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Hello frens
Today we discuss plants ITT with fun and mysterious properties, with a focus on cultivating plants and other vegetative species, and on their medicinal properties.

>Echinopsis Pachanoi
>Syrian Rue
>Salvia Divinorum
>Amanita Muscaria
>Tabernanthe Iboga
and more

Sorry I can't add much more right now I'm on a hike, if theres interest in the topic I will write a better OP and maybe make a template with links and such when I am home
Ethnobotany is an interesting topic, however I think Janny and mods will delete this one (drugs!!!!!) once they're done lurking in the dogfucker and horsecock threads.
You stopped in the middle of a hike to post this? Surprising you had wifi
He constructed a router out of mushrooms and mud.
most places have 4g coverage unless youre deep in remote woods
For me it's drinking peyote or alcohol mixed with deer piss after it ate nothing but still-frozen Amanita Muscarias for the whole day in the coldest part of winter
Mushroom mycelium networks have finally gone wireless.

Considering getting that soon.
>Amanita Muscarias
Nah, would never touch that shit. Know a story of 2 guys where I am based that went into hardcore psychosis and hospitalisation after brewing wine out of the stuff. Stick to Cubes or Pans.
Didn't mean >>4774615, meant >>4774653.
Unlikely. I have seen quite a few mushroom threads derail into shroom threads over the years before getting bumped off rather than deleted.
reminder that mushrooms are plants
For me, it's the Elderflower.

Its bark, if brewed in hot water makes you throw up, thus removing anything bad you might have eaten and its flowers, when consumed in tea, clear any bronchial or lung related inflammation, coughing and sore throat. You will sweat a lot in your sleep so its antibacterial properties can get to work.
The lore says that you should take a bow or tip your hat at an elderflower bush before you cut it because it accumulates bad thoughts and feelings of those who pass by it. If you don't do that and break off a twig, all these things will come out and haunt you. Villagers up until the mid 1800s still used to place offerings at and apologize to the village elderflower if they accidentally harmed it. However, it's a helpful shrub - if you rest underneath it, you can feel how it pulls your bad emotions out of you, down to its roots where Frau Holda resides and cooks them up in a large pot.
They are not. They're not even autotrophs.
(Reminder that not all photosynthetic autotrophs are plants)
Then this thread should technically be deleted
Why? They are still natural organisms that form ecosystems. Mushrooms are /an/ and /out/ certified.
>Its bark, if brewed in hot water makes you throw up, thus removing anything bad you might have eaten and its flowers, when consumed in tea, clear any bronchial or lung related inflammation, coughing and sore throat
Morning Glories and Hawaiian Rose is superior in my oppion. They will do the exact same thing if chewed or ground into a powder and suspended in a spirit and drank. Nausea for 1-2 hours before eventually your 8-9 hour journey begins. Both seeds contain LSA, the 12 hour longer version and precursor chemical to LSD. External hallucinations are minimal when comparedto LSD, but the clear minded state you are in during low to moderate doses is a very unique expereince. Sit in darkness however and you will see "distortions" with objects or shapes changing and shifting form. At higher doses you are put into an incredible trance, almost something like beyond deep mediation. Then after 8 hours you get the comedown with another 1-2 hours nausea and go back to normal.

Clear your stomach and go on a spiritual journey at the same time using seeds that were used in ancient shamanic rituals.
In addition Syrian Rue when combined with Morning Glories/Hawaiian Rose restores the external hallucination element you associate with LSD, but now it is 12 hours and you are far more cognisant and aware then you would be with the other. Natural too. Remember LSD is a synthetic compound but all of this is naturally produced by nature to he enjoyed.
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okay then
Well, I'm not aiming to get high and it's not like I have time to sit around for ~9 hours doing nothing. Just shared the lore and some helpful properties elderflowers offer. Still, thanks for the description.
Actual cacti are a bitch to acquire. Thankfully synthetic mescaline exists.
I have never met a smart person who uses stuff to fuck up his consciousness for an x amount of time

This thread is completely retarded/exclusively for retards
Drug users are no different from porn addicts or fetishists

You have no purpose in life, just a selfish egoistic sad desire to experience something that will never make you feel whole

Find God or you will never be happy, hard truth
pretty much true but I don’t think drugs is the main point of the thread
Obvious bait. Do better.
Yeah that's why more half of the posts here mention getting high or a drug plant

Don't play retarded
Drug cucks should just make a thread about natural drugs they can use to become even more retarded

Then someone who isn't a disappointed should make an actual thread about actual useful plants
Nice trips, but no they are not. Synthetic is ironically like gold dust where I am based and when it was available it was often branded onto other synthetic compounds.

On the otherhand I can literally order and get Peyote delivered straight to my door and use it for pup breeding to make more (which I could then sell due their rarity) or just brew into a tea when I want.
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>Drug cucks should just make a thread about natural drugs they can use to become even more retarded
You're in one.
Jesus anointed his followers with oil made by boiling cannabis, which gets you high on contact, and burned incense containing cannabis extracts.

Personal shroom use is less of a disappointment than forcing weed on people while claiming to be the messiah. Jesus was a "they're normal cookies trust me bro" person.
In addition while weed has a measurable cognitive decline and correlation with psychosis, cubensis (the most common shroom species) doesn't.
Pretty much every ancient greek philosopher, writer and statesman you have ever heard of (and many more you havent heard of) went on pilgrimage to the eleusian mysteries and participated in a ritual drinking the kykeon, a psychoactive drink based on ergot. Entheogens are foundational to western thought, philosophy and the sciences. You're calling Aristotle a retard?
Weed's measurable cognitive decline is primarily associated with use prior to age 23, and heavy daily use. Studies on adult users are mixed because scientists are purposefully ignorant and refuse to separate groups by actual THC dose/frequency and intake method. Every study has a pro or anti pot agenda and wants to make a simple statement while everyone ignores how invalid the data is.

Remember the world we live in. The alcohol industry has supported studies showing alcohol is good for you. Smaller independent studies, on the other hand, showed steady cognitive decline year over year if you hit 2 standard drinks a day.

Cubensis is not so well studied, due to being further out of mainstream culture, but I have a very good hunch that using it prior to 23-25 causes cognitive decline and is associated with psychosis moreso than using it at any other time (it is STILL associated with psychosis but you'll go "DOSE DEPENDENT!" - well yeah, same for every fucking drug)
>psychs are harmless
>no i mean you're not using them right
>if you have problems you fucked up
>you're only meant to use XXmg if you're over the age of XX and are in the right mindset
>like weed? dose dependent? frequency dependent? intake method dependent? it's not addictive, as long as you don't...?
They are like those people.
Meanwhile pharma
>Literally everything we make will make you sick, dead, stupid, or insane if you take more than the recommended dose for the recommended period at the recommended intervals which are already pushing it and will cause this laundry list of problems
Every drug is the same. Man was not meant to consume substances generated by plants and fungi. We do so for fun, or as a last ditch effort in support of an insufficient immune system or failing body.

The safe consumption level for weed, shrooms, etc is most likely far lower than what 99% of using proponents actually engage in. I've heard figures for marijuana, the better studied drug, at around 0.25g of average potency cannabis once every seven days being the most you can safely use, and "there is no safe level of ethanol consumption, it is objectively a poison".
can i see some evidence for that
I mean yeah but discussion isn’t *limited* to that either though yes the cannabis inclusion makes this a little on the nose
That was first suggested by Albert Hofmann(the LSD chemist) and Gordon Wasson(the guy who "rediscovered" psilocybin mushrooms in mexico), looking into possible psychedelic use in european history. They said that it was most likely a beer like brew made with grain containing ergot. You can read their arguments in "Road to Eleusis". The mysteries were connected to Demeter, who is often depicted holding poppies(opium) and grain, which the ergot mushroom grows on. More recently there have been archeochemical studies on some of the vessels used for drinking the kykeon, that found ergot alkaloids, so that substantiates these theories. I can find one of them a bit later.
>Salvia Divinorum
you got my attention
and now its gone
>the shit i get high on is superior to yours
someone with reason.. very sus
straw manning intellectual midget
that's better
Weird how the field of 'ethnobotany' seems to be exclusively made up of crazy race-grifters and troons, not serious scientists.
It's basically critical race/gender theory applied to plants.
Are there multicellular photosynthetic autotrophs that are not plants?
nta, for fully autotroph I can only think of lichens, which are fungi with algae symbionts.
coral and sponges also have symbiosis with algae and some sea slugs keep the chloroplasts from algae they are eating, but all of them still eat, so are not fully autotroph.

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