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Gentlemen, it is time we discuss the neuroethology of common toads through their visual system; as studied by Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Ewert of the University of Kassel, Germany.

In the following videos you will be introduced to the fundamental predator-prey behaviors of the common toad, then you will learn about the underlying neural circuitry responsible for such behavior, and finally you will explore the nuance of the toads' neural networks and the effects of altering specific parts of the network.

In this first part of three, we will cover the toad's basic behavioral responses to prey features.


You may also visit https://joerg-peter-ewert.de/1.html for further reading and full publications on the experiments. Much of the website is in German, however there are a few pages written in English as well. Click the "Toad Video" tab for an annotated version of this study's video.
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Next, we will learn about the neural circuitry activated by prey features through analyzing data recorded from the neurons and displayed on an oscilloscope.

Some of the terms used in the video may be foreign to you. It is recommended that you look up unfamiliar vocabulary, but you should be able to understand the experiments through visual aids alone.

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Finally, we will explore the deeper neural network of the toad's brain, the neuroplasticity of learning, and experimentation on specific neural pathways.


These neural functions of the common toad are the same fundamental systems found within more complex brains. De/g/enerates will also notice similarities between the models of the toad's neural network and those found in A.I.; as the machine learning systems are modeled after the same basic neural networks.
What is the EM threshhold for a neural network creating a warp imprint and developing free will?
Is there such a thing as free will in this context or does our neural programming just become more and more complex until it appears as such? Maybe "free will" is just having enough neural plasticity that operating quick enough to improvise a solution to any given situation.

Do you need to be sapient to have free will or could a lower lifeform with a high operating speed be considered "free"?
When they set their own neural quantum state
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Cool way to start Saturday morning thank you OP.
anti-worm behavior
>In laboratory jargon (...) worm configuration (...) anti-worm configuration
I see, I see
>Clockwork orange for toads
Has science gone too far?
>I lobotomized a toad so it follows my toy train

Jokes aside, this was actually very interesting, thanks
I’d imagine it unpleasant to see any mobile target capable of eliciting a reaction, yet not worm-like enough to induce hunting behavior, as something out to get you
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good thread
It's Monday.
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An honest /an/ thread for once. I enjoyed the watch.
It's Wednesday, actually.
I hope he at least got a modicum of nutrition from that and didn't just puke it up later ffs
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Will always be funny. Such robotic creatures
Nope, Sunday.
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shows you how unbelievable stupid these creatures are
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If only humans could press their eyes onto their velums to force more food down the hatch
Holy shit, that’s why they blink when they swallow?? That’s pretty incredible…
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>Clockwork orange for toads

it all makes sense now...

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