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>Eris is getting old too now
fucking hell, the 2020s are BRUTAL
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I would get one but they have a lifespan of like 4 months
is this really what they look like after molting their exoskeleton?
I want one but it would chase every hare and kangaroo it sees
Stop forcing this dogshit meme dog please no they aren’t funny no they aren’t cute either
They look hilarious, shut the fuck up
>t. dead pitbull owner
they hated him cus he dropped the trvke
>still pushing this meme
Is the head pleasing?
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long legged fluffy long bois
Turtle neck wearing ahh dog
Go be a faggot somewhere else, there's plenty of people just like you on reddit or twitter or any social media site for that matter
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>you have alerted the zoi
>mad cuz he knows it’s true
Nah that's you.
lol no
>borzoifags are this delusional
A bit esoteric, no?
>anon can't read
>I would get one but they have a lifespan of like 4 months
You retards should get your facts straight before posting. What you're thinking of are those wolfhounds that are riddled with issues.
Borzois are a healthy breed that have a lifespan of around 14 like the average dog
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Luv me wolfhounds
Simple as
>runny mascara
>t. wolves
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Borzois are such playful dogs
I can't decide if that animal is cute or something out a horror movie
I would like to buy this animal
my old roommate had one of these it was like some creature out of star wars
slop vs kino right there
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Kino dog
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POV: you're about to get the long sniff
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Can they actually destroy pitbulls, though?
Are these the most reddit dog after "doge?" All the unfunny memes referencing normalfag games seem to point to yes
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they look funny so yeah
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cry about it fag
>anything I don't understand is le plebbit
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Ok but this is actually funny and a good game so I’ll allow it. Otherwise yes, see >>4811050
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>a good game
lol, hi lebbit
Don’t be gay please.
you guys find them silly but I actually think that particular one's face in that pic is looking absolutely GORGEOUS
That can be silly AND majestic.
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Not a zoi, still cute though
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what a mystical looking creature
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I hate them so much
That's an odd shaped rug
Looks like some seriously roided bear mode Golden Retriever
Kek i taught my doggy brozoi = other friendly dog she should mate with
That nose is starting to make a lot of sense now…
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sentient door mat
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why is the borz movement so uncanny
there's some weird compression/editing going on
That's how they move in real life.
why are borzoa
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What a weird looking horse
no, borzois cause errors in the simulation. violation of some logic about dog length that causes localized framerate drop.
the borzer collie......
All I'm saying is that strange dogs laying around in lakes distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!
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That fur pattern is fucking immaculate. Like, damn man.
It's like they are constantly canceling an animation .001 seconds into it while trying to rp walk.
That is so goddamn adorable. I love those goofy looking guys, the huge tail and paw marking make them so confusing in literally any position other than standing perfectly straight
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Brutal borzoi attack
The weak should fear the stronk
the flying slobber killed me
the dog of friends of mine did something like this every time I came over but they kept telling me to not enable that behavior since they're trying to train the dog to not jump people (even when it's just out of happiness). I'm supposed to "ignore" the dog and not get excited too. it feels like absolute shit. I'm always happy to see that dog again and now I'm supposed to stand there like an asshole ignoring the dog.
My parents have owned two borzois, and both times we all tried to be strong and discourage the jumping-and-licking-the-face greeting behavior, and each time we completely failed to resist it and ended up absolutely enabling them.

Like yeah sometimes they'd just bump their nose on your face and it'd hurt like a bitch, but really it's just so goddamn cute.
>Like yeah sometimes they'd just bump their nose on your face and it'd hurt like a bitch
I had an ibizian hound and sometimes when she had too much speed in the corridor with the slippery floor she slipped and her pointy snout hit me like a spear. Especially tough when you get hit in the belly lmao. Those dogs are basically living arrows/lances.
I'm about to get a dog and this part of the training protocol really irks me too. ideally you could use a codeword to let thr dog know they can go full retard with receptive visitors, but idk if that's realistic or not
it would fit
ai generated videos tend to look like that
… fit, where?
The cliche
just pat him soflty
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*blocks your kino*
aw damnit i was enjoying the clouds channel
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the owner is into schlopp kino
This would PISS ME OFF
>watching the weather channel
>"and now your Local on the 8s"
I had no idea anteaters could be so playful
They could also kill you so it’s a risk
Beach scene with booba appears on screen:
>its legs are disguised as raccoons
what the hell
Body language is enough. I have a dog who literally only jumps on me, and is respectful to everyone else
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Crap and pigshit worthless fucking AI generated Content.
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>I'm all ears.
kill yourself faggot
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what's the matter, kid?
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I just like them cause I hate pitbulls and they remind me of Mike from Hunter x Hunter
>cause I hate pitbulls
They can’t beat pits if that’s what you’re implying
>Mike from Hunter x Hunter
Damn, they kind of do…
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If borzois have fucked your vision up you will see in the thumbnail of this pic a curled up tiny earless borzoi
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>Pitbull Retriever
>Boneless Borzoi
Why do these dogs exist?
>>Pitbull Retriever
Looks more like a Golden Weiler to me
So pretty! I'd have gently loving sex with her
the superior aerodynamic
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go 2 horny jail
Shitbull mix
Why are you like this
I guess he's suffering the advanced coomer brain
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ed virat, edu virat, okay
With fluff they're cute but without hair they look weird.
>>4818019 looks like a fucked up bethesda slider abomination
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>throw stick
>the boneless borzoi florps after it over the grass like a magic carpet
I saw a video a while ago where a puppy borzoi meets an adult for the first time and the puppy cries because of how big and scary the adult is even though it just wants to play. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I can't find it anymore.
my brain can't compute that larvae state borzois are still as big as "normal" dogs
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