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Become a vegetarian anon. Animals are our friends not food.
Can I still eat eggs?
yes just don't eat animals
Just eat with respect.
Jannies, crush this maggots skull
Way ahead of you boss.
can I eat fish?
What about clams or muscles?
>Yeah bro, take away the IP counter. Everybody loved it when 1 retards with an agenda to push pretends to be 100 people.
You're drinking some strong koolaid. You may not want to find fuck arounding out.
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As a vegan, my patience has shattered into a seething hatred for meat-eaters. Their unrepentant consumption of flesh fills me with a rage that festers in the darkest corners of my mind. I fantasize about unleashing the full extent of their cruelty upon them, imagining a world where they are hunted like animals, their fear palpable as they realize the tables have turned. I envision them being torn apart piece by agonizing piece, their screams a symphony of deserved suffering. I see them herded into filthy, cramped conditions, drowning in their own filth, just as the animals they torture are forced to endure. I imagine their flesh being flayed from their bodies while they are still conscious, their blood pooling around them as they beg for an end that will not come swiftly. I want them to experience the abject terror and relentless pain they inflict, feeling every ounce of agony in their final moments.
I actually agree with veganism, I just don't have the mental strength to follow through. Eating meat is just too convenient
Its okay to eat meat though. Once dead, all amount of suffering (and joy) is nullified.

You don't need to turn into an vegcel, just think.
Why does the owner of this website hate its user base
>””””As a vegan””””
not reading don’t care
That is nice. I want to hunt vegans; there is no real big philosophical reason; just the idea of going on a safari to SanFran or whatever other big hipster shitholes there are, stalking a soilatte drinking faggot, and killing them with a 19th century elephant gun is absolutely hilarious to me.
>and killing them with a 19th century elephant gun is absolutely hilarious to me.
Ok, this is very appealing to me now too
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I feel like some animals are happy to feed us eggs and milk every day in exchange for food, shelter, and protection, but then there are farms where the animals are treated just as another part in a machine that prints money for them. The distinction of where your food comes from and how it's made isn't clear at the supermarket, and I think the obfuscation is intentional. I feel it's a similar situation to when they wanted all GMO foods to have GMO labels, but they decided not to because (and I shit you not) "it'll hurt the market too much because, people won't buy GMO food if they know it's GMO"
i really want to but food without meat is awful and the thought of not having it makes me suicidal
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I have witnessed my own laying hens eat one of their own broodmates alive. She lost a pin feather and I was too green and uninformed to seperate her until the blood dried. I came into the coop the next morning and basically her entire ass end had been pecked away and she was standing there with literal fucking bones exposed. I don't remember how I managed to carry her out to put her out of her misery with a shotgun because I have repressed most of that experience.
If you fell paralyzed on the floor of a chicken coop, they would eventually do that to you. And the pig? If you fell flat on your back in a pig sty it would IMMEDIATELY attempt to start eating you alive.
Animals are not our friends. We imagine that because we are the only living meat with real souls (some animals like dogs and elephants have traces of soul). You are controlled by delusions fed by ignorance.
We're not allowed to talk about that. But if you look hard enough, you can find out.
the pig was already dead by the time i bought his remains from the market
Fish are animals retard
See, you both advocate for murder, but he does that for a cause he considers noble, while you do it to get amusement from others' suffering. So even on a field of psychopaths, you're somehow the less likable one.
Your post was making sense until the soul bullshit
The same argument as plants are still life, retard.

Ever since supposedly vegan bipedal apes started to scavenge on meat, the global ecology has been gradually collapsing. In order to restore natural balance and continue where the pleistocene ended. Human civilization has to end and we have to return to being naked primate grazers feeding exclusively on grasses/leaves, to never being able to touch meat for consumption ever again.
No but why would you consider fish non-animals unless you confuse the term with "mammals"
Chickens are mammals then? Science doing a radical change in taxonomy just to pandering schizo vegans without any logical sense in clade grouping.

I’m knew vegans is a religious cult.
What the fuck are you even on about
Animals are objectively food.
Cry about it
Found the genocide vegan. Objectively, the safari dude is less sociopathic out of the two, even if he wants to kill people for shits and giggles.
>quick and clean death vs literal torture camps
>only seem to want to kill a vegan or two every once in a while vs wants to commit genocide
>brings up "literal torture camps" out of absolutely nowhere
do you create fictitious scenarios to seethe at part-time or is it a full-time gig?
The most evil people are those who believe there is a moral worth killing for that is not found in THE HOLY BIBLE
Murder is one thing, heresy and hubris on top of murder is an unforgivable sin.
Dogs, elephants, etc have full souls. Not traces. Entire souls. When you reach a certain position of the food chain the sheer inflow of life energy assures it.
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Dunno, that there does read awfully lot like him wanting to set up torture camps, don't you agree?
Nigger please, you didn't even start pretending to be Christian until about a year ago, stfu you faggot weeb neet.
Are you really pretending that you didn't say this?
>I see them herded into filthy, cramped conditions, drowning in their own filth, just as the animals they torture are forced to endure. I imagine their flesh being flayed from their bodies while they are still conscious, their blood pooling around them as they beg for an end that will not come swiftly. I want them to experience the abject terror and relentless pain they inflict, feeling every ounce of agony in their final moments.
It's pretty sad how even Reddit is now more useful for discourse on animals than /an/ is. Holy shit, what a fall from grace.
We crosspost from reddit now >>4811645
Which is why polar bears, crocodiles, whale sharks, and chinks are the world's most enlightened and empathetic beings.
Reductionism is only useful for the purposes of comedy and instruction manuals. Trying to tie the power of a living thing's concious mind to it's caloric intake is asking to wear a dunce cap.
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I am a pescetarian, because I feel less sorry for fish and it's healthy. So I eat fish like once a week or so.
those are some feminine hands I’d love to feel them on my areas
Not my own pic, I think it might be a woman actually
Logical fallacy, meat is far more efficient and therefore less land is used to maintain macros.
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I agree torture is unethical. We should kill the meat-eaters humanely. I suggest CO2 gas chambers.
Why not breed animals without the "feels-bad" part of the brain? This way you could handle them however you want and save money and ethics.
Thats literally what cattle and chickens are. They dont care about dying. They dont care about freedom or slavery. They only care about not being hurt.

They are not dogs.
>Thats literally what cattle and chickens are. They dont care about dying. They dont care about freedom or slavery. They only care about not being hurt.
Interesting. You say that but then instantly contradict yourself:
>They are not dogs.
I forgot, all veganism threads are made by bugguy and he hates pets

Dogs habitually eat meat hence their superior cognition and “soul”. I know this comes as a surprise but ungulates and flightless birds evolved to be livestock and carnivores are the player characters of earth.
shit man even chimps attack jaguars on sight. wolves fight bears and tigers. elephants rough up lions.

deer dont even try and people justify it with evolutionary game theory because they already know deer are brainless

some animals are simply alive and some are just motile
Don't be misled by the majority's sense of morality. Every time you buy into their excuses, you become complicit in a system that thrives on pain and suffering. Their excuses are nothing but feeble lies to justify their vile and barbaric actions. The world they inhabit is a dystopian nightmare where relentless torture and exploitation of animals are normalized, their grotesque cruelty masked by the hollow veneer of convenience and apathy.
our world is also based on tree exploitation, morpheus. big deal. the reason you are so easily you dismissed is because you never set the line for exploitation reasonably. cattle fenced in on a pasture? heckin slavery!
our world is also based on tree exploitation, morpheus. big deal. the reason you are so easily you dismissed is because you never set the line for exploitation reasonably. knee grow fenced in on a pasture? heckin slavery!
In the beginning god created the animals terrestrial, arial, and marine and humans.
God gave them to eat fruits and veggies
When Adam and Eve had fallen for the serpents lies all life on earth had lost Eden. No longer were the days of peace
No longer would the Lion sit with the lamb
The animals became devourers of flesh reflecting the state of the human mind
Very true posts.
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Be nice to animals because they're our friends :)
They deserve a happy, healthy life like you :D

I think about murder and death and it feels me with joy. I imagine toddlers being beaten to a bloody pulp, fathers being beheaded in front of their wives and children, women being brutally raped and murdered, wide spread death camps where people are tortured for my amusement. Then, afterwards, I consume their flesh; human flesh from a brutally tortured person is the only meat I consider to be vegan. I don't seek to end the violence, I only want to expand it until the whole world is a real living Hell of torture, rape and murder.
Anyways, that's why you should be a vegan, it's only the most morally correct philosophy.
Im vegan since 2019. now i eat a lot of healthy bullshit. pretty tasty ngl thought it would b hard but meal prep makes it ez
That takes me back…
>return to monke
lol, lmao even
life energy is not just caloric intake. chinks damage their souls by taking in high grade, near peer energy. westerners stick to lower grade lifeforms.
The virgin “i feel bad when i can imagine other things feeling bad”
The permavirgin “i am ethically obligated to care when something could feel bad in theory because uh the… ethical consisten… you see true goodness without any phony gods…”
The chad “the cows dont care about a clean death so neither do i, they aint as smart as dogs”
The THAD “its actually a complex metaphysical system and clearly humans are at the top of the loosh farm. our souls not only grant us the right - they would not exist without it”
The poo in loo “saaaar brahma i mean god said not to eat the animals saaaaaaar”
I would like to be vegtarian but borger tasty
>ts actually a complex metaphysical system and clearly humans are at the top of the loosh farm
Humans are outside of the food chain. They are above and beyond that. They live in their own chain
Yeah right, that's the only way our ancient ancestors would escape from suffering of being vegan livestock ourselves.

We rigged the ecosystem to not be part of it.
They're both our friends and also food.
Chimps arent vegan livestock either. They hunt down big cats.
Big cats prey on chimps and even the more impressive gorillas all the time
What happens when you stop using a species?
The horse population has declined by 60% since the advent of the Motor Car. And horses are expensive, 'prestige' animals.

If humans stop eating Sheep, we'll very likely get a population collapse of 80%. If humans stop eating Pigs, then say good bye to 95% of the global Pig population. The same animal will either be killed either way, or never be born.

This isn't to say that Meat Eating is 'good'; we should probably be doing a lot less of it. We should not be feeding Cows and Chickens on viable agricultural grain. We should not be burning large swathes of the Amazon or other fragile systems for a few years of Grazing.

But we should not be destroying habitats for farming industrial quantities of Palm Oil or Soya, either. What we need is food grown as locally as possible with the least amount of environmental impact. Eat the wheat grown in the local fields, the fruits from the nearby orchard; the sheep from the nearby hillside. And do NOT eat the plants or animals that have been flown or shipped halfway around the world. Eating locally and eating sustainably is far more important then the phony arguments of Veganism and Vegetarianism.
What about bugs?
Sheep are feed inefficient. Red meat’s unhealthy and raises your estrogen levels anyways. Americans high beef diet is why they’re fat and complacent. I eat nothing but filthy dumb diapsid scum and I’m 90% muscle, 8% bodyfat, 2% antisemitism.
careful if you go over 3% antisemitism you risk turning into literally hitler. go vegan before it happens. 4 years of veganism should lower your antisemitism levels to 0.
No the other guy is right. I killed an elephant once and it only charged up my grand soul gem not my black soul gem. I don't know maybe it was an evil or retarded elephant maybe?
Thats funny my granddad hunted elephants and when he died he persisted as a demon doomed to degrade into a mindless spirit of pure evil
I think your granddad just had some things he wasn't telling you, elephants make for shitty shamans, no way they cursed him with that.
Well duh, they’re black soul gems, they need to be filled with the souls of black pe[REDACTED]
>Red meat’s unhealthy and raises your estrogen levels
Source? Everything I’ve seen points to the opposite.
Yeah, but now I understand plants are probably sentient too, so now what?

Well I guess it simplifies things -- we can eat stuff that's either meant to be consumed (milk, honey, fruits/nuts/seeds) or isn't conscious yet (eggs). But dammit I will NOT give up tea leaves. Otherwise I would actually be happy just eating nuts and berries I guess, nom.
The wolf and the lamb will feed together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox,
and dust will be the serpent’s food.
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,”
says the Lord.
Isaiah 65:25
The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling[a] together;
and a little child will lead them.
7 The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
Isaiah 11:6-7
i support carnivores and omnivores. The only herbivores i respect are elephants and horses.
judaism is slave morality and jews live in a matriarchal society.
their entire religion is a thorough denial of masculinity.
their philosophy is that everything masculine is evil, and everything feminine is good.

also their god is not the true god and never has been. their god is the pseudo-demiurge, a demon that didn't even create the universe. he just lied to them. the true god has never had to raise an army nor call upon a prophet, because anyone who deserves more than simple death will find them regardless.

>It is true that beef from hormone-implanted cattle has increased estrogenic activity compared with non-implanted beef
red meat either has no effect on your hormones, contains hormones from factory farming and is bad for you, or raises estrogen levels by making you fat because whatever you claim you probably eat like a normal person and not a ketotard. eat chicken and lift.
>also their god is not the true god and never has been. their god is the pseudo-demiurge, a demon that didn't even create the universe. he just lied to them. the true god has never had to raise an army nor call upon a prophet, because anyone who deserves more than simple death will find them regardless.

and John 8:44

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

That will be all :) All I can say is lift off the dark cloud that blinds you and repent and walk into the light
>you are wrong because the bible said everyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
You belong to your father, YHWH, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Your god is a false god. Your god is a fire demon. It only knows how to burn and destroy.

Real gods don't need to meekly light up a bush and bag a random goat herder for help. And lo and behold the real god has never done that, nor chosen any one tribe. He has only asked that man be good so man can be happy. The very notion of just one chosen tribe, on this whole planet (that said tribe was very unaware of), is distinctly satanic and reeks of making deals (covenants) with demons.
I follow the chicken and pig principle: If a chicken or a pig would eat it then it is ethical to eat it too.
Going back to the original reply you made
>their entire religion is a thorough denial of masculinity
What is masculinity to you other than acting like a mere savage beast?
What I said was true and your mockery will not change that.
The devil and his legions are murders, rapists, thieves, aggressive maniacs, and holds impurities in their tongues.
You want to be like the devil and his demons in your own conceited self determined view of masculinity
God will judge us all after death
>or muscles
I don’t think that’s legal
i'm not sure that's his
and that's not me
but i agree, now

Not all animals have souls.
Read this again, because it's a fact you need to contend with.
Not all animals have souls.

You can not murder a non-being. You can not defile a non-being. The moral implications of a non-being are solely your own. If you torture a soulless animal whether or not it is a being, you are the only one defiled because it is a pointless charade of cruelty, a practice of cruelty. The animal did not suffer, because it had no soul to, but what matters is that you practiced a pointless cruelty. Common sense and history tells us a human will be next. If you rape a soulless animal, it may not suffer but you are defiled, because you have denied the importance of sex as a union for the purpose of procreation.
And if you do those things to a souled animal, you are still defiled, because a souled animal follows the plan god set out for it, which is to live and procreate, not to engage in unnatural acts or be cruelty's plaything.

But if you slaughter a soulless animal for food you are not defiled because you simply harvested earth's products to sustain your body. The animal was not murdered because it was a non-being, as a plant. hence the laws of what is and is not kosher - the animals you are allowed to eat are those that were created without souls. They can not be defiled or victimized because there is no being, only earth transformed into flesh for your nutrition. Cloven hooved cud chewers, locusts, all that's in the sea without scales - notice how this does exclude animals modern SOIentists have determined to be possibly self aware and rather clever?
>inb4 a-a-a-arent cows clever
No, not really. If they were clever herds of them wouldn't be so easily slaughtered - in front of each other. Youtube "NZ home kill".
but they don't any feelings
>"i'm knew vegans were a cult"
retarded bot
No. Animals are delicious. Go fuck yourself.
I stopped eating pork and beef but I'm not gonna stop eating poultry or fish. I don't feel sympathy for non-mammals. Some birds are cute, so I wouldn't eat them, but otherwise, I go by the rule "if I would be fine killing it with my bear hands it's fine to eat".
I only eat animals that have been bad morally. No guilt for the guilty.
Can you show me a soul? It doesn't exist
Neither of tbe animals in this picture are vegans. If they eat meat, why can't I?
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Just because you don't have one doesn't mean no one has one. You don't have to be alone in this world.
The only "reasonable" argument for veganism is really just an argument against the industrial revolution. The only problem is vegans don't understand that and instead actively fight against human nature and mankind as a whole.
Being a part of the ecosystem is okay. Eating meat is okay.
Perpetual exponential expansion is NOT okay.
>Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.
also first time posting here, btw I'm gay
this is a classic example of false equivalence and absolute zero knowledge of scientific method. Writing is for smart people so you should stop and go watch a superhero movie
>bear hands
I really wish mods would delete these threads, but they don't, so someone tell me why I shouldn't make 7-10 shitty troll threads about hamsters
>inb4 "the guy making the threads was/is still 4chan staff" (lemurschizo situation)
Go for it. It would be funnier and more interesting than the voids that are vegan threads.
>Perpetual exponential expansion is NOT okay.
Nah that’s cool too but it has to be controlled under a firm hand
>inb4 "the guy making the threads was/is still 4chan staff" (lemurschizo situation)
I do think he was staff so yeah. Now he just argues with himself (for over a decade)
>>4819103 (Me)
whoops, meant this post >>4811447 haha silly me (im still new)
>Nah that’s cool too but it has to be controlled under a firm hand
If that is happening right now then they are not doing an efficient job.
I argue that it currently isn't controlled well enough and if exponential growth doesn't stop or slow down soon, we need convenient space travel to not burn this earth to the ground.
>I do think he was staff
There have been several times where he implicitly claimed to still be staff but I doubt it because even jannies can see a global user ID and he obviously can't.
>You will live in ze bungalow
Yes? I'm part man part bear
>If that is happening right now
It’s not. That’s why it’s an issue. In fact, it very well never will. If it was, things would be better.
Yeah he’s definitely not otherwise I doubt he could resist the urge to try to ban people left and right
What makes you so certain? What is your definition?
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Hurting animals is mean.
most masculine vegoid
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>owns dogs who want to eat meat
This guy has never seen a boob
I love animals but I love eating them too. Most of the animals you eat will continue their lives in some sort of abusive factory farm situation unless you eat them. They were bred to be eaten, I'm just delivering the coup de grace
Dogs want to eat poop too. What point are you trying to make?
>”dogs arent cows”
>this causes the vegan to go on an incoherent rant about ethical consistency being the true goodness without any phony gods blessing and how he hates jesus, by which time he is spitting and visibly red
I think i told them “dont care read the fucking bible” and bugguy/paleoschizo was screeching about how the hindu god is actually “God”
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who had the fox that was fed only a vegan diet and it died?
Plenty of vegan Christians out there, anon.
Vegan Christians do it because they personally just don't like it. That's the difference between them, atheist schizoids, and eastern religions. There is no room for a superiority complex. The furthest it can go beyond personal feelings without any real value judgements is "I dont trust the producers of animal products to behave in a Christian manner".
There is no moral imperative to be vegan in Christianity. Animals are below humans and were given to us by God to be used with kindness and gratitude. Also, peter's vision was misinterpreted and did not lift any dietary laws, and coincidentally limits your meat intake to animals that might not even mind being killed. Doesn't the foresight strike you? It just so happens to exclude highly intelligent animals like whales dolphins... that the people at the time likely did not know were highly intelligent. God would never have gone back on that. I'm guessing apocryphal or misinterpreted.
*and the old testament coincidentally
No, there are no invalidated covenants. The OT is in effect except for killing people on the spot without mercy parts. Please keep yourselves outta hell.
Christian vegans do it for health, environmental and/or ethical reasons. Which is why everyone chooses to go vegan.
Animals eat other animals. That is the rule of nature, the law of the living. Even the fields that are plowed for your vegetables kill animals - gophers, rabbits, pheasants, etc. - so there is no such thing as guilt-free eating.

Treat your animals with kindness and respect, and when the time comes dispatch them quickly and mercifully. This is the way.
meat eaters live longer. healthiest and longest lived people eat meat - specifically white meat.
meat itself is not an environmental issue. population reduction and overproduction/overconsumption, especially of red meat, is.
there is very little room for ARA "ethics" in christianity. they are not humans. they are below us, a gift from God, not our fellow man.

really it's just because they personally think it's a bit gross.
Your god is a lie, and religion is a form of social control morons have been falling for since the beginning. Do better.
>healthiest and longest lived people eat meat - specifically white meat.
Research "blue zones" for me.

>population reduction and overproduction/overconsumption, especially of red meat, is.
Ok, so in today's world it is environmentally conscious to eat no meat, obviously. It's not hard t google a vegan carbon footprint.

>they are below us, a gift from God
You're saying it's Christian to abuse animals? If someone spent their evenings skinning dogs alive they'd still be a good Christian because those dogs are below him?

However you want to rationalize it, hurting animals is cruel.
He called it >>4819629

Religion certainly controls society but if it's Christianity it's for the better and any intelligent man would agree with its principles.
>Blue zones
Propaganda term. Anyways
Ya lost.
>Ok, so in today's world it is environmentally conscious to eat no meat
This is actually wrong. Pulling "industry wide averages" out of your ass doesn't mean all meat is produced the same. Maybe don't support factory farmed pork and cattle, but locally raised chicken that's never fed human grade calories is fine.
>You're saying it's Christian to abuse animals?
You would abuse your gift from God?
>Skinning dogs
The bible is quite clear. They are not an animal you can eat. The bible is also quite clear on causing needless pain to animals being evil. You're to treat them well and slaughter them as painlessly as humanly possible.

Accept Christ. Let Him into your heart. Find God.
I have accepted him, specifically his compassion. It's why I'm vegan. You clearly have your mind made up (or really warped by social conditioning) and are at peace bringing misery to other sentient beings. Knowingly. May Christ have mercy on your soul.
>trying to larp as a Christian after nearly seething about how you hate jesus

Farm animals don't have free will and are not conscious of their mortality. They follow gods plan, which happens to be living a pretty idyllic life and then blinking out of existence when I get hungry.
yes, you are, faggot
> screeching about how the hindu god is actually “God”
Crazy how I know what you’re talking about
I'm already vegan doe...
I've never been met with as much raw seethe in my personal life and online just for existing as I do now since I went vegan, carnists keep pressing me about it even though I try everything I can to keep it to myself and not bring it up when it's not being discussed
And they say vegans are the fragile ones
It's because being vegan with an "ethical" bent implicitly means you are dangerously anti-human, ie: you are obligated to believe that it is correct to shoot a human being to stop them from slaughtering one or more cows. Otherwise you aren't "vegan", you just personally dislike dead animals. There is a difference.

Veganism is a pseudo-spiritual philosophical movement that is essentially jainism with all the hard and truly kind parts removed and replaced with a very liberal allowance for evil. Vegans still believe in and practice violence and hedonism, unlike jains, and essentially worship animals and despise humans. A vegan thinks it is more correct to consume the products of human slave labor than eat an unfertilized egg from a totally free range bird. Vegans are not concerned with destructive forms of agriculture. Vegans are potential domestic terrorists, or virtue signaling fuckwits with no real goodness in their hearts. Vegans are also highly irrational, ie: "all meat is industry average, you cant do it at all or you LE NORMALIZE ET", which makes them genuinely dangerous. Vegans have been known to kidnap peoples pets and put them down because they believe they are eliminating suffering.

If you just don't like dead animals, you just don't like dead animals.
>i associate with a group that has historically been extremely hostile and antisocial, and when i tell people i do, they dislike me. Fucking CARNISTS.
you're justifying your own situation before your own eyes.
Shut up
Based and accurate. Why do these people always lack self awareness
i tried, i cant.
i cant tolerate seeds/nuts/eggs/milks
this leaves me with no source of fat other than animals.
pretty sure most sources of plant protein are making me sick too
Ahh maddox before he cucked, very patrician taste
i dont geddit
im looking at some patrician taste myself…
its really amazing how you write this much about stuff that noone believes. complete fiction. what about the idea that its wrong to harm animals when its absolutely not needed do you think motivates killing humans or uh.. liking slave labor?
Absolutely brutal downfal
>when its absolutely not needed
But it is. You just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend like it isn’t.
but its not? the simple fact that there are loads of vegans alive and well proves it. some very few might have it harder than others with IBS and stuff like that but theres no *need* for it
>being a bug vegan
I'm going to eat fucking everything.
Bugs, animals, plants, fungi, even people if we can make it safe.
I'm going to come for you. And you will not be fat enough to resist me, as you haven't been eating as I have.
They also kill animals needlessly.
All methods of food production kill animals in ways that are 100% avoidable if we decided to dedicate inefficiently large amounts of energy to it.
And nobody does that, not even the highly religious vegan cultures. Because they'd fucking die if they tried. The locusts do not care for your morals.
I dont think anyone is denying that our global food production is fucked but its pretty easy to just buy beans insted of bacon when shopping. its not about being perfect in the first place anyways something being fucked is not a reason to make it even more fucked
it's not wrong to eat animals
vegans provably prefer HUMAN slave labor to eating an unfertilized egg from a laying hen because "its philosophically, ontologically HECKIN A VIOLATION OF THE NAP!"
i think it's pretty clear

a few malnourished fucks managing to stay alive on a diet of 50% supplement pills is just a testament to how stupid midwits actually are, and how essential religion is to human civilization. given the chance to formulate their own morals, humans are consistently self destructive idiots.
>Just by beans
>Ignore the fact that you just cut a superfood out of your diet time to analyze your meal plans and start buying supplements and important kale and exotic grains midwinter
or i can look at india
india has more vegans and vegetarians than anywhere else
it is a regressive, stagnating shithole where brain dysfunction is on full display
No need to kick down on a nation of retards. At least they poop near a river and it will eventually flow down to the next town, but even then it will reach the ocean one day.
>No need to kick down on a nation of retards.
There’s always a need for that. That’s why they’re there.
I miss when poor people didn't have internet
just eat like you arent retarded and take a b12 every now and then and you will be fine. its really not that hard anon
>throw back creatine, carnosine, taurine, omega-3, haem iron and vitamin B12/D3 supplements
>bioavailability is poor lol
>still malnourished
or get this, stop being a pseudo intellectual atheist faggot and eat a fuckin egg and a dead animal once a day like humans are supposed to

you're not going to get a prize after you die for killing the fewest animals. you just won brownie points in internet debates with your fellow godless heathens about whose "ethics" were the most "consistent" and have probably gladly compared yourself to mr. spock more than once
You don't need to eat meat once a day to be healthy. In fact, overconsumption of meat is what's causing all of the issues that vegans think being vegan will solve. You only need meat once or twice a week to be healthy. One fully grown cow can feed a healthy family for a year or more, and that's how it should be. You fat, gluttinous bustards don't need the amount of meat you eat.
Eating meat once a day isn't overconsumption or unhealthy

Eating 1/2 pound of fried beef and bacon for every meal is. 99% of so called "meat" problems are beef addiction problems. Just eat chicken and fish like a white man.

t. skinny AF.
based gurt gogain enjoyer
True. The third worlds invasion of the internet has been disastrous
Beef is great and is also part of the White man’s diet. Everything is about moderation.
>not realizing that they're both placating their egos for a chemical rush and that they are, in fact morally identical
i shiggy diggy
>Eating meat once a day isn't overconsumption or unhealthy
Eating meat every day is literally directly contributing to a lot of issues. If you want to eat meat daily, raise your own chickens and quails. If you don't, there is no need to eat meat daily. Twice a week is both healthier and better for the planet.
> ostrich, kangaroo
What the fuck? How do those taste?
Pork is such a low-tier meat.
You are over cooking it.
Vegans also compare their health to lard asses that subsist on McDonald's and act smug about how much healthier they are.
I already am
>vegans argue dishonestly
what about eggs? eggs aren't animals yet.
God said certain animals are food after the flood. Stupid Godless communist.

Most eggs aren't fertilized, they wouldn't become animals no matter how long you waited. Exceptions would be something like balut eggs.
animals make other animals food
vegans are peak human hubris
SO what you're saying is eggs are okay,
what about fish?
No, I don't think I will.
This hilarious part is none of your sick fantasies will come to fruition, you will forever seethe in irrelevance as meat eaters (me) live rent free in your head, while I forget that you fags even exist. Lmao
>The OT is in effect
It's not really practiced by the vast majority of Christian religions, and each one believes they're the only "correct" one and everyone else is "wrong" in some regard and they're going to Hell, except for the minority of Christians who believe all Christian churches are correct if they follow the basic teachings. Then again, most people don't really care or think about it too much.
So only a very minor amount of Christians actually believe the OT is relevant, most Christians I've interacted with genuinely believe Jesus specifically nullified the OT because after fulfilling the role as the Messiah the old testament was rendered null and void.
Hell didn't even exist in the old testament and Christians created it from incorporating the mythology of Greek and Roman paganism which is why Satan basically became the Graeco-Roman Lucifer.
To tip my fedora even harder it's all fake anyway. Technically the one "true" religion is Islam since it's a sequel to Christianity, has the most followers, and is the most disciplined and demanding of the Abrahamic religions. Sunni and Shia Muslims literally murder each other for facing different directions on their prayer rugs or whatever.
i eat fish too, i shouldn't but i do
>Hell didn't even exist in the old testament and Christians created it from incorporating the mythology of Greek and Roman paganism which is why Satan basically became the Graeco-Roman Lucifer.
Lots of Christianity is borrowed and molded by PIE mythology yes
>has the most followers
That’s still Christianity.
>most disciplined and demanding
Hardly. Their women revert to crazed sluts the instant they get the chance and most of them in general don’t follow most of their rules. Only the giga shitholes that are hard line about it do things like that
anon, sorry to break it to you, but that was a copypasta
nate is not vegan, he just doesn't like eating red meat during fight camp

you are not going to get anywhere with these retards, they are fucked up faggots that thing animals exist for their cheap amusement and convenience
Humans need meat, sure maybe women can go without it. But meat is absolutely essential for men.

Humans are killers, we're absolute killing machines. We literally have teeth for eating meat, we've been eating meat for a long ass time.

The answer here is in-between, let all men have weapons and let them hunt for food. Much more humane, healthy and natural. Men not having the ability to hunt and do things they're hardwired to do is why they're so insanely suicidal.

Two birds with one stone. People with low testosterone can stop crying about mass murdering animals, men get to kill something; everyone is happy. I doubt vegans are going to argue that men aren't born to kill things.
I'm not vegan or veggie but it's actually kind of sad and pathetic that you think human men were put on this earth to kill and not live. You don't need feminazi low-t individuals to shit on men, you do that yourself. You don't speak for us you chimpanzee.
killing is part of life, do you really think humans would be the most dominant animal in the entire solar system if they weren't prolific hunters?

you do also realise other animals kill as well, are you so narcissistic to think humans aren't animals?

Even the most 'peaceful' animals kill, I was born on a farm; even horses randomly kill birds. Badgers randomly kill chickens, birds will pick up cats and drop them from great heights, even chickens kill.

Were you just raised in cotton wool? you're the exact demographic that needs to go outside and try something like hunting. Urbanite weirdo
I didn't say any of that shit, you're arguing against a made up person. I said that your belief that men were born to kill is pathetic and sad. Which it is. Cope.
They are made to kill, what fucking purpose would sexual dimorphism serve in making men larger, faster and stronger than women be you absolute sodomite.
>sure maybe women can go without it.
Women need it too, especially when they’re pregnant
>that men were born to kill
It’s weirdly phrased but I think the bottom line is that killing is necessary at some point or another. Where would be if we didn’t kill for food, water, warm clothing, territory, etc.?
Pic remind me of a post on the iq of pigs. I have not seen that post in years now. Does anyone happen to have it?
women need it more ironically, because they lose a lot of iron every month, and the best way to get iron is through meat
Sexual selection and a byproduct of testosterone. Prehistorically, the women of the tribes hunted as much as the men.
We as humans have evolved for much more than killing. To protect each other, to live and live amongst one another. To be so small-minded, so short-sighted as to boil all that strength down to 'me kill' is pathetic and sad.
Killing is necessary, obviously. As I said I'm no vegan or veggie. I raise and process quail. I don't kill these animals because I'm 'made to kill', I kill them to feed myself and my family. I kill them so I can continue to love my family and my community. If I could donate extra quail to my local foodbank I could. (Local law states you can't sell/donate home-slaughtered meat)
Also this. Plenty of women I know who went vegan had to go back to eating red meat because nothing else got their iron up as efficiently.
>Prehistorically, the women of the tribes hunted as much as the men.
Source? Sounds like more feel good ‘women are just as strong as men’ stuff. At best they scavenged and foraged but the actual hunting was almost definitely left to the men
>'me kill' is pathetic and sad.
I’m sure he didn’t literally mean “people only need to kill and nothing else” lol, even if he put it crudely the bottom line is that we need it at some point or another
>And the pig? If you fell flat on your back in a pig sty it would IMMEDIATELY attempt to start eating you alive.
extremely based
Woman the hunter: The archaeological evidence
Sarah Lacy; Cara Ocobock
>the idea of a strict sexual labor division in the Paleolithic is an assumption with little supporting evidence, which reflects a failure to question how modern gender roles color our reconstructions of the past
The full text is a pretty good literature review of most of the archaeological evidence that supports prehistoric women being hunters. So,
>At best they scavenged and foraged but the actual hunting was almost definitely left to the men
Source? Even with the 'Men Bigger' standpoint it doesn't make any sense for half of a palaeolithic tribe's population to do nothing but scavenge, forage and give birth. Even in nature, smaller members of a pack of animals have use in hunts. Even without knowing all of the archaeological evidence, even without reading the literature, in what world would a palaeolithic gender split make any sense at all?
>which reflects a failure to question how modern gender roles color our reconstructions of the past
Cmon, dude. This is exactly what I meant. There’s no evidence going on here besides a woman going ‘it’s bigotry and it happened because I said so.’
>Even with the 'Men Bigger' standpoint it doesn't make any sense for half of a palaeolithic tribe's population to do nothing but scavenge, forage and give birth.
It absolutely does. The disparity between man and woman in physical capabilities is seriously just that big. They’re not as capable. It quite literally boils down to that. Maybe they had some Neolithic equivalent of a shield maiden who would follow the men around carrying supplies or whatever but that’s obviously not the same as them being spear chuckers and shit.
>Even in nature, smaller members of a pack of animals have use in hunts.
We are not like other packs of animals. There are also species where females are outright bigger and stronger than males.
>in what world would a palaeolithic gender split make any sense at all?
Ours? Again, physical disparity. Maybe in extreme cases when a tribe was low on numbers women would have to join in on a hunt but to suggest it was some kind of common occurrence that everyone was doing is kind of silly.
>There’s no evidence going on here besides a woman going ‘it’s bigotry and it happened because I said so.’
Read the paper.
>The disparity between man and woman in physical capabilities is seriously just that big. They’re not as capable
Read the paper.
>There are also species where females are outright bigger and stronger than males.
Do you think male hyenas don't hunt?
The advancement of farming allowed food to be plentiful and for humans to leave an incredibly survivalist lifestyle and develop more intense culture. Living a life of plenty (in theory anyway) allows for lifestyles that would have been disastrous for hunter-gatherers.
>but to suggest it was some kind of common occurrence that everyone was doing is kind of silly.
To suggest otherwise goes against both logic and current archaeological evidence. Hope you have sources to back all this up.
>There are also species where females are outright bigger and stronger than males.
the majority of which are not mammals, so thats irrelevant
>Read the paper
or: you can provide the relevant evidence he asked you for (as is common courtesy) without effectively telling someone to ‘google it’
your position is the absurd one here and you should be able to provide concrete proof to support it, it functionally implies women were just as capable of running every facet of tribal hunter gatherer life as efficiently as men and that men were just around because “???”
it’s irrelevant regardless
we can find virtually anything we want when looking at animals
get a look at this retard thinking random mutations and probability means higher purpose
>or: you can provide the relevant evidence he asked you for (as is common courtesy) without effectively telling someone to ‘google it’
>your position is the absurd one here and you should be able to provide concrete proof to support it, it functionally implies women were just as capable of running every facet of tribal hunter gatherer life as efficiently as men and that men were just around because “???”
or he can just read the paper instead of doing obvious asspulls? its not a book.. incredibly intellectually lazy. its not an absurd position at all i think - of course physically active women can participate in physically demanding activities? its like youve never met a woman whos well trained or do physical labour
>you can provide the relevant evidence he asked you for
Which I did. It's in the paper. That you retards refuse to read. Wonder why.
>you should be able to provide concrete proof to support it
Read the paper.
>it functionally implies women were just as capable of running every facet of tribal hunter gatherer life as efficiently as men and that men were just around because “???”
Humans are split into two sexes to procreate. Not to make hunter-gathering less efficient. Men are around to get women pregnant. Women are around to get pregnant. Sexual differences beyond that are, according to prehistoric human remains (read the paper), incidental.
>Which I did.
you didn’t
post it here
or at the very least the relevant parts
the burden of proof is on you
you’ve already outed it as more than a little politically motivated with that silly passage so my confidence in its validity isn’t exactly sky high right now, you’re crazy if you think im about to go waste my time seeking it out and reading it when you yourself can’t even be bothered to link to the fucking thing
>Humans are split into two sexes to procreate.
they’re split into two groups that specialize and do things better than the other. or is your claim now that both sexes can do anything and everything interchangeably well now? because that’s another thing you’re going to need some heavy evidence for
>Sexual differences beyond that are, according to prehistoric human remains
and im telling you that’s abject horse shit. women are not as strong as men. men excel in areas in physical activity I.e. hunting. provide the relevant evidence for this or stop responding
ngl that sounds pretty good concept for a Tool album
>the burden of proof is on you
it really isnt as its a counterpoint to a (not backed up) argument you made against veganism
and eat ze egg
All vegans are malnourished
Humans need meat to live

Total meat intake correlates with life expectancy. Coincidentally only idiots think livestock have moral standing so this has been our last force of natural selection for the past 10,000 years. To add to the laughs most vegans are antinatalists and pro-“refugee”.
>muh planet
Air conditioning, cars, china, trade with china, and a lack of birth control vaccines for thirdies are harming the planet. Chickens are fine.
i think you’re confused buddy, i didn’t make any kind of point against veganism, you’ll have to find someone else to start that shitshow with
>you didn’t
>post it here
>Woman the hunter: The archaeological evidence
>Sarah Lacy; Cara Ocobock
>The full text is a pretty good literature review of most of the archaeological evidence that supports prehistoric women being hunters.
There it is. Read it.
>or at the very least the relevant parts
The whole thing is the relevant parts.
>you’ve already outed it as more than a little politically motivated with that silly passage
Everything is politically motivated. Trying to insist that this archaeological evidence doesn't exist is politically motivated.
> you’re crazy if you think im about to go waste my time seeking it out and reading it when you yourself can’t even be bothered to link to the fucking thing
It's named up there. How do you think sources work?
>they’re split into two groups that specialize and do things better than the other
>or is your claim now that both sexes can do anything and everything interchangeably well now
>because that’s another thing you’re going to need some heavy evidence for
You need some heavy evidence against it.
>provide the relevant evidence for this or stop responding
Read the paper.
Can't help but notice you insincere shits keep screeching about sources and evidence, and yet I have provided One source. You have provided None. Read the paper.
>Humans, as a species, are obligate carnivores, and are only faking being omnivorous by propagating genetically modified plants (normally, we can not digest 99% of what plants produce and would take berries as glorified multivitamins) that have been altered to produce bootleg meat (larger, softer, less tart - aka toxic - fruits)
>Some incel can not believe that the females of a species of obligate carnivores can hunt because in his society of domesticated livestock bug people the women are relegated to making babies to plow the fields
Herbivore behavior is inferior and man's adopted herbivorous tendencies have caused irreparable damage to our genome and the planet itself

We are now teetering on the brink of permanently returning to being homo erectus as agricultural man has no real reason to be intelligent. It's just nice to have.
>There it is. Read it.
link it
not doing your footwork, sorry
>Everything is politically motivated.
ah yes, the good ol ‘everything is political’ line. no, it’s not. there is such a thing as objective research, which you’ve done everyone the favor of showing that shit is almost definitely not, you might not be a vegan but you sure as hell behave like them and believe the same shit they do.
>Trying to insist
you haven’t shown or proven anything
there’s nothing to insist upon because you’ve proven nothing
do your part or stop responding
>The whole thing is the relevant parts.
provide it
>How do you think sources work?
you provide it when told to? again, not doing your footwork
let’s see yours champ
you’re full of shit and know it. women are not men. they can’t do the same things we do. a man is better in nearly every physical activity. this is basic biological fact and you’re showing your bare ass as the freak you are by arguing against it. i mean, why do you think men and women are segregated in nearly every sporting event? you’re either so delusional or disingenuous it’s bordering on impressive
oh and here’s my source since you apparently missed middle school biology:
think that’s too much for you to handle?
>You need some heavy evidence against it.
my evidence is everything ever written about human biology
that’s funny, because all you’ve done is skirt around a simple task while acting like you’re the grand arbiter of neolithic lifestyles because of it.

again, don’t bother responding if you’re not going to substantiate anything you’re saying, you put forward the claim, grow some testicles for once in your life and own up to it
>link it
I read it on my Universities' library page, I can't link that here. Go find it. Not doing your footwork, sorry.
>there is such a thing as objective research
Which the paper Is. Read it.
>you haven’t shown or proven anything
I haven't, no. Lacy and Ocobock have.
>do your part or stop responding
Do your part (reading the paper I provided) or stop responding.
>provide it
Woman the hunter: The archaeological
evidence. Sarah Lacy; Cara Ocobock.
>you provide it when told to?
Woman the hunter: The archaeological
evidence. Sarah Lacy; Cara Ocobock.
>let’s see yours champ
Woman the hunter: The archaeological
evidence. Sarah Lacy; Cara Ocobock.
>a man is better in nearly every physical activity
Being better doesn't mean women are incapable. Again, do you think male hyenas don't hunt just because females are bigger and stronger?
>my evidence is everything ever written about human biology
Including the part where it says women can, you know, move? And pick shit up? And perform physical labour? Have you reached that part yet champ?
>that’s funny, because all you’ve done is skirt around a simple task while acting like you’re the grand arbiter of neolithic lifestyles because of it
No u.
This kek

A lot of vegans, including our resident paleoschizo, depend on the idea that we only eat meat because men are evil psychopaths and enjoy killing and subjugating. But guess who taught me how to slaughter a chicken? My mom, bro. Humans are just predators. But you're like a dog who was taken from its real parents before learning how to hunt, so you're afraid and nervous around a new powerful experience.
I learnt how to process my quail from a woman on YouTube. My auntie taught me how to raise goats and where they slaughter theirs (the manager is a friend of hers; also a woman). My grandma used to be the one who did all the physical chores when it came to their horses because my grandpa fucked up his back and couldn't do it. This, however, is simply incomprehensible to this thread's resident chimpanzee.
Apparently, if you're not as physically capable as someone else at doing something you should never even try. What a sad way to live life. I'm glad very few real people subscribe to that philosophy, and I'm very glad our ancestors certainly weren't retarded enough to practice it themselves.
All you have to do is look at abbos or something to see your ancestors

Humans are predatory, adaptive, and hard working. The useless woman/permachild is an warring agricultural state thing, because rather than being about getting things done, they are about fueling a war machine. Organized and honorable warfare was a mistake. We should have fastracked the worst WMDs possible and fought extremely dishonorable to invent mutually assured destruction several centuries earlier. Society would have been objectively better.

Would ww1 have happened if antipersonel rifles fired exploding .5" slugs? No. No one would sign up for that shit. People sign up for war thinking they'll get poked and maybe lose a hand at the worst.
>the hunter has a brew that acts like a tranqualiser
>the hunter dips an arrow in the brew so that when he shoots the buck it only feels a sting and runs away
>soon the animal feels drowsy and falls asleep. The hunter catches up to his prey he apologises explaining that his family needs the meat.
>bugguy try not to be delusional a self hating cuckold challenge: failed
That must be why African countries always win every gold at the olympics

oh wait
people signed up for war for loot and rape, they alway thought it couldnt be me that gets stabbed
>look up top American athletes
>over half of them are black
Yeah, oh. With that in mind why do white people even try? Clearly they're just not as physically capable as black people. So what's even the point?
Obviously I'm being facetious to point out the absolute, complete retardation of the schizophrenia patient up there, you dumb fuck.
I am
Trying anon. But I am
Majority of fish are smarter than than your avarage lizard.
Rice, beans, frozen veggies, pasta, oats, nut butters, etc. etc.

I've been vegan for 17 years and had to go to food banks twice in that time frame and was able to easily maintain my veganism.
Cam Newton is vegan fyi. So is Chris Paul. So is Nate Diaz. So is Rich Roll. So are thousands of other amateur athletes. Google is free, anon, you don't need to be so embarrassingly incorrect.
No, the ecology didn't collapse worth shit until the already omnivorous bipedal apes who had turned into obligate carnivores (thats us, without domesticated plants you LITERALLY can not live without meat) - started domesticating plants. That's where it went to shit and humans stopped existing in nature and started actively replacing it.

End herbivory.
Return to hunter.
>u can be veegan if you hire a full time nutritionist
or i can eat an egg
ok but the chickens just roam around the backyard and lay eggs
Least unhinged vegan
You’re retarded, none of that is true and no it’s not what that guy was saying, nice false equivalence, this is the length libcucks need to go to justify their delusions, quite incredible,
> Would ww1 have happened if antipersonel rifles fired exploding .5" slugs?
Yes. They still do it knowing they could die from being incinerated to death. What a profoundly silly thng to say. People will go to war for literally anything. You are too sheltered to speak on this.
>Being better doesn't mean women are incapable.
and? it doesn’t matter if they can do it but shittier, they have a duty that they do better instead of trying to be discount men like you keep insisting with zero evidence.
>Woman the hunter
doesn’t exist, sorry. feel free to prove me wrong ;)
>Including the part where it says women can, you know, move? And pick shit up? And perform physical labour?
lmao is that your idea of being active hunters in prehistory you disingenuous retard? doing basic daily labor that they were expected to do at the homestead? let alone on a hunt? i guess this is the kind of “rebuttal” I should have expected

anyway, beatdown is over, you’ve refuted nothing, provided/proved nothing, and throughly embarrassed yourself, but you sure know how to excrete fecal matter on a computer screen, you’ll have to subject someone else to it from now, no more (You)s, maybe you should look into veganism to complete your utterly delusional worldview
>completely different scenarios
dumb fuck
If you were actually historically or biologically literate you would know that humans are not meant to eat meat at all and "hunters" didn't even used to eat the animals they killed. It started with killing animals in self-defense and leaving the body, then ritual animal sacrifice, then cannibalism to absorb the energy of the animal
Sorry, I mean meat eating not cannibalism, but it occupies a similar space in our mind. Good luck eating raw uncooked bloody bony meat and not getting disgusted.
anon we have international laws limiting weapons specifically because otherwise people are too terrified to go to war. humanity unironically passed species-wide laws to make war more desirable. being shot is not an assured death in regulated war. it is a chance you may die with a stronger likelihood of injury. this goes as far as limiting using the bigger guns we do have on people. it's a war crime. what if every soldiers rifle fired armor piercing, exploding rounds so being shot was guaranteed to kill you or totally remove a limb? would you sign up for that battle?

this is the situation with nukes. the weapon is so terrifying that large scale war no longer exists because no one wants to cause the eradication of their entire race. only small scale proxy wars involving one non-nuclear power.
>If you were actually historically or biologically literate you would know that humans are not meant to eat meat at all
Archealogical evidence suggests humans began by scavenging or stealing kills, targeting bone marrow and dried meat, which coincided with changes in gut and tooth morphology... and brain size. It's a fact that humans evolved to eat meat. The cascade of selective pressures produced a carnivorous species. Meat is the only raw food you can eat that has no chance of causing cancer and can be completely digested. Everything else is a vitamin supplement.

Early humans did not have agriculture. They also lost the ability to digest leaves and grass. Because they depended on meat to live.

Countless people do this globally. It's not in human nature to be disgusted by it. That's your childhood food safety conditioning coming through.

> Human are just uniquely inferior and unable to catch the food they require to eat, unlike any other female animal.
I've seen 12 year old girls brain rabbits with rocks
>A lot of vegans, including our resident paleoschizo, depend on the idea that we only eat meat because men are evil psychopaths and enjoy killing and subjugating. But guess who taught me how to slaughter a chicken? My mom, bro.
Wow, what an excellent rebuttal. My mom taught me that women are inferior. Women are more likely to be religious than men, especially Islamic women. This means that this is what women actually believe and not something that was beaten into them with that terror being passed down generation by generation. Human women are just uniquely inferior and rely on men because they are unable to catch the food they require to eat, unlike literally any other female animal who are perfectly capable of obtaining their natural food by themselves. It's just natural and totally not wishful thinking bro.
I like, and have always liked since I was a kid, kicking ant hills and killing birds with stones. Its not for nutrition, its a sadism thing
>My instincts tell me to attack edible animals
>But this isnt for nutrition
it is. you're a predator. you are an obligate carnivore. this is universal to predators. their instinct make them enjoy attacking edible animals, but they dont automatically understand its for food until 1: their parents teach them 2: they starve and decide to eat the dead thing.

>protein poisoning
you are aware this is because humans evolved primarily on FATTY meat correct? our typical prey species is not lean game?

or do you think early man was farming olive oil
My instincts are telling me to kick ant hills, how will ant hills provide nutrition? How will RABBITS provide nutrition for the example you gave? They don't. Your brain can't handle the truth of sadism, which has no rhyme or reason. Sadism does not logically target anything, it just is. I certainly never got any sadistic impulses towards any of the animals we commonly eat - cows, pigs, etc. or any mammals. So how would scrawny robins, rabbits and ants provide me with nutrition? Every parent knows how to feed their young... except humans, you say? Why would that be? It's the opposite. From a young age, meat has DISGUSTED me primally. I rejected meat even though my parents insisted it was good for me, before I even knew meat was animals, but especially after that. Toddlers actually push it away instinctively; this is a phenomenon noted by pediatricians known as "toddler vegetarianism". Why do so many toddlers hate their natural food? Why do they push the cubes of meat away in favor of cubes of fruit?
>inb4 just eat raw meat
I actually have eaten steak tartare and raw fish, and I can say both were disgusting and nauseating. Raw meat is worse than cooked meat, but both are primally disgusting to me.
Your instincts tell you to attack animals
Ultimately you will produce dead animals
When you get hungry, you will eat them
Your sense of taste and smell will identify the ones that contain the nutrition you need (these you experience as "tasty" - for your species, you prefer meat with a higher fat content)
This positive stimulus will condition you to prefer those dead animals to others
You have now learned, based entirely on instincts for hunting and survival, which animal your species needs to kill to acquire nutrition.

>Every parent knows how to feed their young
Yes, even humans, that's why we feed our young fatty meat.

>Toddlers actually push it away instinctively; this is a phenomenon noted by pediatricians known as "toddler vegetarianism". Why do so many toddlers hate their natural food? Why do they push the cubes of meat away in favor of cubes of fruit?
Why are there dogs that do not hunt, when they would starve
Because natural selection is derailed when a species is intelligent enough to try and nourish the sick
But more interestingly, I can't find a single source on this. Just your made up anecdote, and your typical carnivore behavior:
A dislike of unfamiliar foods. This is your natural mechanism for not eating poisonous or parasitized animals. Your wolf pack only eats deer, and bodies and lifestyles are adapted to the nutritional profile and disease load of deer. Think of it that way. You naturally lose your taste for extremely strange foods as a natural mechanism that prevents animals from getting sick eating random shit. You're used to meat that tastes a certain way so you avoid sushi in the same way something that just eats fatty fish might not like any form of rabbit. I don't like the taste of lamb or rabbit but I love beef. There are wolves that prefer elk, wolves that prefer cow, and wolves that primarily fish. It's standard carnivore beavior.
>and your typical carnivore behavior:
A dislike of unfamiliar foods
Ah yes. Typical carnivore behavior: not eating meat and rejecting it despite parents' insistence from a young age
You have your anecdote which you may have made up to justify your persistent delusion that humans are not carnivores

The data is about toddlers having a hard time chewing cooked meats and recommends feeding them a mildly processed soft fatty flesh, which aligns with how the young of many species are unable to consume a carcass unless it is specially prepared by a parent.

You are also known to believe that carnivores are not essential to ecosystems and were created by humans, aka a loon

Goodbye, retarded faggot. I'm sure you'll make another thread when you want my attention again.
But mostly it's the completely incoherent way you talk about "instincts" as if it should be something that would guide me, when my "instincts" only told me to kill ants and scrawny birds. That would not have nourished me, even according to you. I had no instincts to ever kill any "fatty meat" (mammal) species. And then you insist that parents need to "teach" their young to eat certain things, which completely eschews "instincts" altogether. The completely weird cognitive dissonance pretzel logic of meat apologism. Everything is proof we "should" be eating meat, even not wanting to eat meat
>The data is about toddlers having a hard time chewing cooked meats and recommends feeding them a mildly processed soft fatty flesh, which aligns with how the young of many species are unable to consume a carcass unless it is specially prepared by a parent.
Try chewing up and spitting out raw cow to your toddler, I'm sure that's a good way to get them to puke and get parasites you dumb schizo. Your kids will definitely hate you when they grow up, if not for the fact that you homeschooled them
Why are there dogs that don't know how to hunt
They'd starve

Why do they exist? Even in a fictitious anecdote invented solely for your argument you have no argument. You suck.

You honestly believe humans are naturally disgusted by meat because of your made up anecdote and the fact that sometimes toddlers don't like tough to chew foods.

Year over year going back to before humans were human we ate meat, it's our diet

Clearly a lack of meat has impaired your brain
>try chewing up and spitting out raw cow
humans evolved hands and brains specifically because pounding raw cow with rocks and holding it over fire for a while or letting it dry on a toasty rock in the sun extracts more calories and kills parasites. like, homo habilis humans.
>Why are there dogs that don't know how to hunt
There are dogs that don't chase animals? That's really news to me. My dog killed and ate snakes without instruction. It has to be trained out of them.
>Even in a fictitious anecdote invented solely for your argument you have no argument. You suck.
>your made up anecdote
What the fuck are you talking about? My "anecdote" that I'm disgusted by, and always have been disgusted by meat? That's not fictitious.
>sometimes toddlers don't like tough to chew foods.
Cooked meat, right?
Interesting, according to the other based carnivoranon eating cooked meat is bad for toddlers because it's tough to chew. Which one is it carnivore fags?
>Toddlers and preschoolers tend to favor more starchy, carbohydrate heavy foods. For example, if parents serve pasta with a side of meat and veggies, the toddler often goes straight for the pasta. A recent study in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences shows that growth slows so energy can be diverted to the developing brain. And a key source of energy for the brain is glucose. To give you an idea, a 5 year old's brain uses two times the glucose an adult brain does. This peak of glucose utilization for the brain is age 4.
>Humans evolved to prefer sugar whenever possible due to its scarcity in nature
>To bugguy, this means we were not meant to eat meat
>To prove it he found the leading authority on dietary science
>yummytoddlerfood.com, an AI generated SEO blog
The sheer amount of nonsensical bullshit you need to believe because you are too much of an insecure little narcissistic bitch to say "*I* do not like *thing*" is unbelievable. You are INCAPABLE of having a preference. Everything YOU do must be an objective moral and material right. It's quite pathetic. You are the kind of person who goes from "i dont like coffee" to "coffee is objectively a poison substance and coffeefags are stupid fucking subhuman degenerate fetishists, and satanic" in 4 minutes.

You don't like meat. You are an aberration, a domesticated animal, a dumb little golden retriever that doesn't know to chase a rabbit. Or more likely you are larping and lying because you're bored in your little home for the mentally infirm.
That doesn't man eating meat is wrong or humans aren't meant to eat meat. 2 million years of history is quite clear. We depend on it and even with a 10,000 year genetic engineering program and after 2 industrial revolutions we still can't shake it because our bodies are very precisely evolved for a meat diet. It's the best food source on earth: shunting digestion to inferior lifeforms. Humans are physiologically and psychologically carnivores. We need meat to live. All the unnatural mutant plants and high technology in the world can't perfectly replace it. You are, at best, slightly worse than your best in the name of an arbitrary and irrelevant preference.

At least it stays irrelevant until you go about your narcissistic ways where you need to be the moral crusader. You can never just like or dislike something, ever.

I don't care if someone just doesn't like meat. It's all the bullshit you spew because that's not justification enough for your borderline nonexistent ego.
vegans need to attack the very idea of meat because they secretly know that morally, they are idiotic, and their entire schtick can be replaced by "i only eat animals after they naturally expire because i am against killing" which would actually exhibit some moral good

>vegan juggling hypocrisies: suffering this suffering that, wait no thats exploitation, what did you mean "did you ask the cow", it doesnt matter its satanic you're using them for profit thats evil because, what do you mean did i harvest my fruits or were that done by an underpaid mexican fuck off this is carnist bloodmouth corpsebreath cope humans dont count because uhhhhh what do you mean i already equated humans and animals ethically reeeeeeeee
>peace vulturepilled: i don't eat things that were killed. i wait for life to end and gratefully return it to the earth.
A cow always produces more milk than her calf needs. It is cruel for you not to relieve her of it.
Eggs that are infertile will be brooded nonproductively. It is cruel of you not to help your hen have a full clutch.
An animal that dies will rot pointlessly. It is disrespectful of you not to use their body to stay strong and care for what they left behind.
Plants wish for their fruits to be picked and eaten because directly or indirectly you will propagate their seeds.

At no point do you actually need to kill, destroy, steal from, or torture anything. Accept natures gifts and give back.
It's cruel not to eat bull cum because they might get horny and not know how to relieve themselves
>toddlers instinctively don't like meat and prefer carbs, which goes against your bullshit "instinct" hypothesis
>It's just YOUR PERSONAL PREFERENCE! Liking sugar is just the same as liking COFFEE!
Most retarded post I've read on here from a triggered hysterical meatfag
When I was a toddler my favorite food was chicke nuggets. I have literally NEVER heard of toddlers turning down meat. Ever, until you posted, bugguy. Because you are such a chronic narcissist you maintain 4 different personas to maximize attention gathered/minimize the risk to your pathetically incoherent ego and every last preference has to be a moral battle.

Your source? yummytoddlerfood.com
>I have literally NEVER heard of toddlers turning down meat.
You're a little too late to have kids by now, but it's a known phenomenon among parents and pediatricians
Go take your meds instead of feverishly refreshing you mentally ill faggot
We literally eat them BECAUSE they can't fight back. They are BVILT to serve us and we raped their genetics to facilitate this.

You wouldn't last 3 days in a bioethics course. The conclusion is ALWAYS anthropocentric ethics, not "every life matters!!"
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Prove that they are our friends.
Do that. Enjoy your onus of responsibility to argue the way you want.
We're literally here because we didn't have any friends and we ate whatever had the most calories.
You've seriously never heard of a meat strike? All toddlers do that. It's because cooked meat is so rubbery it's basically inedible. Flaying the flesh into chicken nuggets with soft breading and sauce and salt covering the meat taste is the only way to get toddlers to eat it. Toddlers will literally choke on cooked meat if not processed in some way.
>they have a duty that they do better
>instead of trying to be discount men
What does this even mean?
>doesn’t exist, sorry. feel free to prove me wrong ;)
Woman the hunter: The archaeological
evidence. Sarah Lacy; Cara Ocobock.
>doing basic daily labor that they were expected to do at the homestead?
No. Being physically capable, as well as all the archaeological evidence, proves that they were active hunters.

ANyway, beatdown is over, you’ve refuted nothing, provided/proved nothing, and throughly embarrassed yourself, but you sure know how to excrete fecal matter on a computer screen, you’ll have to subject someone else to it from now, no more (You)s, maybe you should look into veganism to complete your utterly delusional worldview.
You argue like a vegan. Someone provides a source and you sit there and cry and scream and shove your fingers in your ears and insist that it's not there and not true. It is there. It is true. No amount of coping will stop it from being true, regardless of how much you don't like it. You are insincere and pathetic and too lazy to ctrl-c ctrl-z, but it's not even that is it? You want everything spoon-fed to you. You want every excuse to not have to change your narrow worldview, to the point where you will go full schizophrenic and insist that some true information doesn't exist, is fake, is made-up etc.
You disgust me by how truly bottom-feeding your behaviour is, but I truly hope you get help. Genuinely. I don't think someone who thinks like you could survive in the real world without some professional assistance.
Anyway, for any normal people, I went and read Woman The Hunter by Lacy and Ocobock (all I had to do was copy and paste it into Google and it was right there. Go figure) and it's interesting. I would recommend giving it a read if it's your thing.
It's ok to eat meat if you do not live in an industrial country
This is bestiality.
*smacks t rex lips*
Mmmm xister did you just say meat good?
*ruffles feathers*
Noooo toddlers prefer candy to food so humans werent meant to eat meat PLS IGNORE THE 2 MILLION YEARS OF EATING MEAT some toddlers prefer candy for like a month so meat bad and carnivores were invented by satanists
*pronates wrists therapodally*
The 2 million years of humans fisting cows?
Well if killing them isn't bad, then why is fisting them bad?
A cow killer feeds the village by harvesting delicious steak from the meat plant
A cow fucker under the guide of animal husbandry spreads syphilis in the name of breeding cows to be 1% more profitable
You are retarded. Yes, they were meant to eat meat. We were meant to eat meat. That’s why it’s healthy for us to do so. Let’s see a source for any of your extraordinarily brain dead claims.
>But guess who taught me how to slaughter a chicken? My mom, bro.
Wow! This truly shows women were prehistoric girlboss hunters, we did it reddit! :)
I don’t think you’re talking to someone that can be reasoned with dude. It’s a fantasy that’s way too appealing to him.
Yes, we outlawed certain ways to kill each other because it’s ‘too inhumane’, that doesn’t just change the fact we still go to war to this day knowing there’s a 1001 horrible ways we could die even with all that stuff banned
>what if every soldiers rifle fired armor piercing, exploding rounds so being shot was guaranteed to kill you or totally remove a limb? would you sign up for that
And there’s the problem, a number of our weapons can already do that or things so similar there might as well not be a difference, so how is it any different? Do 50. Cal BMG rifles being used on the crew of a well armored tank/truck to kill them within not count as that? Does being doused in makeshift styrofoam napalm and slowly burning to death not count as that? Does being instantly shredded by an A-10 not count as that? Does being blown to bits by a hand grenade not count as that? Even with all that shit in place, people still find the balls to go to war, that’s the reason we can’t just ban *everything*, or if you’re ballsy enough, just ignore all that stuff and do it regardless, because war is inevitable at some point or another and no one is going to give a shit about da international law if they want it badly enough like we’re already seeing. Nukes are the one thing we’ve done a decent job at stopping ourselves from using.
What he’s getting at isn’t hard to understand at all.
>of course physically active women can participate in physically demanding activities?
Yes? They just can’t do them as well as men, which is the crux of the issue that’s being gotten at here, the point isn’t that women couldn’t or shouldn’t have done physical labor or couldn’t skin a deer or tan a hide or whatever, obviously any retard could do that if they were taught, but risking the breeding stock of a pre-agrarian group of people in arduous and often dangerous physical activity at a time when human numbers were already low and probably didn’t exceed more than a couple dozen on average is stupid and silly for more reasons than one.
You don’t need to be an archaeologist or biologist to see that. You only need one man to get a bunch of women pregnant at once. A pre-agricultural tribe could cope with a deficit of men. It’s not ideal, but it’s possible. On the other hand a bunch of men can only get a single woman pregnant every 9 months. Simple biology. I can only assume you’re being so obtuse about this because it offends some kind of sensibility of yours.
best post all thread thank you for this
dear lower life forms
you claim you don't want to be eaten yet you are made of food. curious
- turning point homo
>I don’t think you’re talking to someone that can be reasoned with dude. It’s a fantasy that’s way too appealing to him.
Talk to yourself. You're talking to one of THOSE vegans who is so crushed by how fallacious and clownish his moral position is that he has retreated into delusions about humans not being carnivores
I honestly can’t tell who is saying what in the fuck fest of a thread. People saying shit that’s technically correct one second and then something blatantly wrong in the other. What is this disorder?
>They just can’t do them as well as men
That doesn't mean they don't.
>risking the breeding stock of a pre-agrarian group of people in arduous and often dangerous physical activity at a time when human numbers were already low and probably didn’t exceed more than a couple dozen on average is stupid and silly for more reasons than one.
This is at least a cognizant point. However, it falls apart when you realise that women would have been literally half of the population of a tribe, or clan. Hunting large game when all you have is spears, rocks and big brains is incredibly dangerous and would require every able-bodied person, and that includes women.
>I can only assume you’re being so obtuse about this because it offends some kind of sensibility of yours.
Because this theory goes against physical evidence.
The hunter/gatherer gender split is an interesting theory, but it is entirely unsupported. There is no archaeological evidence of a gender labour divide in stone-age burials, art, and artefacts.

>'Women’s experiences hunting among the Agta of the Philippines are particularly vital for consideration when presented with the arguments forwhy women would not hunt in the Paleolithic: that they need to breastfeed frequently and carry children, and they regularly bleed and smell via men-struation (Lee and Devore, 1968). Agta women and men spend equal amounts of time hunting (Goodman et al., 1985), female hunters with childrensee no negative impact on their hunting success or child mortality, and females hunt while menstruating and carrying nursing infants (Estioko-Griffin, 1985; Goodman et al., 1985). Though we are not seeing this as a widespread practice among recent foragers, it challenges the idea thatfemale reproduction inherently renders them ill-suited for hunting. Some women foragers hunt now and in the recent past, and considering all theevidence presented above, they were almost certainly hunting in the deep past too.'
-Lacy and Ocobock, 2022
>You are a vegetarian because you like the animals
>I am a vegetarian because I fucking hate plants
>We are not the same
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Causing needless pain to innocent animals is an intentional choice. Break the wheel, anon. Choose to be kind to small and defenseless animals.
No cute anime girl, the pain is necessary, it is a cycle that will continue so long as human existence perseveres, it’s an uncomfortable truth, but it is better to face those head on than to shelter yourself from them with wishful lies…

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