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Pigeons are cute and beautiful and I love !
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I concur
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lov pidj
So cyooot
Is that your pidj Anon?
i prefer doves
Same thing
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My pigeon
Anyone who feeds pidgeons in big cities should be beheaded
you might be on to something…
pigeons are as smart and social as dogs and were originally domesticated as companion animals

now that you know this you either like them or you're a subhuman who should move somewhere they'd fit in better, like africa
> pigeons are smart
You clearly never seen a pigeon. Retarded birds always make a nest at the same place. I destroy it and openly show my hostility. They make it again and lay eggs there. I destroy their eggs. They make some disgusting sounds and leave. After one month they come again and do same stupid shit.
>animals that don’t submit to my will are stupid
They’d rather die in their boots than take it on their knees. BASED PIGEONS.
Pigeons are domesticated, retard. It's like asking those small toy dogs to live in the wilderness and survive. They've been made to rely on us, pigeons are the same. Their nests are shit because they rely on us. We just forgot about them. They're not wild, they're feral. Still smart.
No. Bad anon.
What were pigeons domesticated for?
thats because their qualifications for a nest is "does the egg roll? no? then its a nest"
Amazing! What is he / she called?
Fertiliser, food, sending messages and fancy/decoration
rats with wings that shit on our cities.
all birds shit in/on cities, people do too, what makes pigeons special in that regard?
>le epic rat with wings meme
Just wash your car, you vain fuck. Christ would personally send you to hell for this bullshit where you get violently angry about DOVES because of some easily removable paste on your car (that probably came from a crow anyways).

Pigeons are a gift from God. Appreciate them. Respect them. Treat them with kindness.
pigeon beak typed this
Why do these fucking birds make me lose my sides every time I see one. I can’t help but giggle whenever I do.
You can always tell a bird hater because they're fucking retarded.
I haven’t thought of a name yet. I think it’s a he since I’ve had it for 6 months and it doesn’t lay eggs. Here’s the pic when I first found it outside.
There is something inherently comical about the way their heads move.

Wow what a glow up!
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So loving, yet so retarded
They are smart in ways that are incomprehensible to us.
Looks like a loving friend
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>feeding squirrels peanuts at park
>pigeons show up
>their beaks are not make for peanut consumption
>feel bad because I have nothing else to feed them
Break the peanuts up into small pieces
So sexy, I would lay many eggs with him

that's basically a micro eagle
If you are a first time pigeon owner you should get in touch with Palomacy and ask them for guidance. Pigeons can be a handful and their behavior changes a lot in their first year or two. If you nabbed him as a baby/fledgling off the ground, then the reason he was so sweet is because they're very sweet and trusting at that age, but then they will hit adulthood and gain independence, and the males will become insatiably horny and aggressive in particular.

The one in that picture looks kind of like a fledgling to me but it's hard to tell. Maybe they look a bit different in your region.

The thing with pigeons is they usually need a mate. If she's a single female, she will typically bond with you and think you're her mate. You should look up how the whole breeding cycle works incase she starts laying eggs for you. This can be dangerous to the females since they can excessively lay eggs, and this depletes their calcium and then eventually they get a "weak" egg and it gets stuck and they die (it's called egg binding). Very dangerous. To prevent this, they need regular UV light of a specific kind AND ALSO special calcium supplement and grit.

If it's a male, you may be in for a shock soon if his mating instincts awaken and he becomes an adult, because they will not only become aggressive often, they become EXTREMELY LOUD 24/7. Not just occasional cooing but moaning and groaning nonstop to attract a female. Just be ready for this, in case it is a male.

Sometimes you can get a single pigeon to bond with you like I said, but usually the best bet / normal thing to do is get them a mate, which you can really only do by working with other rehabbers and adopting one, since they are picky about their mates. So you need to kind of schedule a day to let them "date" a bunch of other pigeons. It's also really hard to tell their sex so letting them date is one way to take care of this.
Just be careful here, they are pretty low key pets but a lot of people get shocked when they suddenly become "mean" (they're just going from being naively trusting kids, to becoming independent and wanting to mate), and then people do cruel shit like putting the pigeon back outside thinking they're "letting it go." But it's been domesticated now and that's basically a death sentence. I would STRONGLY recommend reaching out to Palomacy and asking for general advice, they are good people and will help you no matter where you are. Sometimes they miss emails so just keep trying, find them on Instagram or Reddit just in case you don't get a quick reply to your email. They also have lots of resources on their site.

Sorry if I'm being condescending, I am just trying to prevent the occasional scenario where someone thinks the pigeon is a sweet cuddly pet, but then get tired of them and dump them back where they found them (which is basically killing them).

t. amateur rehabber who works with a lot of good pigeon rehabber people. I rescued my male pigeon as a fledgling, and had to hand raise him through his illness, so he was unable to be released by the time he recovered. And I love him to death but he's insanely fucking loud and the first year or two of learning to live with it was hell, as I lived in a small apartment. I ended up having to "pigeonproof" my apartment with sound cancelling shit, and frankly, just get used to the noise - which is like saying I "got used to" cats in heat screaming nonstop. Most pigeons will not be quite as bad as my guy is, but a LOT will be. So be prepared, please don't hate your pij if he suddenly becomes more than you bargained for. It's not his (or her) fault. Also consider getting him a mate regardless, as they really are happiest with a partner.
Above all, if you get sick of the pigeon or it's more than you bargained for, DON'T just put it back outside. Let Palomacy or some similar organization (they can put you in touch) adopt it. I can't stress this enough, human raised pigeons do not have their normal survival instincts. I have a baby one in the other room right now, and I am deliberately not even letting it see me and not petting it etc., because I don't want it to get used to humans and get confused.
I rescued an injured pigeon about 3 months ago. He had a big lump under his skin on one of the joints of his wing. A few days ago the lump changed shape, and today a big mass came off and it left an open wound. The vet appointment is in 20 days. Should I take him to the vet earlier just in case? The pigeon seems otherwise healthy and doesnt seem to be in pain.
That sounds like when my cat got cancer. If you can I'd go earlier. You can also get in touch with Palomacy or https://greatlakespigeonrescue.org/ and try to talk to an expert. They have all kinds of expert wildlife rehabbers not limited to the Great Lakes region. Probably they'll at least be able to tell you what it sounds like but you should prioritize going to the avian vet if you can.
Also if you stress the nature of the situation to the avian vet they may be open to bringing you in early without charging you extra.
Jews torture birds. Never come here again scum.
I love them. Whenever I'm feuding with my neighbors I do the old seed trick and they shit up their cars.
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Pigeoncels real quite when corvid chads show up
>can't hurt adult pidgeon
>steals babies like a coward
Not very chadly.
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human domesticated and brought them to cities, its our fault
retarded religious cuck
Pidove lookin pretty angry today...
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I fucking love pigeons. Every time I see one I can’t help it and smile. It’s awkward since everyone else seems grumpy and I’m just walking to work and smile like a retard about seemingly nothing.
There was a time when humans loved pigeons. Today I’m doing my best to prevent everyone to hate them.
There's a lot of young ones flapping about atm here
Half of them are having some kind of near miss with a car everyday or falling out a tree
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Omg I just realised pidove is supposed to be a pigeon pokemon.
So cute
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I snapped this saucy action shot on Sunday
>name my band
How I feel next to zoomers
What are they doing
Making more pigeons
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Out in the country, yes, absolutely.
In big cities, no, not so much.
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Based. Birdshitbrains seething
oof, obvious samefag is obvious
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the birds recognize a toilet when they see one
a pidgeon couple came to my birdsneeder today. i just saw them, looked at them from maybe a distance of 10-15ft away in my living room, but made sure that they could hear me too so that i could maybe become friends with them?

they have been eating lots from my birdfeeder, but i only caught them in the act today, and thank god i did because i had a real vividly disturbing dream last night. i thought it could've been a rat, or squirrel since i was only used to small american robins in my area, but a pidgeon couple is cute and new. i can't tell the difference between the genders, but i'm just going to assume the dark one is female, and the multicoloured light grey one is male because that one was protecting the other mostly while feeding. they are mostly polite eaters, did not make much of a fuss or noise. it'd be fun to try and gain their trust, i've always admired the stories of pigeon carriers during wartime, they have a strong heritage with humanity.
This is a very cool photo

Cute story anon. Did you take a picture?
You sound very pathetic
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they came back while i was doing the dishes, but i think i got too close for comfort and they ended up getting scared. i think i need to retrain myself how to behave around these creatures, i think the selfish bits of me override the intuition i might have with animals. i read that they will always need to warm up to me, and not the other way around, so i will try to not be so pushy next time and give them their due respect. i wouldn't want some weird stranger pushing their nose up while i'm eating either, but i was just so eager to make friends that i couldn't help but get a little too close.
don't mind him, he is simply immature and doesn't know any better. abusive language will only affirm his narrow minded conclusions and close him up from any curiosity in trying to learn more.
Update on rescued pigeon. A few days ago he recovered and flew back to his group. Today I saw him hanging out with his friends on a rooftop. Im so happy for him, saars.
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This fellow spent the winter in my house recovering from paratyphoid. He came by today for some seeds.
don't have cities then, retard
i keep fucking over the pidgeon couple that always comes to my balcony to feed. i scare them away when they feed because i get overly eager to wanna be their friend, and today i didn't get to set out any food this morning because i was sleeping in, so they must've been upset. it feels like i am to these birds what frankenstein was to the little girl he inadvertently drowned. anyways, i set out some raw cashew and hope they keep coming...
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what does it want from me
Nice. What's his name?

Only one thing and it's disgusting
Gay pigeons
Nature is weird with pidgeons. They're not exactly good peckers and they're too top heavy to claw so why are most life scared of them?
i've learned that the pigeons who feed from my balcony, are surprisingly very picky eaters. i always had the impression that pigeons will eat anything, and they will eventually eat all the birdseed i put out, but they always go for the cashew nut and then the lentils first; then the sunflower seed; then the sorghum; then finally, the white millet. i have no intent on spoiling them past two to three cashew nut a day because i hear it may basically be their version of junkfood, which takes more time to process and digest, or something like that. it's fun having them perch on my balcony when they're not feeding, it feels like i have their protection, or at least whatever their will extends past the coveted seed dishes.

i'd almost equate them to teenagers claiming a popular lunchtable in highschool. they seem very self interested, and neglect my company, so i'd hope some smaller birds get more courageous and start feeding to fill in their absence. i saw my first american robin, perched innocently, on my balcony railing. he flew away once i noticed him. who knows if he will gain the courage to contest the popular pigeons' sneed spot?

You I hope you reconsider your ignorance or get corrected by other means
Nice jacket
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ver cool
Cities don't smell like piss and shit because of pigeons. They do because of humans. Pigeon shit is utterly harmless compared to the disgusting garbage and waste humans litter everywhere. The less offensive organic things which they eat would decompose with a festering rotting odor if not for them and other opportunistic feeders.
>had a dream about feeding the pigeons on my balcony up close
so comfy...
Are you a pigeon?
very cute. is that a normal rock dove or some other kind of dove?
You're a fucking idiot if you think I would still care enough to samefag a whole month later
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An uninjured fledgling who couldn't fly appeared in our garden lately. He(?) didn't know how to eat the seeds I put down and got really hungry and slow, I thought about intervening but after a couple days the parents found him.
When they landed he sprinted out of his hiding spot in the hedge and cried for food a lot.
Over the next days I watched him gradually get better at flying, at first he would face plant into the fence but his shitty jumps turned into a few feet of flight, and then one day he was gone.
I like pigeons now.
beautiful story, anon. i'm glad they didn't forget about him.
i feed pigeons everyday, i love seeing some of the same pigeons appear, i've known a couple of them for two years now
>pigeon go: *wup wup wup wup wup wup wup*
they probably know you too Anon. pigeons are really good at remembering and recognising human faces, especially people who have been nice to them.
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Matthew 15:24
>lust provoking image
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Based sainsbury's sunflower seeds
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A pigeon in a hole. The pigeon hole principle
Sometimes I wish I were a pigeon. Life would be simpler.
Incidentally, I am a pigeon. It's great
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the pigeons hate me. i feed them every day, but they avoid me and shit a lot on my balcony. it makes me fucking sad, i wanted to be their friend.
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Woah… that’s amazing…
Feed these nuts
They made a nest in my nuts
Based on these nuts
They're dosestiacated to suck on my nuts
Rats were breed as food foe my these nuts
They took the whitest shit ob my coonskin nuts
They make you lose these nuts
Not as retarded as these nuts
Here's a game name: Jordon.
Christ these nuts
Seething these nuts
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They are innately funny birds.
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based fancy pidge
Brother what have they done to you?
The boy is stretched and pulled.
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I just found out a pigeon is breeding on my balcony. I need to be there once or twice a day to water my plants and stuff. The balcony is tiny and the both of my neighbours' have cats that might jump on my balcony. Will it be alright out there? Might the pigeon abandon the egg due to stress. Would it be possible to incubate the egg myself if needed?
To be perfectly honest that egg is unlikely to survive.
there is pigeon porn on the internet. it's not very good
It's all over quite quickly I would imagine
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Pigeons might be the most slept on group of birds
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City pigeons are lost critters who need a loving home. It is your duty to adopt a pair from the streets.
How do I do this?
They're free, you can take them home.
How tough are pidgeons?
I scared one so badly it flew right into a window, hard enough to make a crack. It's been acting weird for about a day now. It keeps circling the area it crashed in on.
If they all looked unique like this everyone would love them.
What about the government?
The government does not care about pigeons
No, I thought you were doing the- nevermind…
i'm trying to tame the ones i feed on my balcony. so far, they are super afraid of me, and i'm realizing that i can't force myself onto them, that i have to gain their trust by making them comfortable around me. i'm kinda scared myself, especially when i get close.
They are sensitive animals and can detect your fear. You need to sit very still and calm and let them know they have nothing to fear from you.
i will try this, thanks, anon. i was used to a pigeon couple who always frequented my balcony, but they brought a lot of friends who still aren't acquainted with me. i never knew how hard this would be.
Fucj yea
Cute bird
>i set out some raw cashew
Don't be alarmed if you see a human snacking from your balcony, love me some raw cashews
tiny pigeon is obsessed with gf 4 times his size

Aren't cashews a bit top big for soft little pigeon beak though?
Yea but raw cashews are actually a bit soft and chewy. Smash a few of them to tiny pieces and I wouldn't see a probl3m. Had no idea birds liked them
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Need advice.

So I saw this guy hanging around the alley by my building a couple days ago. He didn't fly away when approached but seemed okay so I didn't mess with him. Today I found him hanging around the same area so I walked over and was able to scoop him up easily. Nothing looks wrong. I've seen him stretch his wings. The one time he tried to fly he got maybe a foot off the ground before giving up. I put him in a crate with a mix of song bird food, peanuts, and bread because hell if I know what's best. He has a little container of water and I put a 75 watt light on one side of the crate so he can keep warm. I've seen him drink and eat half a dozen peanuts.

I think he's just young and starved. I'm hoping to release him asap. Thoughts or tips?
Cook some peas in the microwave for him to eat. Soft food is better for young birds.
Ask pigeon reddit for pigeon care advice, they actually know what they're talking about
Just take him to a wildlife rescue.
I only recently learnt that pigeons in wooded areas (wood pigeons) are a different species to street pigeons (descended from rock doves)

Pic related - on the right is a wood pigeon, with an orange beak. On the left is a feral pigeon, with black stripes on it, and they're apparently descended from rock doves.

The wood pigeon is the species "columba palumbus"
Feral pigeons are the species "columba livia" (same species as rock doves)

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Do you live in the UK anon? There's three more species of pigeon in the UK.

Is a stock dove, Columba oenas

Is a Eurasian collared dove, Streptopelia decaocto

And picrel is the very rare and beautiful turtle dove which is critically endangered, Streptopelia turtur.
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>Do you live in the UK anon?
>There's three more species of pigeon in the UK.
That's cool. I think I've only seen wood pigeons and feral pigeons myself.

Also it seems wood pigeons and feral pigeons have different calls:

fuck reddit
only one around doesn't want him.

He's been eating, pooing and sleeping so the plan is to keep him for another day, maybe two, then see if he can fly away.
Wood pigeons are noticeably bigger/fatter. They are also more timid about humans because they aren't descended from domesticated birds. Feral pigeons will eat out of your hand if you're patient with them but that is very unusual for wood pigeons. And of course wood pigeons roost in trees whereas feral pigeons roost in buildings because it is the closest thing we have to rocky cliffs which is their natural habitat.
He may be a lost domestic! If he's letting you pick him up like this something is wrong. Maybe someone lost or dumped him. You can get dove feed from Kaytee or Hagen and it's really cheap. I don't want to talk out my ass here but that looks like a very adult pigeon and I doubt he needs especial heat, but definitely water. If he's eating/drinking on his own, you've already won 3/4 of the battle because having to feed babies is a pain. Don't overdo peanuts if possible - it is their favorite treat but also not great for them as a main food source. Bread is also not ideal. But like I said if he's simply eating that's half the battle.

I would NOT release him if he can't or won't fly away or he is tolerant of humans. Something is clearly wrong. He may have the very early stages of a neurological illness (common in these guys) but I doubt it if he isn't manifesting other obvious symptoms .. however, just in case he develops "torticullis" or any other super unpleasant looking (but usually not nearly as bad as they look) symptoms, be aware of these so that you don't freak out.

He is safe for now if he's eating and drinking. I would try to find rehabbers in your area ASAP. Reach out to Palomacy and GLPR (Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue), since they are very well-networked. Palomacy on Facebook is VERY active.

Where (roughly) are you? I guarantee someone is crazy enough to make the drive, especially if you can meet them halfway. Putting him out may be a death sentence. I really wonder if this is someone's pet. Perhaps he was a pet in the first place precisely because he can't fly.

Great work and glad to see rehabber people in the thread. I am taking a fledgling nest dropout to someone today. This morning I took him to visit his flock and put seed in front of the cage, and seed inside the cage, so that he could watch his friends eat and learn from them. He picked it up right away and began pecking. I even let him out and let him mingle with them a bit, since he's going to be rereleased to this flock once he's fledged anyway. He started watching them fly up into the rafters and learning the ropes etc. So when he gets back it'll be old hat to him.

Can I ask, how do you long term care for pigeons with something like PMV and then rerelease? I nursed a fledgling through PMV for a month and by the end of it he was too domesticated to ever be released, so now he's a permanent resident.
If you have Facebook or can make a throwaway just to post in this group you will get pretty instant help
I'm in downtown, small town Ohio and there's a ton of wild pigeons around.

He's made good progress in the last couple days. I'm fairly sure he's wild. He now fights me by batting his wing into my finger if I get too close and is looking to escape whenever i move the towel. Also he perches on a rock instead of bedding down on a towel.

He won't eat anything but the peanuts. If I put seed or bread in the dish he throws it out.

Fairly sure he's not people tolerate, he just didn't have the energy to run from me. On another forum they said he looks like an adolescent because of his beak and it wasn't uncommon for them to leave the nest too early or just not be good foragers at first and get in this kind of situation.

I kind of wish there was a way to gauge how spunky he is and if he can now fly. Right now he's in a small crate and doesn't have room to do much. I feel bad for him but don't have a better solution without letting him lose in a room which would mean catching him again at some point and the possibility hurting him.

I'm debating on letting him go tonight or giving him another day to fatten up. He wants out.
The main thing isn't whether he's alert, it's whether he's a domestic or not. My pigeons also bat me with their wing if I get close and would rather "escape" from me than be held, but they wouldn't survive a day outside. My only fear is that this is a domestic or racer or something and it will simply die quickly in the wild. He may very well fly if you let him out, the issue isn't really flying but whether his instincts are domestic or feral.

It's possible he's an adolescent, it's hard for me to tell with this breed but he may have the stereotypical fledgling beak.

I definitely see the situation you're in but my advice would be to make your "do I / don't I" decision contingent on what the pros at Palomacy say. If you just make a post in the FB linked here >>4813695 it'll get 10+ responses very quickly. Or message them. I messaged them asking for advice already but they respond more slowly on the main account.
Also you aren't doing any harm to him by keeping him in the cage a while longer. They have pretty early bedtimes and actually prefer the dark. I cover my guys at night. It's not incredibly cruel to hang onto him for just a bit like this so don't worry about that. I've had MANY ferals in a small cat carrier overnight and they just go to sleep, they are chill.
Did you end up talking to anyone for advice?
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tl;dr took the bird to the only bird rehab around. They're for medium and large birds only but the guy took a look anyways. Bird is healthy and most likely feral. He said to release it where I found it and if it was a domestic it'll just hang around waiting for me to catch it again.

I let it go in the alley. It walked around for 10 minutes or so. A car drove by and it flew up to the gutter. Hung out there for a while and eventually flew across the street to join 3 other pigeons on a roof. I'm calling it a success.
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>captcha POV BRGR
arent raw cashew nuts poisonous?
Had to write some papers on them to get my degree, I love those little guys
A degree in what?
The YouTube algorithm blessed me with this video today. :-)

zoo vet
Somehow forgot to reply (or send my reply? I wrote it) saying thanks for this, and thanks for taking him to a rehabber to get the second opinion. Sounds like a success to me. He may be some semi-feral. You could keep an eye out if you're around and he's putting himself in harm's way. Again, thanks for caring for the poor guy.
He caught a feral(ized) roller pigeon at 1:25, I think. I hope that guy is OK.
No other birds are as attentive, curious, cooperative and photogenic as pigeons around these parts and it's a joy when they look back at you through the lens.
You're a good bloke anon, nice job!
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they are actually steamed to take out the poison for consumption.
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I doubt most of /an/ cares about a meme game from over a decade ago but the real Okosan passed away recently.
This was definitely before my time. RIP anyway.
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Why? We absolutely fucked pigeons, people used to bring them to NY as a foodsource. Then used them for message carriers, racing, owning them as pets while having them in coops for decades, then one day someone decided they were “rats with wings” and now a shitload of birds that have no survival sense because we’ve for decades bred that out of them have to suffer both living in NY and getting no help from the cunt ass NYers. Pigeons are bros.
You’re right. Anything that has to endure an existence in New York of all places has it rough.
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i can't breath, the pigeon shit is overwhelmingly smelly.
Bird butt
do you live at the park or something
i feed pigeons from my balcony. i live on the top floor, but don't have roof access, so when they take a smelly shit right above my room's window, there's nothing i can do about it.

i swear, not all pigeon shit even stinks this bad. this shit is sinister.
that’s unfortunate…
you have to keep the window closed then
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Yesterday, I purchased a pair of white Barbary/Ringneck Doves. They are very cute and extremely docile, and I think I may have already fallen deeply in love with both of them. It's not hard to see why they're God's favourite birds.

Their names are Noah and Abigail.
Noah and Abigail are very good names for them, I hope they live long, happy lives.
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they are so beautiful!
They certainly will now. In reality, I didn't even 'purchase' them so to speak, as they were actually just given to me by a pajeet and his wife who had them with over 2 dozen other birds in an aviary that was far too small. He told me me that if I didn't take them, they'd be killed and eaten.

I'm extremely glad I was told about them when I was. They're safe now.

Watching them allopreen and hearing their lovely little coos bring me great ease.
Very beautiful. Are they hand tame?
Considering they've been domesticated since Mesopotamia, they hardly need it. They weren't extensively hand-tamed at their original home, but were handled very easily.
I plan on hand taming them fully, which shouldn't take more than a week or two.

Abigail takes better to my hand stroking her and is less afraid than Noah.
why are jeets like this?
>a woman moment

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