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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their need for respect?
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just make sure you're protected from the heavy artillery
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fresh orange-utan
But how will we protect ourselves from the VILE PESTILENCE KNOWN AS 'MAN'?!
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with guns, of course
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I wish the mega pongo Gigantopithecus was still around. Imagine what they would be like, or massive baby pongos. We could teach them sign language and be friends, MEGA PONGO FRIENDS!
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100% deserved, pongo are critically endangered and need to be protected. Not to be dressed up as tourist attractions.
friends, i’m sure some of you are familiar with Ape Tracker. he uploads daily ape vids from his visits to zoos. one pongo family he uploads in particular is Jingga and Jarang. there’s lots of people in the comments concerned for jarang. some speculate his mother has rejected him, and it’s obvious there’s something wrong with his groin area. i’m worried now. are these concerns justified? is there anything we can do?
Pongo moms usually are pretty damn good mothers, but as always, there are exceptions to this rule. I can name at least two other than Jingga.

1. Poor Rambo, who does not even have the chance to be a mom to Benji, she doesn't know how, instead both her and her baby being constantly exploited for likes. She's less abusive and more apathetic, really.
2. Dilla. Poor, poor Dilla. BOS caretakers tried their hardest to have her accepted Delilah, but growing up in captivity made her not fit. And on top of that, she nearly bit into her newborn girl. Delilah is thankfully doing well nowadays, however.
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unfortunately some are outright terrible mothers, it's almost always down to not being raised by their own mother and not seeing other females raise children
pic related - Amy was rejected by her mother and went on to reject or (possibly) kill all her offspring
her only surviving child was removed within an hour of being born
she didn't seem to mind his absence
thankfully Gordon is a big strong lad nowadays
this looks to be a very complicated situation
Jingga is feeding Jarang, and he seems to have good grip reflexes and nice bright eyes
but Jingga's methods of parenting do leave much to be desired
she's still looking after him though, even if shoddily, so the zoo staff will be reluctant to take him away for hand-rearing
they will likely be watching the two of them like hawks, making sure that he still gets fed and only removing him if the situation becomes life-threatening for him
the lump on his groin could be a number of things, but the keepers will likely be keeping an eye on that too
I don't think there's a solution that will make everyone happy, but I pray that the zoo staff are putting Jarang's interests first
baby Pongos are too precious to be left to chance
>>they will likely be watching the two of them like hawks, making sure that he still gets fed and only removing him if the situation becomes life-threatening for him
the lump on his groin could be a number of things, but the keepers will likely be keeping an eye on that too

I can only hope you're right, anon.
>The grass-in-ear behavior, object-in-ear behavior[1] or grass-in-the-ear technique[2] is a fashion statement-like behavior that some chimpanzees do. The unusual behavior has been named by scientists, and it appears to be one of the first times that chimpanzees have created a tradition that has no discernible purpose.[3]

Pongobros... how do we respond?
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ch!mps are not worth responding to
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monke noise
Very stylish hair
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getting fucked up on water
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How do I cope with being a flangelet?
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every pongo is uniquely delightful in their own way
as are you, friend
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I'm 90% sure it's a hydrocele, which is pretty common and benign in healthy newborns
he's so developmentally behind though and I'm so worried about him
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big lad feels love for all living things
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I love the muted expressions on these little monkey fellers
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woah this pepper is WAY spicy
hey that's not a pongo!
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and that's not even a spicy kind of pepper!
Gorillas are based but this isn't a gorilla thread, this is a pongo thread.
there's a meme on /ck/ where some white guy asks for his burrito to have really spicy hotsauce and the guy gives him ketchup
the guy takes a bite and is like "woah way spicy"
the joke being white people can't handle spicy food
This one always cracks me up. Wonder what prompted him to react like this.
pretty sure I know what you’re talking about and but it’s not a /ck/ meme
it is gay however
he farted in the original vid. maybe he was caught off guard by how obvious it was kek.
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In awe of this absolute creature. I only hope BOS is making sure to protect her, even in the wild.
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latest pongo merch has arrived
genuine question, do white people come from albino mutations of early humans
I always thought it was neoteny
baby chimps are born with really pale skin that darkens as they age
… No
I've come to report that i had the pongo dream again
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Bulu Mata has become such a tough and terrific big beautiful boy
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their tummies
they require tickles
no, just a minor adaptation from not being in the sun all the time
i would build a sandcastle and blow away their cute little monkey minds
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What's he thinking about?
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the Sarawak massacre
he was only following orders
it was so easy
so why won't the screams stop?
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found his book
hope there's a chapter on sand play
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Man, orangutans and other great apes are so cool
this made me cry
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kiss cry evry tiem
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They're a look into what we could have been if we didn't take the wretched path of bipedalism.
(Gibbons get a free pass, though)
This, producing melanin requires extra energy, and nature always takes the path of least resistance.
Since the pale babies didn't turn into crispy lumps of cancer immediately upon exiting the womb, and they would have a better time surviving resource deficits, they pass on their slightly-more-energy-efficient genes, rinse and repeat for however many tens of thousands of years and you've got yourself a white person.
opportunistic little feller
well on the way to becoming a chunky munky

Saw this today. Very majestic. Shows a certain amount of intelligence. Maybe were just focused on the wrong things. Although the ape wasn't being a pushover at all. The guy's gotta eat.
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No we come from Yakub
It’s crazy how many reactions we share with other primates. Any human child would’ve reacted like that too
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delet this
Epic origin story
He knew what he was doing
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Ice age Europe was dark and there was very little Vitamin D. Darker skinned humans died while light skinned humans survived.
That swing was made by ch*mps
Pretty much. Even today dark skinned immigrants people living there have vitamin D deficiency issues and need to take supplements
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the king
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POV: you're a make pongoloids go extinct button
I think about this constantly, even something as simple as nodding or widening your eyes when you're talking to someone to show you're engaged with them. It's crazy when you really analyze our body language.
does no one really have the source/background for this video? i hope his mom soothed him after :(
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since you fellas know so much about skin color, is there any neat explanation as to why baby pongos have marbled skin?
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you’re a monster. the fuck is wrong with you?
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quit yakking and give that lad his durian
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You disgust me
I'm trans BTW if that matters
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Rickina (bottom) has a little lad of her own
Rocky (top) has been successfully re-released into the wild
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what a beautiful pair of pongos
thanks for sharing, friend
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I didn't know Oshine liked her men femenine, does this mean she's into flangelets?
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Oshine only has eyes for a grouchy old Derbyman
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I will not be sile-ACK
Imagine not having flanges
Holy shit, how strong are they?? Imagine if he grabbed a hold of his cock
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in my years of searching, closest I've found is this nearly identical style swing at wanariset (proto samboja lestari)
Humans are, by an embarrassing margin, the weakest of the great apes by weight.
It's so fucking over bros. The new Indonesian president is backed by the previous one, a Jawaknigger, whose main project is moving the capital to Borneo. Ecpect more deforestation, habitat loss, and animals extinction. I fucking hate jawak so much.
I wish oh how I wish I had all the money in the world so I could buy up a bunch of Indonesia and just let the Pongos chill
We need to arm the pongos and let them fight for their freedom.
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What are otters supposed to learn from an orangutan?
Humans are much stronger than chimps and orangutans. Cope, seethe, and dialate
I hope his mom was butchered by poachers and someone kicked him in the nuts after this
To you, what exactly is "pongo"?
That’s kinda crazy. Harmful, but also funny. Guess we share a lot of tastes
a question was asked cocksucker stop sperging out
Trained humans are much stronger by weight
>but that's only because animals can't weight train!
Too bad. Guess humans destroy drooling retard animals once again.
A friend
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a splendid chap and a devout imperialist is what a pongo is
wtf pongos are epic
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they just remember the reign of the white rajahs of Sarawak
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but legitimately, the pongo Betsy was an important part of Rajah Brooke's court.
She would sit next to him while he judged the fate of the Dayaks and crocodiles of the land.
In many ways she was his éminence grise.
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why can't Bonnie King Charlie head to a zoo or sanctuary every once in a while and consult with the flanged ones?
half the problems in Bongerlund would be solved overnight
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God baby pongos are so precious
nice little hat
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Have a happy Easter, friends
with this
100% pure undiluted hopium
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apes are not real, they're just people in fursuits.
>implying we didn't already think Pongo are people
try harder, sweaty
I'm 42 and I'd react like that
I like how they have a natural instinct to wear hats
Unironically the most fashionable of the great apes. Majestic orange fur and a desire to wear hats.
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Are orangutans smarter than chimps? I haven't found much info. What's seems to be well established is that both chimps and orangutans are smarter than gorillas
I think they're about the same, but pongos are way more patient
if a pan doesn't get his way quickly, he tends to get violent but a pongo will just sit and think or wait for a fresh opportunity
in many ways yes, but it's not that simple.
Pongos can delay gratification more than pancakes, which is usually seen as one of the biggest hallmarks of intelligence. Ch*mpoids simply can't overcome their animal urges, even if it means a larger reward in the future. So you give a pongo two bowls of grapes, one large and one small, and then take away whichever bowl they pick. The pongo will quickly learn to pick the smaller bowl so they'll get to keep the bigger bowl in the end.
Chumps cannot comprehend this. They always pick the big bowl and get the small one, and then chimp out about how unfair this is.
Pongos have demonstrated communication skills and thought processes that were previously believed exclusive to humans. They can communicate with each other about events AFTER they've passed. Their calls contain traits only found in birdsong and human speech. They have the capacity to be far more socially intelligent than African apes, even though they don't use it.
Pongos do fail at least one test that chimps have occasionally passed: invisible nonadjacent double displacements. For context, humans don't start passing this test until pretty deep into childhood. You basically hide objects inside boxes and play a sort of three card monty where the only way to win is to skip past adjacent boxes.
Pongos can't resist the urge to check consecutive boxes, while chimps occasionally can (more than random chance). There's some barrier holding back their thoughts.
Also, it's worth pointing out that some pongos aren't even as smart as others. Sumatran pongos are way smarter than all three subspecies of Bornean pongos. And among those, P. morio are the least intelligent, though it's hard to say if this is just because they have poor nutrition in East Kalimantan (they eat bark all day long). Pongos are smarter where it counts, I still reckon.
based chimp hater
We are pretty similar to the other apes but with children it's even more so. Humans are pretty neotenous so the differences get bigger as both species age but baby orangutans almost look like hairy human babies to me.
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Gorilla's may be "dumber" than Chimps but are spiritually superior.
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very true
>Checks for traffic as he crosses
Smart monke
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so delicious
i’m glad they’re enjoying their fruit and all but a part of me can’t help but wonder if their faces get sticky and bothers them!!
it's okay, they're cleanly fellows
it’s always the most mundane shit that blows my mind when it comes to pongos. when she started ringing out the towel i was amazed. they’re so smart.
just wait and see what happens once they get the big society going
literally me
Ol' chap knew exactly what he was doing. What a pure soul they have.
This is exactly what I look like when I pull the shower curtain aside and watch my wife in the shower. Lel.
The Chosin reservoir?
What do you have to do to piss an orangutan off so badly he decides alright, it's on now bitch? And starts kicking your ass.
That's cool. We have swords and guns. And tanks.
Probably teasing or annoying it? Looks vaguely third world
I wish I could have saved him bros...
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A philosophy. A lifestyle.
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The warlock of Pongolia
Childhood. A simple life. Inner peace. Freedom. Trusting my intuition. Being one with nature.
what happened?
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just someone being unfriendly
pay no mind
I can't believe she already has a child of her own, i still remember my heart melting at that one video of her as a baby
Yesterday I dreamed that some evil people captured a mother pongo and her child. They put them in two separate cages on the ground, like two feet apart. It's a steel cage with bars so that both orangutans can see each other. Then the humans lit the small one on fire. The mother had to watch.
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big belly button
wasted digits
I've had similar dreams. sometimes I'm powerless to stop them, sometimes I'm watching myself do it
I like the idea that dreams can be hypothetical worst case scenarios, to condition you to respond properly if the situation arises. or maybe we just crave trauma
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anons, can we appreciate how Onyer went from a terrified little baby ape to a silly guy goofing off just like that?


adorable little fella, hope he'll live a good life
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jungle wisdom
>pisses on you
>looks around to make sure he hasn't embarrassed himself in front of anybody
>that belly
What's he full of?
Nothing but piss to irrigate you with
But pee is stored in the balls
pretty damn based desu
genuinely i think swinging from the trees with your dick out pissing from the highest branches must be satisfying as fuck
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i could fix this situation
today I had a dream where I was wearing a dress. and somehow didn’t have pants or underwear on either.

What does this mean bros?
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a love of hats is a trait shared by all
love their goofy little smiles
they kinda remind me of old people
Well yeah, look at all the wrinkles
how come humans are so much smoother? i mean that orangutan looks fairly young yet still wrinkly
Idk what would be more entertaining. The head shot or watching it fall lifelessly out of the tree
Clarkson deserves no respect.
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shush, Oisin
You have to be 18 to be on 4chan
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Don’t think I’ve ever seen one bare their teeth before
Pretty intimidating
Good luck trying to aim with a scope covered in yellow
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it's a good thing they only feel anger towards palm oil consumers
I fucking love orangutans, man. Remember that episode of drake and josh where that fucking prick wanted to eat one
no, but I remember that episode of futurama where that big alien nearly ate one
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Yeah it's cool though they call the cops on the rich guy trying to eat her
aw man what a cutie
should be with his/her mom though :(
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I'm almost certain that's Archie. He was about that age in 2007, And he even had that same exact hairstyle. Archie was an "animal actor" at the time. Spent a few years at Universal Studios as an attraction, which is just as bad as any Thai zoo if you've ever seen it. He must have had an absolutely terrible childhood.
Oh, and then he moved to some nice place in Florida and had a little girl, I think you might know her name :-)
Awww cute :3
Yes I do. They sold it for a couple thousand dollars and then stole it back iirc. Good times
oh guess i misremembered
Archie has won the game of life by overcoming the hell that is child stardom and gaining a happy home for his own children
were we all so fortunate
this says a lot about our society
Being in a shitty cage probably didn't put him in a great mood to begin with.
what would the injuries be had the cage not been there? are we talking broken bones or a travis level tragedy?
it would for sure bite the shit out of him and maybe break his leg, but I don't think orangutans usually go for the groin or face when they're pushed to violence
It looked pretty pissed off so I suspect some biting would be on the menu far sooner than it was actually attempted

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