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under your porch, and uo your tree, RACOOOON
You have a containment thread for a reason coonfag
good morning, did you enjoy your marshmallows?
hit image limit seethe anti coon pleb
k make sure you stay in it
I had one of these living under my raised apartment. Lots of scratching and growling most nights.
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No more brother wars
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>a group of raccoons is called a gaze
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wonderful skittering chittering critters
>can get rabies vaccine, basically the only risk coons pose, and hang out with them all you want
>can just vaccinate your coons with EDIBLE vaccines
>coonhating catfags are basically doomed to get toxo, no vaccine or medication for it
>coonhating dogtards are basically doomed to get tapeworms, months of gut-destroying antibiotics mandatory, can migrate to brain
heal yea! honestly as long as you are not stupid with them you are in no danger. my local critters are warming up to my presence, I hand fed one early morning! picrel is the critter in question.
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that's a cute critter but if you ever entertain the idea of violating the real life precious critters may woe and suffering befall thee
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The eeper
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sweet little critter
they always look so cozy
Fed a coon and he bit me a little, so I have to go get a rabies shot today.
did he break the skin? probably best to be safe. also pics or it didn't happen.
You deserved it. Idiot.
Critter was just being SILLY
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>mfw racon
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dead thread
/an/ is healing
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not if the Grape grabber has anything to say about it!

mmmmmm..... gape
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How can I convince the raccoons that live in my neighborhood to start a band with me?
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put some food out around instraments, when they interact with them put more food out. repeat untill they play the instruments.
give em PBR and play shitty D-beat cassettes
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sleepy coon
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oh filename anon! how ya been?
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if been fine
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tactical racc deployed
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*inquisitive chittering*
Im GLAD these fucks dont exist in my country
kill yourself
If it drew blood then yeah, I wouldn’t risk rabies, once you develop symptoms you’re fucked so you have to treat it asap.
wrong thread shit
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wonderful critters
/trash/ has been fun the last few days
Go back to furaffinity, tourist.
Same. Count yourself lucky.
Depends on the genre, raccoons usually like ska (not reggae though) or earlier punk.
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*inquisitive scittering*
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I think tanuki are cuter.
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you are wrong
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eepy racc
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They look so dumb when their fangs pop out lmao
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God I wish raccoons were real.
>when you nut but she's still sucking
How come you usually can't tell the gender of a raccoon?
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chittering raccoons,
chittering raccoons
is there any sound sweeter
than chittering raccoons
Rabies dude here.
Getting my third shot of rabies vaccine tomorrow.
First took 5 shots on d one, then another one on day 3, now another one on day 7. :(
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damn that sucks man. how'd you get bit? is the shit permanent? if so, you can now experience the fluffy critters without fear!
Thanks, fren.
Yeah, it's 2 years to life immunity (depends on the person), which is pretty cool.
Little critter bit me when I was feeding him.
wow you must REALLY have the rabies
That’s good to hear but I hope you’ve learned your lesson from this. Wild animals are not pets
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correct, they are friends. critter was probably just startled or smth.
He honestly wasn't being aggressive at all, didn't even run off. I think he just mistook my finger for the weenies I'd fed him.
But I certainly won't be doing it again.
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>correct, they are friends
fuck off
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clearly not your friends anon. bandits have standards.
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One time, a raccoon made eye contact with me from like 100ft away, and walked in a straight line to me, directly in front of my feet. I moved very slowly and gave it a bottled drink I had, so our hands were like only an inch or two apart.
It was at a beach in Florida where they were hyper-socialized, as they constantly interacted with people for food, but it was usually at a twenty foot distance where someone would toss them something.
One of the coolest experiences I've ever had. Would have been spooked if it were a city raccoon back where I live though
Dude you got hypnotized and robbed by a raccoon
T-they can do that? Is it in folklore or something?
majestic critters
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living with a toxoposessed family member is hellish. "you can't invite the raccoons in the house! what if they scratch the cats!" unbelievable.
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>posting raccoon tits
Why would you do this? There could be sweet little kits looking at this thread right now!
>wants to let in wild animals the home
you’re the weirdo
Nigga how do people like you exist?
update! I was bitten at night. didn't break the skin and not at all aggressive just thought my hand was food I think. soaked in achol.. bring more food for raccoons. fed piece of cheese yim yum.
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the oons
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joyous critters
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>be hillbilly
>Innocently feeding some raccoons hot dogs on your front porch
>Call them coons because you were born in the 80's and that's what your type of people call them
>Video gets uploaded to YouTube
>Suddenly you are a racist, but only because your skin is white
>Even though the context is actually talking about raccoons
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I don't like black people
the racc community is taking "coon" bacc!
God you're such a faggot
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Clean that booger off your face faggot
what do you have against the little masked bandits?
Nothing, you just shouldn't type at all.
Coons eat stray cats, don't they?
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Finally a based coon!
Pretty sure they just attack/kill them (and dogs)
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Usually they both just mind their own business. If food isn't scarce and there are no kits involved raccs just pay little mind to cats
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racc gets da pie :D

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