass them away from them? When did a crow last kill an eagle
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>When did a crow last kill an eagle
Since eagles get old and sick too, it happens sometimes for sure.
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Anyone have the webm of them picking things up with their talon
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Eagle doesn't skip leg day.
>You realize eagles kill crows and that's why cows will harass them away from them? When did a cow last kill an eagle
Eagles are bad ass
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I love nature
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