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...where did the canine race go wrong?
The basedification of men also caused the same effect on dogs
When people like you were born to be susceptible to watching youtube/instagram/tiktok shorts like these.
Honestly it's better to have a dog instead of children. Imagine this being your son instead, and you can do nothing about it because society will make him hate you by saying you're a bigot. At least the dog won't ask for a transgender surgery.
I would shoot the dog and then my wife.
it’s always the mother putting those ideas in their head
i laughed. this is pretty funny and the dog is clearly happy, grow up you faggot incel
>Clear self inspection behavior from a dog YET AGAIN
>"science" continues insisting dogs are not self aware and are dumber than pigs (which have smaller, less complex brains) because their unsocialized, cage-raised laboratory beagles are as mentally stunted as you would expect a primate raised in those conditions to be
because they were (((indoctrinated))) that having a "special", "different" kid is "cool"
this is actually incredible. i thought oh its just a funny trick they trained the dog to do but then it goes to the mirror and is clearly happy about the funny toy on its back. genuinely incredible to see this sort of behavior from a dog. seems very human like.
That's very cute from a dog
This is very cute and i would love a dog that likes to wear funny clothes
>pigs are smart
>have made no attempt to stop being made of ham and bacon
lol lmao
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holy shit that's adorable
Munchausen by puppy
The thing that gets me the most is the jaw vibrating thing. Dogs usually do this if they're REALLY REALLY looking forward to something
If your child immediately hops ideologies after being introduced to new ideas you are a lowsy parent.
are you complaining about the gender expression of a dog? lmao chill bro
>if your child changes their mind after being presented with new information then you're a BAD PARENT ackchually
I would say never have kids but I don't think I need to,
I really hope this is not a male dog
>>>let the wife pick it out
Well there you go. Also is this guy watching TV on a projector
i think there’s a difference between being “introduced to new ideas” and being brainwashed by the largest most pervasive propaganda machine in human history
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>...where did the canine race go wrong?
That is the cutest God damn thing I have ever seen in my life.
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Many such cases
I remember that /v/ thread
That's a self realized dog, viewing itself as an individual rather than part of a pack.
It is fake. Too bad people have trouble understanding animal behavior.

The wings were clearly thrown or asked to be retrieved for a reward. The dog retrieves them then awaits the praise or reward with anticipation.
Then later the dog is trained to stand by the mirror and on que retrieve the purse or handbag and stand by the mirror.
It does not have its attention really in the mirror but rather to the side of it towards the door. It was clearly taught to stand back from the door by the mirror and wait for something. The door is where the person stood or put something during the training of this stunt. Do the trick, out comes person and hands you a treat.
It is waiting for that to happen and doing a spin.

Clearly they think viewers will be gullible.
I definitely vaguely remember this as being something bad
Dogzizters... this was supposed to be our secret...
My old Airedale used to do that whenever you peeled an orange near her. Then cry at the most wretched high pitch possible until she got a piece.
Not always the case. It happens a lot in schools and online. Then when the child expresses this to their parents the parents worry about being labelled as mean. Or they will take the kid to a doctor and the doctors tell the most poisonous lies like "Would you rather have an alive daughter, or a dead son?" To scare the parents into thinking that the child will certainly kill themselves if denied
yeah predatory “doctors” looking to make a quick buck are probably the most insidious part of this equation
She cute.
What breed is that? Seems very intelligent.
The gayest dog on Earth
>a harmless animal webbum devolves into seething over trannies
i need to leave this place
Just report them for off topic shit and hide the thread, dude.
>Clearly they think viewers will be gullible.
well, we are on one of the dumbest and gullible websites
Are you retarded? The OP’s question is literally “where did the canine race go wrong?”, where did you think this was going idiot?
>trannies are the reason for the canine race going wrong
Please go outside
You have shit for brains you stupid maggot. Nobody said that. The OP was inviting such discourse when he obviously framed what was happening in the video as a bad thing. Guess what’s happening in the video?
pigs simply never figured out not to spec into the "delicious" skill tree, always a losing gambit for foolish mammal players
This. It's nice to suspend your disbelief for a moment, but it is obviously trained to do those things.
Go back, yiffnigger.
Absolutely this. But desu the bar of pet ownership is so low, it is actually impressive that they were able to train their dog to comfortably perform this hyper specific set of ordered tasks. This is the sort of stuff dogs that star in movies are trained to do, and to do it so seamlessly as to look almost natural to the uninformed masses.
Also it is a nice enrichment activity for a retriever that takes advantage of their natural instincts, the dog is clearly getting some level of enjoyment out of this recital
can it recognize itself at the mirror?
not even the dogs are safe from the gay, very grim
>Guess what’s happening in the video?
a trained pupper having fun?
Everyone can see the video bud no need to ‘play’ dumb

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