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to be honest one of the few good things about summer is the gulls
cant wait for them to return
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Imagine actually liking gulls.
Gulls are the actual flying rats, not pigeons. And even then they're more like raccoons with how big they are. These fuckers spread trash all over the place.
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and? jannies will clean it up, over and over again
Gulls 24/7/365 here.
How about... Actually having a working trash service?
Remember what did Mao do? Dont dick with birds
Mao was a retarded communist chink (many such cases), this will be a controlled culling with a basic understanding of how ecosystems work behind it
it would backfire in an unpredictable way.
Futhermore, gulls did nothing wrong.
enjoy white shower
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>be me
>stuck in car tired of following my mom around
>see lone seagull circling the parking lot
>find left over fry
>throw it out the window
>the sun is setting and the pavement is flat
>the fry casts a shadow
>the seagull uses shadows as a primitive radar!
>i learned something that day, a small detale so eazly over looked
>that was a good day

sorry for not makeing greentexts short
had a long work day...
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I never realised how evil seagulls actually look until i stopped to think about it
>be me 10 years old
>on vacation to some beach town I forgot exactly where
>hotel room is on the ground floor
>seagull flies over and pecks at the sliding glass door looking in
>mom: ā€œIā€™m going to feed him a cracker.ā€
>she opens the package of crackers and takes a single one over to feed it
>the second she opens the door the seagull flies past her, grabs the entire container of crackers from her open suitcase and flies away
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Love these crazy bastards
nah, i think all that would be needed is take out say 25-50% of them each year. i think they fuck fast enough to stay stable. the point is that there's just too fucking many of them
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>we need to help gulls breed 25-50% faster
absolutely agreed
yeah, trash is the gulls fault...
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look at what they did to poor India
>birdbrain with no reading comprehension
nothing like a good parasite bath to start the day
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also it needs to be done to those birds that kill the vegetation in entire islands with their shit
shit is good for vegetation last time i checked. tasted good too
Gulls are cunty little things.
Can't say I enjoy their presence.
Bravo, Picasso.
Is this the reason why they make tunnels?
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Wut. Gulls migrate? They live the year round here.
What does seagull butt smell like?
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giant gull
I want one to chock on my D.
Gulls don't eat farm field pests.
Not with this attitude!
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Gull versus Bald Eagle.
*Applies fish oil to the object*
Based guy letting him out, and of course dumb woman has to try to intervene.
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They are cute and look very smart.
I want to kiss a gull on the beak!
what about clooc?
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I was taught to hate gulls but when I really think about it I can't think of a good reason why.
They're cheeky to be sure, but so are tits and magpies and I like those. What is so bad about a gull, really?
I am throwing away my hate of the gull until someone can argue why I shouldn't.
I'm already taken.
>I was taught to hate gulls but when I really think about it I can't think of a good reason why.
because people are retarded.
>foking cunt stole me chips and shat on me => gull is the problem
It should be legal to hunt them.
I love everyone who appreciates the beauty of seagulls.
ā€¦ itā€™s not?
obviously one of the most important animals in existence is protected
whoopsie :P
Same here. There are some I thought were summer-only, but then I found out they just have different colors for summer vs winter.
this except and also with pigeons/rock doves
>They're cheeky to be sure, but so are tits and magpies and I like those. What is so bad about a gull, really?
They nest on people's roofs and won't shut the fuck up at 3am, they steal people's food and they attack people and children. Many also live miles inland now and shouldn't even be bothered being called a sea gull. Also massive shits
fact: if you lost your food to a gull, it was never yours to begin with
you got outsmarted by a bird, gather what dignity you have left and take the loss
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>won't shut the fuck up at 3am
gull noises good
> they steal people's food
sounds like a skill issue
>and they attack people and children.
> Also massive shits
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I get great enjoyment watching gulls harass people
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Comfy pic. God I miss the sea.
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>screams at all hours of sunlight in summer, from 3am to 11pm here
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So why is it that herring gulls would fly over 400miles inland in North Carolina, and about 20miles away from a lake, to eat fries and bread in a Foodlion parking lot?
Parking lot makes convenient thermals to ride for easy flying. Abundant greasy human food is often bite-sized and rich in calories that they can usually digest somewhat ok enough. Not much cover for predators to hide either. Itā€™s a cushy niche theyā€™re capable of filling and the shittons of blacktop people put everywhere and food left near it create an easy to fly corridor straight to it. Itā€™s not 400 miles walking through a maze of obstacles and starving, itā€™s just gliding along wherever the nice air currents coming off all the roads and cities between beach and parking lot take em or following whatever truck has the tastiest morsels loaded on it.
Well, I'm glad when they do make it through. It's not as common anymore, but when I was a kid, they were all over the place.
Always wanted to nab one, but never got to.
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What are they laughing about?
Jokes aside, that's my favorite sound in the world. I love it so much.
>What are they laughing about?
they saw your pp
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Here in Norway there's one threatened seagull species so they protected all of them. If gulls lay their eggs on your car you can't move it for the summer.
I hate them but I also admire their will to power.
I live in Colorado and we have gulls here even in winter. Those fuckers.
Dem scrums 'a fookin 'ankes i tell yu
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i like this image
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What stops you from moving the car anyways? Do the eggs have cameras?
That's what people do, but it's illegal.
>They nest on people's roofs
No, people built houses and infrastructure on gulls habitat
>and won't shut the fuck up at 3am
People won't stfu at 3am too and bring loud cars, blaring streetlights etc. to wild habitats disrupting the nature there. Again, gulls were there first
>they steal people's food
Based, can't defend your food from other animals then you don't deserve to eat it
>they attack people and children.
People and children are annoying
>Many also live miles inland now and shouldn't even be bothered being called a sea gull.
So they're adaptable
>Also massive shits
Absolutely based
I've lived in a coastal town all my life and I don't think I've heard the seagulls at night ever.

I feel like, as with many things, they get more scrutiny simply because they aren't cute.

It goes like:
>mischievous thief bird
>mischievous thief mammal (e.g. raccoon)
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>feed mallards
>these shitheads show up screeching nonstop
>aggressively pester both me and the mallards
>will trample over ducklings and shove their beaks in another bird's mouth to steal shit that's actively being eaten
>can't touch the bench or the bridge railing since it's all painted white with gull shit
I want a thick cement dome built over my town to keep them out
>>can't touch the bench or the bridge railing since it's all painted white with gull shit
give it a lick test. You will change the opinion

Why do they hate them so much bros :(
Actually very true!
its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility
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Bad end.
I had to draw the alternate universe where they handled things better.
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High effort post. I appreciate it.
I see these schizos every day
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That's a big gull.
simple as
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In japanese seagulls are called umineko
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they do have an entire island that is breeding ground for gulls and its covered entirely in shit. Hot!
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Hate these fuckers. They keep eating the peanuts I leave out for the crows.
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Gulls' lives matter!
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Why donā€™t the rain and waves clean it?
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some gull oc
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Because gull shit is so hot it is like latex paint.
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mmm icecrem
what do you mean summer? they are always around.
>kick bird
>steal its food
>laugh as you're eating a free sandwich
revenge for the times they stole from us
take rocks with you and pelt those gulls
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a gull shat on my toe once
death to all gulls
>a gull shat on my toe once
gull shat multiple times on me. so what?
do you enjoy gull shit
hmmmm idk
now that ive thought, yes maybe
Yes definitely!
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Gulls are sky jannies
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Question, is this the same gull? Was I followed by it? Pics were taking like 6 km apart
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Cloaca inspection day
who's Lot and why would i want any of his luck?
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i was about to say, wow gull sculpure isnt covered in shit and then i realized, shit just blended in perfectly
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Seagulcels fear the Bonxiechad
Seagulls are wretched beings
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This is what I think when I hear someone talk about seagulls.
seacats refer to a specific kind of seagull in east asia, normally they're called kamome 铎
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Also nice between two slices of toast. With feathers and everything. Yummy.
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A seagull mom built a nest with chicks above my door and now I can't leave my home without being dive bombed and attacked. I enter fight or flight when hearing seagull screeches at this point. Fuck seagulls. Leave me alone.
Feed them. Catch and force feed.
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I don't know the species but European gulls are horrifying, I thought Australia's were bad until I went to Italy and saw a seagull the bigger than a game hen eating a pigeon. It had runny blood on its beak so the pigeon must have been fresh, maybe the gull killed it?
Australian silver gulls (picrel) are tiny, we have larger species but they seem to avoid people.
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fus ro dah
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POV: you look tasty
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tldr hope you fucked the gull like you said
To be so unaware. I promise you that's a cashier.
It's a sign of good luck.
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which birds bring most luck?
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I thought that was just a bad visual novel
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what would happen if i boop one of gulls?

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