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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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>sees sparrow eat a single grain of rice
>millions die of starvation due to exploding insect population
I love chinese history.
>there are no cold winters anymore so these pieces of shit proliferate all year long
it's joever
I like how he goes from "get the fuck off me" to play as soon as they start giving him some space.
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If you only studied Chinese history pertaining to events where millions of people died (including aftermath). You'd probably know most of chinese history. Their collective apathy towards human life could be viewed as a evolutionary strategy in a couple more disasters of similar scale.
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Fake and gay
Whats the point of the extreme dof other than obscuring 30% of the screen for no reason of course
because that's not DOF. it's just blurring the top and bottom of the screen. It's a decent bokeh imitation, but it's still fake.
does this exist just so that people can say "look at this tiny cock"
Ok but why?
>snakes are evolving legs now thanks to pfa's and estrogen in the starbucks supply
We are so dead.
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Looks like a floppy dix with arms
Bipes :-DDDD
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Am I the only one who gets mega uncanny valley vibes from monkeys and apes? They're TOO human. Something about the eyes. It creeps me out.
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>Between 108 BC and 1911 AD, there were no fewer than 1,828 recorded famines in China, or once nearly every year in one province or another.
Sometimes a monkey's face looks full of wisdom to me, like it's an enlightened Buddha.
Yeah I can tilt shift shit too.
Is it supposed to look like a circumsized cock? What did God mean by this?
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tilt shift is used to make shit look tiny, it reproduces the blur effects seen in macro photography. So in this case they're using that + sped up framerate to make their cock look tiny so they can farm tiktok engagement (which as we all know is the only substance in the universe with intrinsic and unbounded value. all other forms of wealth, abundance, and power are important only insomuch as they can be converted at disadvantageous rates into more tiktok engagement)
Holy shit, moments before death. I'd be up out of that chair and down the beach if one of those chozzwozzlers came up to me like that.
baenid XDDDD
>moments before death
Evolutionary autism. It’s trying to lose its legs but its stick awkwardly crawling around like that
Cassowarys will kill the shit out of you. They have raptor claws. They'll disembowel you without a thought.
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The Four Pests was so much more than that. It’s actually incredible that they could be so mind numbingly retarded. It makes sense that they had so many rebellions with leadership so frequently incompetent
Hasn’t there been like 3 recorded deaths in the past 100 years? They seem to be dangerous but not overly so
t-that cock is a perfectly healthy size, stop with your cock shaming.
wow where'd you get all those tiny people and cars anon?
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Shrink ray.
where's that phone meme when you need it?
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I got you.
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Tardigrade? It behaves kinda 'tarded.
It's three if you include one killing a dog. The two human deaths were a kid and an old man, both of which had to trip and fall to the ground for it to kill them.
Being frightened of them is the biggest meme. They're just oversized chickens.
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Is the bird OK?
Sexual harassment cat strikes again.
Didn't even turn back and look. How ungrateful
that black chick is filming landscape.
can we see her video?
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Leto Atreides II
It's a big country
genus :^DDDD
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Super cute.
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bruh, but what happened to the cameraman?
I need this as a gif…
What went wrong?
Is that a kangaroo rat or whatever
Amogus :)
>didn't do the Family Guy seal joke
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Wtf, he looks like a tripod.
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He was always playing - I also totally know that feel as a dad
that's a wolf
He cute
Absolute Chad bird
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cassowary nails typed this post
what a bizarre webm
its just a tripod camera retard, the person cant be there because it scares the squirrel away
IIRC during the sparrow campaign, foreign embassies attempted to allow sparrows to nest on their grounds, which the chinese citizens weren't allowed on, so the chinese would just stand outside of them making as much noise as possible to prevent the birds from nesting until they just died of exhaustion.
Oh sure when the cat does it everybody laughs but when I do it to the pregnant woman at the office I get called in to HR...
needs to be fucking PUNISHED filthy vermin
Please put your pants back on.
uncooked and toasted marshmallows
>They're TOO human. Something about the eyes. It creeps me out.
With the way that monkey stared at the guy I guarantee they think the same thing about us. We're TOO monkey-like.
>There's only been 2 deaths there's no reason to be scared of them
>Anon goes into Cassowary territory
>There have now been 3 deaths
There's been 28 puma deaths in the US, ever, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to not be scared of them.
I watch a puma named Pumba on youtube. Why anyone would want to be near them is unknown. It just spits and growls and hisses at his "owner".
I think it's a general thing with some animals, like there's some dogs I've seen that have that with their eyes, and also some birds you can tell are really deliberately looking through you.
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Post webms or shut the fuck up
it just keeps getting better kek
pittoid spotted
coombrain, you
i can do what I want, tickle my scrotum with your tongue
I am right. boatman from the wubbem should've let the dumb fucker drown
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>Awww, they're playing!
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nobody in this fucking thread is that well read anon.
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why is this mime harassing ducks?
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>nobody in this fucking thread is that well read an-ACK
the only thing I read about dunc is behind the dune (multiple times) and I watched the insanely boring and useless recent movies so I know what you're talking about
why are you swearing though? there is no need for that
IRL Flintstones
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>asking some vulgar pleb badly larping as patrician why it is primitive

ngmi, anon
posting webms is all that matters
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>>there are no cold winters anymore
>insanely boring and useless recent movies
That’s what I heard too lol
bruh... that's just the turtle from prehistoric planet bro... why all the fake stuff
you are so weird and floppy
Old school point-and-click adventure games
You know, that was exactly my first thought as well. And edit with an animated SCUMM type interface overlay would be fun as hell.
Damn anon you're so cool and smart and unique
I've read those books like six times, man.

My uncut cock when it senses cutfags
You cock vore them?
>noooo stop commenting on a discussion board
kill yourself
why run? just dodge them, running makes them angrier
>well read
>one of the most popular sci fi novels of all time
>Dog working on a ship named Kitty Kat
Humiliation ritual?
Pumba is a caracal. Pumas are bigger than that.
>le doggie
>show clear signs of aggression
>le martha
>"he's smiling, so cute. #me2"
>*selfie click noises*
Yes. It keeps them in line
I'm a beekeeper. My father was a beekeeper before me, his father was a beekeeper before him and my great grandfather was a beekeeper before I was even dreamt up as a concept so I figured I'd follow in their footsteps. And their footsteps were like this
>Aaaaaaah! I'm covered in bees! Halp! I'm covered in bees! Aaaaaah!
is the turtle thinking "holy fuck these things are definitely going to kill me" the entire time?
how about you give my asshole a tongue bath you stupid fucking nigger?
Anyone have the nonedited version of this?
rent free
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It stopped to catch its breath so I don’t think it was that threatened
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Look at this cat haha he's so stupid
hes just getting his steps in for the day
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Hitler cat gettin that pump on
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Congratulations, you've just made up a scenario in your head to get mad about.
okay... i'll admit that one is fake. Here's a real one then:
>be burger flipper and steak burner
>bartender walks in
>she does iOS9 grimace at me
>"Why are you baring your teeth at me?"
>"It's a Smile!"
>find out months later wtf happened
Fucking lol
Gettin ready for the holocats :3
As recommended by his purrsonal trainer.
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making sure ut actually happens this time
I get it
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Oversized house cat.
What is the thing he is going around?
he's going "bleddle.... bleddle"
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So many "normal" people not knowing what an actual smile looks like is so fucking bizarre to me.
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I love the look on the dog's face as it goes sailing past the camera.
>you died
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Cope. Comlete apathy towards fellow human beings doesn't result in a functioning civilization, something the Chinese clearly have.
+1000 social credit
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everyone knows the mark of a functioning civilization is man eating escalators and constantly imploding infrastructure
>a famine a year
>entire economy based on disposable workers and social planning
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is he being taken to the front lines?
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KEK thats horrible satan
Goddamn it’s huge
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imagine how many russians he ate
Otter bucket mentality.
I. Fucking. Love. Donkeys. They're so soft and fluffy and don't get enough love and I'm very thankful for this wonderful webm.
What's in the red container?
look at him all 'eepy
look at him go
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>So, you must be Sweet's bro, huh? He phoned ahead, said you might be looking for a car that bounces. Well I owe him pig from way back so, here, this should do the trick.
The only kids trannys won't groom
jej post
Man's never been in an Undertale thread clearly, keep it that way

Y'all got any more of them pixels?
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I was testing my webm conversion script and didn't realize I ran it with such a low rate
Knew it. Thanks anon. Good video, me mum loved it.
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>animal designed to go into holes
>why does it look like bepis??? :---DDD
>No one tried to help :(
Heroic pitbull crosses ocean to bite owner
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This is so touching…
Share this with your local pitmommy
When even the villain doesn't understand it's motivations
Me looking for my fucking sock
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maybe not an especially well suited analogy, but consider that many species of animals are considered "succcessful" if they can simply reproduce more than they die, regardless of how bad at surviving it makes them
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Imagine the pain when their sac snags on soemthing
P-pig-sama, I kneel.
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I have no idea what that is but it's beautiful
is this why they're called coons?
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>I'm putting together a team.
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croikey m8 that's cleahly a didgeridodger
By 2026 this is what over 70% of horses will look like thanks to pollution
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they always fall for this...
an air bubble trapped between glass microscope slides
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How fortunate to find a shiny Treecko for your starter. And such nice digits as well.
>why you tryna eat me bro
>'cause you look fishy
>DAMN RIGHT *blegh*
Do they really?
Leaf tailed gecko
I love how the larger capybara just deadpans at the bird
>Excuse me, can't you stop trying to eat my son? We're having dinner.
He was trying to get to the other side
There's a word in some Scandinavian language that means "A place so steep even goats won't climb"
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Why do pigs have such large testicles relative to their body size compared to anything else?
Underrated post
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"Females of many species mate with multiple males, thereby inciting competition among ejaculates from rival males for fertilization. In response to increasing sperm competition, males are predicted to enhance their investment in sperm production. This prediction is so widespread that testes size (correcting for body size) is commonly used as a proxy of sperm competition, even in the absence of any other information about a species' reproductive behaviour."
>the 4chan.org experience
why would you? it's probably returning to sea after nesting it's perfectly natural behavior
To cum like a firehose ofc, it's a sight to behold
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>painted lumber
>in the kitchen stove
And people wonder why 3rd worlders are the way they are.

The ol' soft shoe.
What is this?
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They call him The Wall.
Anyone have dancing woodcocks?
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he spilled his wine
i feel like this bio-diesel is bit too fresh
Is this the phenomenon when bees drink fermented nectar and the hive rejects it and rips its eyes and limbs off
doggo did it just to do it. there isn't any higher meaning.
Show respect, you are in the presence of a Zen master.
>Sergeant Sven was ready for his new partner. Heard he was a loose cannon, a real bull-in-a-china-shop type.
>He didn't realize how accurate that turned out to be.
>ghost of kyiiyuiv finally shows himself
Basically, most of the time animals with huge dicks and balls have a culture/breeding process filled with cuckoldry and competition.
Made me smile a little bit.
Man hornworms look delicious
Kind of feel bad for this pige
they aren't actually blue flavored unfortunately
>woman showing off her beaver
>Mad Bull 34
he’s fast…
The internet experience
It doesn’t need help man it’s doing just sluggish
Do you behold it a lot?
don’t get excited that doesn’t mean you can do weird stuff with them
where did you get my nudes
>Can Timmy come out and play?
Is there a difference between goat hooves and farm goats? Genuinely curious.
They have many features for it. Rougher pads, concave hooves, more spread out. I know some mountain deer have more rubbery hooves but goats have suction crampons.
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Human hands were made to pet the rest of God's creation. You must accept this.
I don't blame him. Could you imagine going from 0->7+ kids all at once?
>The cat's outta the bag
aren't meece dangerous?
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Now that is impressive. Look at that laser focus.
I think when you're that close running away is probably a worse option than trying to appear harmless
I want to have this power
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>It’s actually incredible that they could be so mind numbingly retarded.

>Four Pests Campaign abandoned 3 years into 5 year plan
>Environmental Sciences as a concept did not exist in the 1950s
>Radical idea to deal with 10.5 million people diseased with Cholera and other illnesses spread by animals

The FPC is a testament of how often the Chinese are capable of just doing shit en masse, and it was an absolutely blunderfuck of a situation that even Mao admitted was a mistake. Not to defend Mao at all, but what was happening in China in the 50's was basically the bubonic plague and their plan was to kill everything that carried it. The issue is that they didn't have the knowledge of ecosystem connectivity.

Extremely more nuanced than
>bird eat grain
>chinaman mad
>ceiling cat is watching you masturbate
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I mean, that’s correct.
Don’t make me uncomfortable please
I won't do it...
I won't do it......
I really won't do it......
a no goat zone
It's like that video of Chinese people in Vancouver losing their shit over cheap corn at some supermarket. I can't find that video anymore. : (
What sort of genetic fuckery causes a heritable short circuiting behaviour like this? The bitch is with her young and yet she feels her compulsion to act like a dumbfuck is more important than moving quickly through a completely open space to avoid predators. I could come up, squish its babies in my hand and it would keep dancing. Absolute dodo-tier handicap.
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In the same way a cow is dangerous. If the animal is calm and feels safe, it's alright.
what kind of cow is that it’s so colorful
that looks so satisfying i've never wanted a beak until now
they're checking the temperature of the ground
Reddit gold
gay cow
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They really are just like us
Based exercise-enjoying cat
>when you've finally added enough ram
diversity in action
Very dangerous, because unlike cows they're both jumpy and respond to threats with aggression. Also bigger and much faster than cows.

Moose will fuck you up, but just want to be left alone to hang out in the woods.
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weird cat
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>If I don't move Princess won't see me
what the cat doing
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new thread
Shit like this reminds me of how much regular house cats are literally just scaled down versions of these big killers.
Too early doebeit
Pretty much. Though with more room for error
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>Too early doebeit
Posts in this thread got deleted and so it escaped the autosage limit.
hmmmm guess it makes sense
Where did this meme come from anyway? Is it another "baby ate your dingo" situation?
More like we are just like them
nah other way
only the big ones, the little ones just remind me of puppets and it makes me laugh
all that plastic will no be everywhere, good job
hahahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahaha ow lawd I am laffin
its probably an asian doing it, they dont care about nature preservation
This is like in Elder Scrolls when you turn around and see a random NPC walking into a chair.
Johnny Cash

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