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New thread to replace the one that reached its post limit.

And which was still going surprisingly strong.

Let's keep showing that we care about them.
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how to tell the difference between a cormorant and a shag?
The names "Cormorant" and "Shag" are more a product of tradition than taxonomy, with no consistent distinction.
Doesn’t shag mean fuck in British? Kinda awkward
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Pied Cormorant, also called Pied Shag.
Phalacrocorax varius
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He's still hungry
Over here i see a lot of cormorants that seem to be unable to fly or walk, they just lay there in the sand doing nothing and let you pick them up. Is that normal?
Wow, I saw a cormorant wrestling with a footlong catfish it was trying to eat for like 2 minutes, I assumed it was too big for him to eat
They could be affected by botulism, or possibly avian influenza.
How are they behaving otherwise? Any physical signs of injury, unusual soiling, "leakages" or other physical irregularities?
You should get video or photos and contact a local wildlife rehab and rescue, if there is one.
Also do not touch or handle.
nasty shitty motherfuckers, only scat fetishists like these birds
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you can't cormorant a shag
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I don't care about cormorants and shags. Not even one bit. Frankly I wouldn't mind if they disappeared.
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It's a very cool and unique type of bird
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Pied Cormorants or Pied Shags.
Phalacrocorax varius.
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must have taken you quite a while to flip and flop onto the keyboard long enough to post this message, finboi
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How do you feel about extinct cormorant?
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I used to live by a river on the Gold Coast in Australian and I loved the cormorants, both the little black ones and the bigger pied ones.
When the pied ones shat is was like someone firing white enamel paint out of a massive syringe. It was great.
Sounds like the case for a lot of birds
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Bloody oath. Whenever you shit you should try to make it a statement piece. I certainly do.
So does the Australian pelican, Pelecanus conspicillatus. Pic related.
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i miss them
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