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>apex predator
What the fuck? Are other animals even trying?
They dont have big brain
Anon that image is le hecking transphobic, please delete it
What’s the issue? This is peak natural form and other animals can’t keep up evidently
>hairless monkey
It can not be
>can't actually 1v1 anything without assist/stage hazards
Nah, I'd win.
>This is peak natural form
That's just cattle for flies.
I’m pretty sure there are a lot more species of animals I could easily kill with my hands and feet than ones I would need tools for
non-homos seething
tell em homobro
>biggest brain
>ability to sweat

and a severely underrated trait
>opposable thumbs
intlet moment
>ability to sweat
How did this help
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Sweat helps with stamina.
The fastest/strongest animals in the world can only go for a little bit before they give in. We can continually do straining activity for hours at a time if we choose.
This, usually when people can't run for long it's because their mind gives in before their body actually does
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>ability to sweat
Meme bullshit, there are other animals that do sweat. You joggers need to revise what you know about muh endurance hunting. It's long since been called out as a sham.
Environmental adaptation as well.
We can easily get through the heat as long as we keep up our sippy and cover our skin.
>Are other animals even trying?
No, not really
we changed the meta
yea I ain't no mindless runner. I can tell you guys have never hunted. not that I've hunted the yummy big boys, since we ate them all.
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Imagine how horrifying life would be if we weren't the apex predator, and had to continually live in fear of some other animal brutally eating us alive.
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Yeah, and we teamed up with them to take over the entire fucking planet. Fuck, we still used them regularly up until 80 or so years ago.
Life as an insect. It's basically living in a horror film universe. Tons of giant, flying monsters that try to eat you. Literal plantlife tries to eat you. Fungi try to eat you. Other insects try to eat you. Some do it from the inside, while reprogramming your muscles to defend them. You remain conscious, but you no longer have control over your own body, you can only helplessly observe as the bodysnatcher growing inside you uses your body as defence.
what a funny joke anon did you come up with it yourself
>what a funny joke anon
I agree :)

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