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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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i love deer so much bros, i wish i had a pet deer
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>Anon points out that there might be crossposters of borzoi, horse, deer, fox and meme wolf threads
>thread suddenly dies after almost 3 months
That's a pretty deer
>Have you even seen a deer up close?
They keep sprinting across the road in front of my car.
i know one /mlp/ crossposter here, they are cool because we like the same thing
>What is your favorite species of deer?
There's more than one?
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Columbia black-tail deer
I like them, but I know a lot of people who tell me they hate them cus they graze a lot and carry parasites or whatever
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>Have you even seen a deer up close?
Too close. I have come within inches of hitting them with my car on a number of occasions.
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it is your dog now
nta but MAN I WISH
Since you guys are usually only doeposting I'll commence some buckposting
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Deer are basically made for dog companionship
>What is your favorite species of deer?
>Have you even seen a deer up close?
Hand fed a young buck that had wandered into my yard. Didn't pet it or anything, just held my palm out flat with some oats on it like I used to do when I was a wee lad learning to ride horses.
A local zoo has pudus you can pay extra to cuddle. I'm considering taking my son there.
I don’t know what it is about deer but every time I see one my stupid caveman side of my brain goes ooga booga throw spear and eat meat, deer just look so huntable and tasty, this thread made me cook a burger (sadly I had no deer meat in the house so I cooked bbq chicken instead)
raising a fawn alongside a puppy seems good I think?
they do it with Cheetah cubs.
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how didn't he bleed out? That's an incredibly lethal injury
Damn, incredible if real
I actually have a bone stump sticking out of my toe when I had the first joint amputated due to it dying due to a rare blood disease I have. As it healed, the flesh pulled away from the remaining bone, leaving it exposed. It's only half a centimeter long, tho, and more yellow than white.
>also got two huge chunks of flesh cut out from my calf and the entire length of my leg from ankle to inner thigh had the be flayed open to physically remove dozens of blood clots.
>this was fifteen years ago, long before the fauci ouchie
>literally marched on and survived against the odds until a human killed him.
Do you have the webm of buck maneuvering it's antlers under a gate to get through it?
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Is it that time again?
I miss living with my parents because there were deer EVERYWHERE by her house. You couldn't go anywhere in that entire area without seeing one. le sigh
How do deer get nutrients from grass anyways?
How did he not get rekt by an infection?
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manna from heaven
rescuing the deer from page 10
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>sucking on the wedding ring finger
This homewrecking harlot knows exactly what she's doing.
sounds interesting. pics pls?
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I don't have a favourite species since where I live there's only roe deer and they're like a demo version of deer

I have seen multiple up close. I've assisted in an in-the-field surgery on a whitetail (picrel) and I've had to hold a roe deer in it's final moments while it was being put down at my local rehab

(I hope the picture doesn't turn updside down because taken with phone)
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proof that they want to be our pets SO badly
A local zoophile offers cuddling a pudu? Hell yeah I'd be totally in, too!
Say, is there any large deer in his harem?
Why hasn’t it happened yet?
Due to people's mindset.
>there's only roe deer and they're like a demo version of deer
Funny, but why do you say that? And what happened with the deer you did surgery on?
deers are literally doritos for predators
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She's skinnny. She need nutrients.
At least she has manners

Also what's with the leg stomping that deer do? Keeping their legs limber in case they need to bolt?
From what I've read and can remember it's just something they do when there might be danger. I don't know if you'd even classify it as divergent behaviour. Or they're just weird.
Your mom was doritos for me last night
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deer ears
Are you allowed to just keep deer as pets?
I don’t think so but there’s nothing against feeding them I don’t think (not sure)
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Burgerlandians are mostly oppressed. Not sure how other countries fare.
what an awful map
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this map is outdated and even wrong

Alaska allows reindeer ownership with a permit for example but it's listed here as illegal
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>With Permit
so you have to get married first ?
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>Have you even seen a deer up close
i have raised several deer from fawns to adulthood
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also feed deer in my yard and hunt
deer are cool
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No, I only have this one
What would deers say if they could talk?
>hobby hunters are geh
I see them kind of up close a lot, they hang out and eat in my back yard (bird seed or deer corn I give to turkeys and crows but the deer are welcome to it too)
They are skittish and back away to the edge of the woods if I go out, but they know what the sound of corn hitting the ground is and come right back if they hear that.
You must become the deer tamer
>I sure hope a human male doesn't overpower and have his way with me. That would be awful!
holy projection batman. anon get some help

You can shoot a deer but if you find one and bring it into your home then the police will come with animal control, Take it away, Euthanize it and then give you a fine. That's how it goes for any wildlife.
i WATCHED one slash the tires of my car once, it slashed my car tires. they got slashed by a deer. I watched it happen, I was afraid. I saw it prance away from my car, and the tires were slashed.
You WATCHED one slash the tires of your car once!? You're saying... it slashed your car tires. they got slashed by a deer. You watched it happen... and you were afraid... and then, even then, you saw it prance away from your car. and your saying the the tires were slashed.

Can we really beleieve this... deers wouldnt do that bro...
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You must have been eyeing on one of his girls, gotta be careful about that
this, /mlp/ bros are allright
The ones that don't like barbies, sure
good thing the likelyhood of meeting barbiefags outside their threads is 1%
barbies are what the majority of /mlp/ calls the shitty "human" characters of the g4 spinoff show called equestria girls
Look at all these deer
Didn’t know that
Gut bacteria
Big gross rumen bacteria.
>rumen bacteria
sounds like some nintendo game endboss
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literally 1984
"You are now thinking about Nikocado Avocado's shit covered gaping coinslot asshole."
>look at all the leaves I have taken off the trees. You will surely starve now
Surely it's not a good idea to pet or feed wild deer just like in the webms? I shouldn't do it, right?

I saw a deer at my feet once. Took a walk in the suburbs and there was a tiny baby deer curled up asleep right next to the path. I was really surprised it would be so much in the open, but I guess people walk that path sporadically enough that the deer don't recognize it as a very humany place. Plus even the adults are quite used to humans.
water deer
Deer with tusks are so damn cool
Forgot pic
>Surely it's not a good idea to pet or feed wild deer just like in the webms? I shouldn't do it, right?
My first thought is no, but I would probably do it anyways (exceptions being baby deer and deer during rut season)
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Would you, /an/?
What am I looking at dude
A name I haven’t heard in years…
Rhett and Link can sniff my taint
Take me back to the 90's, I kinda miss it
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I had to rescue a sheep that done this and I had a camera on the whole time in case someone got the wrong idea and reported me for buggery.
Smart move…
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I really, really, really like this image.
What a waste. How many Korean antler tonics could have been made from that buck?
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korean what
They're learning...
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Could this be real? I think the story is true but maybe it's just a different breed of deers.
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Svalbard reindeers
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when normal deer just aren't big enough for you
This is EXACTLY what a Wolfhorse would look like.
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what do you think off rare-color deers?
Probably sticks out like a sore thumb in the wilderness but nice
stays hidden in the dark
a lot of rare-color animals do stick out in the wild but they are nice and pretty to look at.
can they get a warrant to do that even
audibly laughed out loud at this thqnk you
this isn't /k/ retard
The sex would be pretty baaaaaaa'd
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I noticed three deer grazing on a hill when I was walking down a road, they were like 50 meters (160ft) away. I just watched them and didn't go closer knowing they would flee as one of them was cautious over my presence. They were all doe's judging by the lack of horns.
They wanted to be your buddies.
>t. skinwalker
Are deer stinkier than goats? Goats fucking REEK so if deer are stinkier then that would be a monumental achievement.
A herd of deers wandered on to my farm once, but then my horses chased after them and ran them off.
No. Goats piss on themselves on purpose.
>What is your favorite species of deer?
Chinese water deer. They're small, and instead of antlers they have long curved fangs.
>Have you even seen a deer up close?
Every hunting season.
In most states, possession of wild animals without a rehab license is illegal, so yeah, they can get a warrant, take your animals and throw you in jail.
No worries, most places don't have any predators left except humans.
They do? That sucks. They look so cuddly
Only male goats do afaik
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>see a deer with a broken leg and decide to help it
>get thrown in jail
CIA is really running dry on terrorists these days huh
>a lot of rare-color animals do stick out in the wild but they are nice and pretty to look at.
that predators just let them live? that's so cute <3
>>see a deer with a broken leg and decide to help it
99 times out of a hundred, people doing this end up making things worse because they don't have the first clue how to care for the animal. Hell, most of them don't even know human first aid.
If you want to help it, take it to an animal rehab.
Rude horses
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They were just protecting the area.
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when will deer and humans finally become allies
>that webm
Imagine getting mogged in literally EVERY way imaginable. Must be brutal.
Based bouncer horses
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They know cows are bad for foals.
that's a fat buck
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>already on the dinner table
she knows where she belongs
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You got dominated
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If Zombie Deer Disease / CWD / CJD is so dangerous and hard to detect/cure, why don't we just exterminate deer and be done with it, instead of letting it live and brew into an Extinction-Level Event?
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>why don't we just exterminate deer
Why are people that use the term "and be done with it" always colossal retards?
that seems like a very specific thing to notice
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I'm a specific guy
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>not having dedicated beds for cervine visitors
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Beds will only make them doughy. Leave beds to horses and sheep. Deers can sleep hanging from the ceiling by their hooves.
that's a claw
that's obviously a tentacle
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Those caribou
Here's a cool one I found
That’s a boy deer dummy
you know that deer is smack dab in the middle of flavor town
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wiggly snoot
love these. thanks for sharing
good morning deer sir!
also, why does this feel 100% natural to me? they're not supposed to be held as pets but they look so normal in this context with the dogs and cats around.
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those eyelashes.
They’re too trusting…
its because they are in a car, deers suddenly are not scared of humans anymore when they are inside cars
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Woah. Such pretty eyes. I don't think I've ever seen a deer's eyes look like that.
Bitch literally wants nothing else other than to S the D.
They're reflecting the surrounding is why

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>pics pls?
im eating so no thanks haha

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