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/moo/ - cowe general

talk about god's gift to the universe
post cows, pet cows, feed cows, love cows, worship cows sirs, play with cows, take care of cows.
how is Tuna doing?
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That’s a little presumptuous of you to say. The really rare breeds are kind of cool though.
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which profession does a cow fit the most
don't come with your shitty puns like ''moooover''
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yes very good choice
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Hail Misanthropy
Maybe for beef cows but dairy cows are shit mothers.
I have a huge field of cows near me, but it's back on the farmer's property so I can't visit the cows.

I do remember a big crowd of the cows happening once because one of the calfs got out and just laid next to the fence because it didn't know what to do outside.
my favorite is the brown swiss
actually looks really cool
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Cows are awesome
Whatever happened to Tuna and Tunior?
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I like highland cattle
I wanted to know as well that's why I made this thread
That’s a gaur attacking what is basically a two stroke golf cart.
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post baby cow (kalv)
Why cow gotta taste so damn good bros?
I hope they're okay :\
bump for cow, please don't let my favorite animal thread die anons.
are cows your favorite animal?
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>are cows your favorite animal?
sorry to say this but no
elephants > cows > yo momma > bears > anything else
Cows, horses, deer, etc, are my favorite animals, anything with a hoof really
I wish cows weren't so dumb and didn't crap all over themselves
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it's part of the appeal
cows are cute but I like eating them also
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can we stop the cow slander?
just post cows and stop being retarded
does anyone else like cows enough to not eat them?
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mlem mlem mlem
No. They taste so good. Still like them
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I like cows, but their meat is among the healthiest proteins available, you'd be doing yourself a disservice not to eat them. On the bright side, a cow produces around 400lbs of meat when slaughtered, and the average American eats about 200lbs of meat per year. So if you only ate beef, you could provide yourself with one of the healthiest meats possible for two full years with only one cow life lost. In reality, since most people also eat some poultry, fish, pork, etc. you're probably only taking the life of a cow once every four or five years.
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well said little moomoo
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I actually keep forgetting that this was actually a thing. Now you've reminded me and I am mad at my government again. One day they will be reminded of the consequences of their actions.
Based NWO hater
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sussy cow
took me a minute to figure that one out lol
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can you retarded inbred niggers stop posting fucking negative things about cows for 1 second
don't post animal cruelty please
can you cuddle with these things?
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all cows are cuddleable until proven otherwise
Yeah, if you were around it a lot when it was a calf and pet and hugged it. Cows are friendly if they grow up around people and have good interactions with them. >>4810946
But if they’re not they would act out?
They'd be skittish around people if not raised around them.
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Met 2 forest cows today
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The steer was a little aggressive, so i had to keep my distance.
>forest cow
does it really work like that
How was he aggressive?
rather defensive i guess, it made charging and headbutting gestures towards me.
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Mah boy loves chin scratches
Wonder what the little guy is thinking.
what a dapper lad
can we see more of him?
The Welsh like sheep, not cows
Mooooooon geologist
Why would he shove a cow into a tree, that's not very nice
He was swearing and calling me a cunt
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i havent eaten beef since 2016 when they became my favorite animal yeah. i dont talk about it with people because of how people say mean things.
so cute
do you want to be fwends? im this guy >>4827285
discord is the.keg
>we don’t have a cow. We have a bull
>im going to brush my teeth
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I don't know if I should be happt hat cowe happy or annoyed that he gave such a small thing to seemingly ~10 cows. no way that's gonna be enough for all of them, couldn't he just get a bigger one
Understandable, they do in fact taste good.
Interesting I never thought about the numbers like that, even so it is a disservice I am willing to do.
What do you tell people when they ask why you abstain from eating cows?
I worship the delicious cows and their meat.
they're also very silly creatures.
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I hate you all
I'm just going to assume that he saw how much they enjoyed it and put several more out.
I will also choose to believe this good ending
moo :D
yes, precisely!
What happened to Tuna and Tunior?!
bump 4 cowe
>no new tuna webms
it's fucking over isn't it?
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the sight brings me comfort

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