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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their thoughtful thunkings?
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me and grandpa on vacation in 1998
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a grand old time
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I like Pony! <3
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>Go to zoo
>See gorrillas
>See big gorrilla walking in front of glass wall
>it stares at big black obese woman in tight gym clothes
>Sticks its tongue out
>everyone laughs
>This arouses me
>Rush home
>Prepare for major gooning session
>Take 2 cialis
>Look for quality gorrilla/bbw porn online
>Cant find anything decent
>One vid with guy in gorrilla costume
>Not particularly convincing
>Cialis kicking in
>Put on loose training pants
>Wear baggy jacket
>Head back to the zoo
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cool story, bro
but this is a pongo thread
Damn, new thread already? Cool stuff
I really want one as a pet.
Are you 50?
>orange people
They were people...once. Now they are a fabricated caricature formulated to cover up their deaths at the hands of "civilisation" and "progress".
Gorillas have very tiny penises
To (You) what exactly is "Pongo"?
a scholar and a polyglot is what a Pongo is
>We want to bring you an update about our young male orangutan, Jarang, who will be one on June 14th.
>When he was born to first-time mum Jingga, he initially showed positive progress, however, he has since given us cause for concern as he has been developing more slowly than expected. We have been closely monitoring him and have been consulting with experts from across the UK and beyond, including veterinary staff and specialist paediatricians. Extensive investigations have been conducted to determine the cause of this delayed development, all of which have been inconclusive at this stage.
>What we do know is Jarang was born with a bilateral scrotal hernia, which requires surgery and this could be hampering his mobility. Until now, this surgery for his hernia has not been considered viable due to his size and we have been waiting for him to gain enough weight for us to be able to proceed.
>The operation has now been confirmed and will take place soon. As with any medical procedure, this comes with inherent risks, but all the experts we have consulted have advised that the surgery is necessary to give Jarang the best possible chances of becoming more mobile.
>We had noted that Jingga demonstrates some unusual maternal behaviours at times, especially in the way she holds and carries Jarang. After discussions with primate experts, we now believe that Jingga is adapting her mothering to compensate for Jarang’s delayed development and lack of mobility.
>We are committed to continuing to work with the industry’s most respected primate specialists to achieve the best outcome and we will update you as soon as we can.
>Everyone here at Blackpool Zoo is hopeful that Jarang will come through the surgery fighting fit and ready to start exploring his home. We’re sure you’re all rooting for him too
which is pretty damn funny
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the Swiss are inhuman
I got so mad at this. Monkey world offered to take the lad in, too.
Same swiss zoo wanted to feed a baby hippo to the lions because they ran out of space.
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what the hell
the world lost a pongo and Oshine lost the chance of raising another baby?
truly the worst people on earth made that decision
Proof that no human is fit to run a Zoo
> Same swiss zoo wanted to feed a baby hippo to the lions because they ran out of space.
Lol what the fuck
he survived after massive international backlash, but still
>Monkey World sent Silvestre to Basel Zoo after he outgrew the Orangutan creche
guys I hope Oshine's little boy is going to be ok
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sticks is quite tasty
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remember to apply your medicine regularly, friends
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anyone else borderline artistic?
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finally, a new thread
oh poor baby
i hope everything works out. i’m at the edge of my seat here worrying for poor little jarang.
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their haircuts are so freaking silly. it looks like they have bangs or a bowl cut or something.
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today I saw a juvenile pongo try to drench a woman with water
little man didn't even hesitate, just went straight for the button
Did the FBI bust into your house for looking up beastiality on the internet?
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100% based
cheeky chappy know how to have a good laugh
that was exactly where I was
breaking news:
moot weighs in on pongo diplomacy
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What is brother pongo's main task at the monastery today
ensuring today's durian are fit for consumption
>*gags a bit*
>"omg it's perfect"
why are they like this
>In the name of the Durian
Would read desu
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Guys, Is there an easy way to know if one is a beautiful pongo lady or a filthy flangelet?
none that are definitive besides the obvious
just my amatuer noticings: females tend to have fuller bellies, males seem to be top-heavy even pre-flange
god i wanna squish a baby pongo belly so BAD!!!!!!!!!
they look really goofy
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their tummies were designed for tickles
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I've heard their bellies are actually hard, they raen't fat just shaped like that
pongo bongos
the pre-alpha build Pongo
did moot bust into your house and ravage your supple asshole for being an unfunny reddit zoomer faggot?
>nice dubs tho checked
this one looks… powerful… they nerfed it…
>did moot bust into your house and ravage your supple asshole for being an unfunny reddit zoomer faggot?
the chinese wrote of the pongo as far back as 300 BC
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Went to the SD zoo 3 weeks ago and saw this adorable youngster
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he got really sick as a newborn, so I'm really glad the little guy is doing well now
i think that was just your average chinese people back then anon
god, i had a fucking nightmare last night jarang didn’t make it through the surgery. i worry about that little guy so much. any updates on that yet?

also, jingga seems to be more loving in this video. christ i hope everything works out for them. https://youtube.com/shorts/we4ou2oRPlc
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oh hi, friend
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who does it better?
chap on the right looks like he’s about to start singing OOBIE DOOBIE DOOBIE
Seriously? Why are you so concerned about this obviously retarded, even for a animal, ape? You have zero control over its situation or what happens to it. It probably would have died quickly in the wild. Nightmares? Really? Grow up already.
this is what swiss people actually believe
got yourself an oxymoron there, friend
it’s normal to feel sympathy for other animals actually. you’re either extremely autistic or a sociopath if you think otherwise. i acknowledge getting a nightmare over the situation is a bit extreme, but it was one dream out of many. i just remembered it more vividly because of how unorthodox it was.
anyways, this is all to say, you should kill yourself.
I had no idea their teeth looked like… that…
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you got a problem with their gnashers?
they don't have dentists yet
>be at the zoo
>it's hot as balls
>try to get the pongo to squirt me with water
>he swings over to the button and presses it
>the water isn't on
>the little pongo is so disappointed he drops down and dark souls rolls away
should have recorded it kek
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magazines are an underrated form of enrichment desu
his ass is NOT reading that
his ass is SO reading that
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Is that safe
safer than sitting next to the average pavement ape, I'd say
Women would rather be alone in the jungle wiht an orangutan than with a man
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Wouldn't you?
As far as primates go they’re definitely not a bad choice
mountain jews
i bet pongo could be productive members of society if we train them to do work in exchange for food
why would you want to poison them by introducing the concept of labor? kill yourself
but friend
they can't speak
don't be so silly
What’s wrong with labor
everything. i wish i could spend my days eating fruit and chilling in the trees. but some retard had to go and invent “work.”
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Tangs look at porn?
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they already have jobs https://youtu.be/_A4K8ebWEus
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such hard working little fellers
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cute :3
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handsome chap
>Prepare for major gooning session
>Take 2 cialis
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sympathy is fine, having nightmares for a creature whom you have no real connection over is retarded.
it looks like a pile of shit in the thumbnail lmao
having a nightmare involving my favorite animal is the LEAST weird thing i’ve dreamt about recently
What else have you dreamt about recently
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not him but I had a dream last night that I was walking through a market in thailand and there was an orangutan's head for sale behind some glass
people were buying slices of the head like it was meatloaf
the orangutan's baby was trapped in a cage above the display
I was filming the whole thing so I could come back and rescue the baby and get the whole place shut down
but it turned out to just be a shaved baby gibbon wearing an orange toupee
am him, i know it sounds like i’m making this shit up, but i just woke up from a “planet of the apes” style, ape world takeover dream. strangely though it’s always about gorillas and not chimps or orangs.
>Prepare for major gooning session
>Take 2 cialis
You need to stop gooning

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